You Have it All Wrong Three - Part 30

You Have It All Wrong Three

By SaraUK


Part 30

Chapter 73

    Cathy had just got off the phone with Chrissy, and was telling Sara that they had caught Callum dressed as Kara in town with another woman, when the doorbell rang.

     “You expecting anyone Saz?” Cathy asked as she looked at her wife cuddled up next to her on the sofa.

     “No, are you?” Sara asked Cathy looking a little worried as to who it might be at the door.

     “No I wasn’t. I better go and see who it is and get rid of them.” Cathy said as she got up and went to answer the door.

     “Put the outside light on, and then look through the spy hole.” Sara directed Cathy from right behind her.

     “I know what to do babe, just relax and go back in the living room if you’re that worried.” Cathy giggled as she turned on the outside light and then looked through the spy hole in the door.

     “I’m stopping right here, just in case you need my help.” Sara said as she readied herself for a rush of people entering the house just as soon as Cathy looked to see who it was.

    Cathy looked and then let a growl escape her lips when she saw it was Callum stood there. “He’s got some nerve coming here after what he’s done.” Cathy grumbled as she unlocked the door and opened it.

     “Who is it Cathy?” Sara asked looking worried to see Cathy opening the front door to whoever it was on the other side.

     “Don’t worry Saz, it’s just Callum.” Cathy said as she opened the door and looked right into Callum’s eyes before speaking to him this time. “You’ve got some nerve showing up here after what you’ve done to Jayden.” Cathy said with her hands on her hips looking angry with Callum.

     “Please just let me explain what happened Cathy. It’s not what it looked like.” Callum pleaded with Cathy as he stood on their doorstep. “I need your help with something, so can I come in and explain it all to you?” Callum asked, hoping that Cathy wasn’t going to slam the door in his face.

     “Why should I do anything to help you Callum?” Cathy grumbled, but didn’t slam the door in his face.

     “I’m not asking you to do anything for me other than pass on two letters. One to Jayden, and the other to Carl, I also need you to give Carl some disks for me as well.” Callum said as he slipped the backpack off his shoulder and held it up for Cathy to see. “If you don’t do this for me Cathy, Jayden and a lot of the girls that go to the club could be in danger.” Callum pleaded.

    Cathy could see the worry on Callum’s face, and part of her brain was telling her to let him in and hear what he had to say. “Okay, come in and explain what’s got you seeing other women behind Jayden’s back.” Cathy said as she stepped aside and let Callum enter the house.

     “Thank you Cathy.” Callum said as he walked past her into the house. “Hi Sara, Sorry if I’ve scared you.” Callum added when he saw a frightened looking Sara stood just behind the front door.

     “I don’t care what you’ve got to say Callum; I’m still going to be on Jayden’s side.” Sara huffed as she walked back into the living room without saying another word.

     “I’m sorry about that Callum, but I can’t say that I’m a big fan either at the minute.” Cathy shrugged as she led Callum into the living room just behind Sara,

     “I’m not asking either of you to take a side. I just need you to make sure Jayden gets this letter and that she sits and reads it.” Callum pleaded as he took the two envelops out the backpack after he took a seat on a sofa facing the two of them. “And I also need you to make sure Carl gets this envelope and also all these disks.” Callum added as he pulled out the stack of disks and placed them on the coffee table next to the envelope addressed to Carl.

    Callum ran his hand across the envelope with Jayden’s name on it and felt the lump that was the locket Becky had given him, or given to Kara nearly four weeks ago. He was returning it due to the engraving inside no longer being true. Callum wasn’t their friend anymore, or would he ever be again after tonight. He was soon snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Cathy talking to him.

     “What’s all this about Callum, and why do you make it sound like we won’t be seeing you again after tonight?” Cathy asked with worry in her voice.

     “Because I don’t think you will be.” Callum sighed. “I’ll be going to the police tomorrow to hand myself in for credit card fraud.” Callum added as he put his head in his hands, glad to be able to finally tell someone about it.

     “Why would you be doing something like that?” Cathy asked, shocked to be hearing what Callum had just come out with.

    Callum took another deep breath, then he started at the beginning and told Cathy and Sara all about Stephen and Deb blackmailing him into helping them, and then how they used the credit card fraud to now force him into servicing male’s for Deb. He told them both that he’d rather take his chance in prison knowing that he’d put a stop to them being able to do the same thing to more girls like Kara further down the line.

    Cathy and Sara were both in too much shock to speak at first, once Callum had finished his story and explained the reason for the disks and the letter for Jayden.

     “I’m going to put the kettle on and make us all a drink.” Sara said as she got up and left the room.

     “Sounds like you could do with something a lot stronger than a cup of tea Callum.” Cathy said as she rubbed her temples, trying to think of some way to get Callum out the mess he was now in.

     “I could use a miracle at this point Cathy.” Callum chuckled, but didn’t look very happy still.

     “Why don’t you give Jayden a call and explain it to her? She’ll understand why you’ve been acting the way you have.” Cathy said.

     “No, it’s better this way. She won’t be as upset to see me go to prison, and she’ll move on with her life.” Callum sighed as he thought about the look on Jayden’s face the last time he saw her today in the shop when Deb and Stephen set him up.

     “But you haven’t done anything really Callum.” Cathy whined. “They blackmailed you into doing it all. That must count for something?” Cathy asked.

     “At this point Cathy, I’ve got no idea what will happen, but I have been breaking the law for the past four weeks helping them, no matter which way you look at it.” Callum shrugged.

     Sara returned to the room with a tray, she placed it on the coffee table and set to work sorting them all out with a cup of tea before she sat down next to Cathy.

     “I’m sorry for what I said earlier Callum. I should have waited to hear your side of the story before speaking out of turn.” Sara said just before sipping her tea.

     “Don’t worry about it Sara. I have been an ass these past four weeks.” Callum said with a thoughtful look on his face. He was thinking about all the fun he’d had with Jayden and the others, and how he was going to miss it all.

    None of them knew what to say to each other, so they just sat and enjoyed the tea for a bit. Callum was just glad to be able to sit and enjoy a drink without worrying about what was in it. Callum did jump thought when he heard the doorbell ring.

     “Crap! Stephen must have followed me after all.” Callum said as he jumped up ready to go and face Stephen. “I’m sorry Cathy, Sara. I never should have come here.”

     “Calm down Callum, that will be Carl.” Sara said in a calm voice as she got up and went to answer the door. “I called him while I was making the drink and gave him a shortened version of what you told Cathy and me.” Sara added just before leaving the room.

     “Is he still here?” Callum heard Carl’s voice coming from the hallway.

     “Hi Carl, I love you too.” Sara said, heavy with sarcasm. “Yes he’s in the living room with Cathy.” Sara added with a giggle.

     “I’m sorry Sara. How are you and Cathy doing anyway?” Carl asked as he followed Sara into the living room with two more men in posh suits following just behind.

     “We’re fine, just having a quiet night sat in front of the telly until Callum turned up.” Sara smiled as she sat down next to Cathy again.

     “For god’s sake Callum, why the hell didn’t you come to me sooner?” Carl asked as he made eye contact with Callum.

     “It all happened so fast, and I couldn’t see as there was anything you could do to help. The only reason I’m involving you at all is because they are going after Jayden and other girls at the club next.” Callum said with fear in his eyes. “I’ve got recordings and all the receipts for the stuff I was forced to buy, as well as lots more details about their operation and where they store all the stuff.” Callum said as he pointed at the disks on the table.

     “Are you telling us that you recorded them blackmailing you, and also talking about all the other things they’ve been up to?” One of the men that had come in with Carl asked with a shocked look on his face.

     “Yes, I’ve got hours of recordings. They talk about going after Jayden, and also blackmailing other girls at the club to help them with the credit card fraud. I’ve even got them talking about turning me into a prostitute and earning money for them.” Callum pointed out. “I’m taking it all to the police tomorrow and turning myself in with it all.” Callum added looking sad about having to do that, but he couldn’t see any other choice.

     “Carl, can you call Dale and get the number for them police officers that were dealing with the credit card fraud at the hotel for me?” The same man asked Carl.

     “It’s that woman’s sister that’s been running the operation.” Callum told them.

     “This just keeps getting better and better.” The man smiled.

     “Just who the hell are you?” Callum finally asked.

     “I’m sorry Callum. These are a couple of my layers. They're also the ones that I’m getting to take over the fraud case at the hotel, and it looks like you’ve just made their day.” Carl grinned when he saw how excited the two men now looked.

     “Made our day Carl? More like made our year. The second man chuckled this time.

     “I’m glad that someone is happy about all this.” Callum said sarcastically.

     “You should be happy Callum, is it?” The first man asked. “Thanks to you the police are about to close down one of its biggest credit card fraud rings it’s ever had.” He added looking proud.

     “I’ll try and remember that while I’m doing my time.” Callum smiled, but still didn’t feel like he meant it.

     “You won’t be doing any time for your part in it Callum.” The second man told him. “They’ll want to give you a medal after all this.” He added.

     “I won’t be going to prison?” Callum asked, looking shocked at the news he’d just been told.

    Callum had been so focused on going to prison, that he had no idea what he would do if he didn’t end up there. He found himself at a loss for what to say next. Callum was glad when Carl walked back into the room and handed the first man that had spoke, a piece of paper with a number and a name on it.

     “Here you go Ted. Dale said that was the officer in charge.” Carl said as he took a seat on the sofa next to Callum while Ted got his mobile out and called the officer.

    Callum’s mind was all over the place now, but it was snapped back to reality when he heard Carl talking to him.

     “Do you want me to call Jayden and tell her the truth about why you were out shopping with that woman today?” Carl asked.

     “No, not yet Carl. I want to be sure I am not going to be in any trouble before I get close to Jayden or any of the others again.” Callum said in a firm voice. “Were you with Jayden when Sara called you? Does she know anything yet?” Callum asked looking worried.

     “Yes I was round at Mandy’s house when Chrissy and the others brought Jayden home.” Carl sighed. “None of them know why I left though. I just said there was some trouble at the hotel I needed to go and sort out.” Carl added when he saw the worried look Callum had.

     “How was she when she got home Carl?” Callum asked, but already having a pretty good idea before he spoke.

     “She was pretty upset about it all Callum. I think that girl had fallen head over heels in love with you and Kara.” Carl smiled. “She did seem a little better as I left though.” Carl chuckled at the memory. “Chrissy and Amy had broken out the big guns.” Carl added with another chuckle.

     “Big guns? What were they doing to her?” Callum asked looking more worried.

     “Chrissy and Amy had come into the living room with four large tubs of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and spoons for them all.

    Callum had to chuckle as he thought about ice cream being good break up food. “Great, so if I can ever convince Jayden to talk to me again. I’ll be getting blamed for them all putting on a few pounds now as well.” Callum said with a roll of his eyes.

     “There will be no if Callum. Jayden will understand why you’ve been acting like you have.” Carl patted Callum on the back as he said it.

    Callum suddenly found himself crying as the shock of everything started to sink in. Carl went to hug him, but Callum backed away from him. A natural reaction after spending the last four weeks on his guard around Deb and Stephen.

    Carl didn’t take offence at it and just got up and let Sara and Cathy take seats either side of him as they both hugged him until he stopped sobbing.

    Callum seemed to be on another planet until he heard the doorbell again, and he jumped. Ted told him to relax; it would be the police officers that Callum had already met at the hotel, when they joined him Jayden and his mum for dinner while they took their statements. Callum wasn’t sure they would recognise him though, as he was dressed as Kara at the time.

    Carl, Ted and the second man that came in with Carl, Adam, took charge and explained everything to the two officers, and Callum was glad they did. He was sick of telling the story. Cathy and Sara helped fill in the bits the others weren’t too sure about, and Callum offered the odd missing bit here and there.

    The one part Callum didn’t miss though was when the officers said that they would say that Callum had agreed to help them and get as much information for them as he could. This would mean they wouldn’t need to bring charges against him.

     “You’re not going to arrest me?” Callum asked, not sure he was hearing it right.

     “No Callum. You only did what you did because you were being blackmailed into doing it. That on its own is a chargeable offence, but you have enough to put them all away for a very long time.” One of the officers said with a smile.

     “Sadly though, we won’t be able to stop people finding out about you’re more feminine side. That will be one of the charges against them, and you will need to testify in court when it goes to trial.” The other officer warned.

     “I will just have to live with that.” Callum said looking happy to just be staying out of jail. “It’s less than I deserve for my part in all this.” Callum added.

    Callum went in his backpack and pulled out all the notes he’d taken and the other copy of the disks he’d burned. He handed them over to the officers and watched as they went through it all.

     “You’ve got just about everything on them here.” The first officer said as he looked at the four locations for the storage units with the unit numbers and then the place that Deb (Donna) worked. Then there were all the receipts in a folder as well.

     “Do they know you have any of this?” The other officer asked as he pointed at the pile of stuff on the other officer’s knee.

     “No, not as far as I know. They were pretty chatty about what they had planned for me today, just before I left.” Callum shrugged. “Stephen did try to follow me, but I lost him before coming here.” Callum added as he looked at Sara and Cathy still sat either side of him.

     “That’s great; we will sort out two teams and arrest the two of them tomorrow morning at their places of work. That should also lift some of the limelight off your secret being leaked by this Stephen Adams.” The first officer said, as he tried to reassure Callum that everything would be okay.

     “You could really take the wind out of his sails Callum.” Carl said with a grin.

     “How could I do that Carl?” Callum asked with a puzzled look, but liking the idea of sticking it to Stephen and Deb.

     “Why not go to work as Kara? They’re going to find out anyway, so take that victory away from them before he has a chance to do it for you.” Carl was grinning as he watched Callum think it over.

     “I like the sound of that Carl, but I’d like to see both of them being arrested if that were at all possible?” Callum asked with a smile on his face. He was already picturing them both being taken away from their place of work in handcuffs by uniformed police officers while everyone looked at them.

     “I can’t see why not Callum.” The first officer grinned. “It would be best to arrest this Deb or Donna first then. We don’t want to risk this Stephen calling her and tipping her off that you’re up to something and giving her the chance to make a run for it.” The officer added as he thought out the plan in his head.

     “Okay, I’ll do it. Kara will be going to work tomorrow. It will be her first and last day at work, but she’ll be going.” Callum sighed. “Cathy? Can I...” Was all Callum got to say before Cathy spoke.

     “What time do you want me to come and do your makeover?” Cathy grinned.

    Callum chuckled at just how well Cathy knew him. He was just about to ask her if she would help him become Kara for her big coming out part. “Thanks Cathy. I better come to you at the hotel, just in case Stephen is following me still in the morning.” Callum warned her. “Hopefully he will just think I’m trying to grovel to Jayden.” Callum added with some pain when he said her name out loud.

     “You won’t have to worry about bumping into Jayden tomorrow; she’ll be at college until lunchtime.” Carl informed them.

     “I don’t want Chrissy or any of them finding out about any of this until they’ve both been arrested.” Callum warned them all.

     “You don’t need to worry about that Callum; none of us have a reason to see any of them until after this is done tomorrow.” Carl pointed out.

    Carl sorted out the final details with the two officers and his lawyers before letting Callum make his way home. Cathy was going to meet him at the hotel first thing in the morning, so they could make Kara look her best for the big day she would have ahead of her.

    Callum got in his car and then drove back to his place. He wasn’t shocked to see Stephen get out the van he used when they hit the electrical stores, when Callum parked outside his house.

     “Where the hell have you been?” Stephen asked in an angry whisper, as it was nearly midnight.

     “I’ve just been driving around trying to think of some way out of this mess I’ve got myself in.” Callum said looking disheartened that he hadn’t. Well that’s how he wanted it to look to Stephen.

     “I thought you were making a run for it.” Stephen chuckled as he got his phone out and made a call. “Hi Do... Deb. Yes he came back just like you said he would. Yes, said he was just driving around thinking about the shit he’s in.” Stephen chuckled some more at something Deb must have added to what he just said. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow night at your place.” He grinned at Callum as he said it, but Callum knew that he was answering Deb when he spoke.

     “Do you mind if I go in now and get some sleep?” Callum asked. “I do have a big day tomorrow, unless you’ve forgotten?” Callum added with sarcasm.

     “Deb wants me to stop the night to make sure you don’t get cold feet again, and get some foolish idea about making a run for it.” Stephen grinned at the thought of putting Callum under house arrest.

     “Fine, but you’re sleeping in your van.” Callum said as he turned and walked towards the house, but reached into his pocket and grabbed the can of pepper spray one of the officers had given him, just in case of something like this.

    Callum heard Stephen take a couple of steps in his direction, but then he stopped when he heard a couple of men walking down the road talking to each other with drunken sounding voices. Callum looked over his shoulder to see where Stephen was, and where the two men were. Callum smiled when he saw that it was the two officers pretending to be a couple of drunken men.

    They had stopped Stephen long enough, so Callum had time to get in the house and close, then dead bolt the door. Callum then ran up to his front bedroom window and sat watching Stephen sat in his van for an hour before he must have got bored. Callum watched him start the van and then drive away.

    Callum sat there for another fifteen minutes before jumping when his mobile started ringing. “Hello?” Callum asked when he didn’t know the number that came up on it. “Hello Callum, this is Officer Lamb. I just wanted to let you know that Stephen has returned to his home address and we have a car watching his house, so you’re safe to get some sleep.” Officer Lamb was one of the officers that he’d spoke to at Sara and Cathy’s house earlier tonight, and then he’d also been one of the men distracting Stephen long enough for him to get into his house,

     “Thank you for the call and for the help earlier.” Callum said sounding grateful.

     “My pleasure Callum, glad I was able to help. Now get some sleep if you can, and we’ll be keeping an eye on everything for you.” Officer Lamb said before ending the call.

    Callum got ready for bed and was shocked that he was soon falling asleep.


    Jayden was just making herself a drinking chocolate when she saw the kitchen door open and Becky waddle in.

     “Hi Becky, everything alright?” Jayden asked as she watched Becky waddle over to the table after grabbing a bag of cookies out the cupboard on her way over.

     “I’m fine, but I was about ready to kill for a cookie.” Becky giggled.

    Jayden had to giggle as well. Becky did nothing but eat cookies at the minute. She’d even ate a whole tube of cookie dough ice cream earlier in the night when they were all helping her get over Callum, and the fact she’d found out he was dating another woman.

    Do you want to share a drinking chocolate with me?” Jayden asked.

     “Only if you don’t mind?” Becky smiled as she bit into a cookie.

     “No, not at all. I’m glad of the company.” Jayden smiled.

     “You’ll get over him one day Jayden.” Becky sighed “I think he’s an idiot for letting you get away.” Becky added with a frown.

     “Thanks Becky.” Jayden smiled again. “I just keep getting this weird feeling that something was wrong when we saw Kara in that shop. She didn’t look happy like she normally does, or did.” Jayden corrected herself.

     “What do you expect Jayden? She was just caught cheating on you.” Becky laughed, but it wasn’t a funny sounding laugh.

     “It wasn’t that Becky, I just get this feeling there was more going on than we could see.” Jayden said with a pained look, she couldn’t put the way she felt into words, but she just had a feeling that Kara was in trouble when they saw her. Jayden took an instant dislike to the woman that was holding Kara’s arm as well, but that might have just been her jealous streak showing.

     “The only way you will ever know, would be to call him and arrange a meeting so you can talk about it.” Becky shrugged as she watched Jayden bring the two half mugs of drinking chocolate over to the table.

     “I won’t be ready to talk to Callum or Kara for some time to come Becky. I’d just want to hit him if I saw him now.” She added with a giggle.

     “Sounds like a plan to me.” Becky giggled. “Cookie?” Becky asked as she held the packet up for Jayden to take one.

     “Don’t mind if I do.” Jayden grinned as she reached into the packet and pulled out a cookie then bit into it.

    They both sat enjoying the cookies and the drinking chocolate for a bit with the only sound being the crunching of them eating, Then Jayden asked Becky a question about Chrissy.

     “Was Chrissy alright when you went to bed? She seemed a little quiet just before she went up.” Jayden asked looking worried.

     “She was okay after she spent ten minutes beating up her pillow.” Becky giggled. “She said she was just plumping it up, but it looked more like she was just punching it to me.” Becky added with more giggles.

     “Why was she so upset about it all?” Jayden asked with a puzzled look.

     “Chrissy thinks she might have been wrong to push the two of you together like she did. Chrissy thinks she made a mistake.”

     “She didn’t do anything wrong Becky. The final say on whether Callum and I went out was down to me and him, not Chrissy.” Jayden said with hurt in her voice.

     “I know that, you know that, but you try telling Chrissy that.” Becky said with a roll of her eyes.

     “Do you have collage tomorrow?” Becky asked, trying to change the subject.

     “Yes thank god.” Jayden grinned. “I’m not ready to face Callum’s mum when she comes to the hotel to see Dale. Way to much love around them two when they start.” Jayden added as she pretended to put two fingers down her throat as though she planned to make herself sick.

     “So you’re a fully paid up first class member of the, we hate love fan club then?” Becky asked with a pout.

     “Yep, and proud of it.” Jayden said puffing her chest out with pride. “I thought I was hoping for too much when we hit it off so well to start with.” Jayden sighed.

     “So you thought it was going to fail at some point anyway?” Becky asked.

     “I’ve got a lot to learn if I’m ever going to help Carl run his companies, and trying to have a relationship at the same time was always going to be tricky.” Jayden said.

     “Do you really believe that?” Becky asked, not buying any of what Jayden had just said.

     “Not really, but it’s the only way I can deal with the pain I’m feeling Becky.” Jayden said as she started crying again. “I want to hate him so much for what he’s done to me, but I still love him more than I hate him.” Jayden added as Becky pulled her into a hug.

     “I know what you mean Jayden, but all I can say is it will get better with time.” Becky soothed as she stroked the back of Jayden’s head while she sobbed on her shoulder.

    Once Jayden stopped crying, they sorted out the cups and left them to drain over night, and they made their way back up to bed. Jayden gave Becky a hug at her bedroom door before walking down to her own room and the empty bed that waited for her once she stepped inside. Jayden climbed into bed and then pulled the pillow down off the other side of the bed and cuddled it while she fell to sleep.

    Becky climbed into bed and was pulled into a hug with Chrissy as she realised that her lover was back. Becky fell asleep happy that Chrissy was still able to sleep after all the excitement they had had. And all the ice cream they ate tonight.


Chapter 74

    Callum woke when his alarm went off. He lay in bed just looking up at the ceiling as he tried to work out how he would be feeling this time tomorrow when he wouldn’t be getting up and getting ready for work. He was soon getting out of bed and having a wash and a shave before getting dressed and heading out the door with Kara packed into a bag.

    Kara didn’t really own any office wear, so she hoped she’d look alright in the dress Callum had picked out before he left to head over to the hotel so Cathy could go to town on him, and make her look amazing.

    Callum looked up and down the street to make sure Stephen wasn’t sat waiting for him, when he couldn’t see him anywhere; Callum got in his car and set off towards the hotel.

    Carl had given Callum a car park pass, so he could park in there out of the public’s sight. He parked his car and then grabbed his bag before making his way into the hotel and up to the changing service where Cathy would be waiting for him.

    Cathy, Carl and Officer Lamb were all stood waiting for Callum when he entered the room. He put the bag down on a table and then started to remove all the items Cathy would need before he said a word to any of them.

     “You ready to do this Callum?” Carl asked when he saw that Callum wasn’t going to speak first.

     “I’m not sure ready in the word I’d use Carl.” Callum said with a worried look on his face as he carried on removing items from his bag.

     “You won’t need any of that stuff today Callum.” Carl said as he put a hand on Callum’s to stop him removing things from the bag. “I’ve told Cathy to provide everything you need from the skin out, and Sara has proved you with a power suit to wear.” Carl added with a grin.

     “A power suit?” Callum asked with shock written across his face, as he thought of Kara dressed like some super hero.

     “Not that sort of power suit silly.” Carl chuckled when he saw the look Callum gave him. “A woman’s business suit. To make you look all powerful when you bring down the bad guys.” Carl added with a grin.

     “Oh, right.” Callum said with a hint of disappointment on his face. “That would have been cool though.” Callum added with a nervous giggle.

     “I’m sure what you’re about to do will be cool enough Callum. Now get over there and let Cathy get to work on you.” Carl said as he pointed towards Cathy.

    Callum made his way over and did his normal routine when he came here. Cathy handed him a flesh coloured gaff and sent him to get undressed.

     “I hope you don’t mind me hanging around to watch?” Officer Lamb asked. “I’m curious to see what you go through to look like you did that night up in the restaurant.” He added.

     “I don’t mind, but there’s not much to get excited about.” Callum shrugged as he walked into the changing room and got undressed.

    Officer Lamb sat down and watched as Cathy worked her magic on Callum. She used the cream to slow his body and facial hair growth then she set to work on applying the breast forms and hiding the edges, then she added a wig of long blond hair.

     “Why blond hair Cathy?” Callum asked.

     “They want you to look different when you enter the shop where this bitch Donna works.” Cathy said the last bit with real anger in her voice.

     “They want me to go into the shop?” Callum asked in a shocked voice.

     “Yes, we’ve probably already made the appointment by now.” Officer Lamb said as he looked at his watch. “We’re hoping that Cathy can make you look different enough that Donna won’t recognise you until it’s too late. Not that she’s got any chance of escaping us.” He added with a grin.

    Callum got the impression that Officer Lamb was hoping she would try. He was soon distracted again though when Cathy started plucking his eyebrow hairs into a better shape for her to work with.

    Carl and Officer Lamb sat and watched Callum disappear and Kara appear in his place. Carl also noticed that Officer Lamb kept moving in his seat. Carl had a feeling that Officer Lamb wasn’t new to this sort of thing, but now wasn’t the time to try and get a new client for the changing service.

    Cathy soon announced that Kara was done, and she just needed to get her dressed. Callum, now looking like Kara tried to look in a mirror, but she had only just realised that Cathy had covered them all. So she would have to leave seeing what she looked like until Cathy was ready to let her look.

    Kara was dragged to a private room that had no mirrors in it, so Cathy could help get her dressed. Kara saw the suit hanging on the wall and fell in love with the way it looked. It was dark grey and had a skirt and a top like a man’s business suit would, but it was more cut in at the waist to give a more feminine shape to the woman wearing it. Next to the skirt and jacket hung a silver silk blouse that looked so soft Kara found herself walking over to feel it. She wasn’t disappointed, it felt softer than anything she’d ever felt next to her skin before.

     “I need you to put all this on before we get to that point Kara.” Cathy giggled when she saw the look on Kara’s face as she touched the blouse.

    Kara turned and saw that Cathy had bra, panties, stockings and suspender belt sat on a table ready for Kara to put on. Kara walked over and set to work getting dressed, but she looked a little puzzled after she slipped on the blouse, when instead of getting the skirt, Cathy picked up a box and placed it on the table in front of Kara.

     “We need to get you in this next, or the skirt and jacket will never fit.” Cathy said as she lifted the lid off the box to reveal a silver corset that matched the colour of the blouse perfectly.

    Kara let out a groan as she lifted her arms and let Cathy wrap the corset around her waist and started pulling in the laces at the back. Cathy finally stopped and said she was all done, just short of Kara passing out from lack of breath.

     “Does it have to be so tight?” Kara gasped.

     “Yes it does. Just take small breaths until you get used to it.” Cathy said as she grabbed the skirt off the hanger and helped Kara step into it. Then Cathy got the jacket down and helped her slip that on to complete the look.

     “I think we’re still missing a piece Cathy.” Kara pointed out as she looked down at her toes in the barely black stockings she was now wearing.

    Cathy looked down with a puzzled look until she herself realised what Kara was getting at. “Shoes!” She shouted, just before she ran over to another box that had been with the corset box.

    Kara watched as Cathy lifted the lid off the box and removed a pair of silver stiletto heeled pumps for her to wear. Kara fell in love with the shoes right away, she thought they looked expensive, but they definitely felt expensive as Cathy bent down and slipped them onto Kara’s feet for her. Kara wasn’t able to bend that far due to the corset being so tight.

    Cathy stepped back to take a look at the finished masterpiece. “Are you ready to see the new Business Kara?” Cathy asked it like she was talking about a new range of dolls coming out. “Hold on, I just need to add one more little detail.” Cathy said as she picked up a pair of ladies glasses off the table and popped them on Kara’s nose.

     “I can still see okay through them.” Kara said as she looked around and blinked a couple of times.

     “There just for show Kara, no special lenses in them.” Cathy smiled “So now are you ready to see the all new Business Kara?” Cathy giggled.

     “I guess so, but how different can a possibly look to how I normally look when I’m dressed?” Kara asked, using her female voice now.

     “Follow me and you’ll find out.” Cathy grinned as she took Kara by the hand and led her out the private room and back to where Carl and Officer Lamb were still sat talking about the operation they were about to carry out.

    Kara thought she must have looked different in some way because both Carl and Officer Lamb stopped talking to look at her.

     “Wow, you look amazing Callum.” Officer Lamb said as he just kept looking at Kara.

     “The names Kara when I’m dressed like this remember?” Kara giggled.

    Officer Lamb shook his head to try and get it working again. “Sorry about that Kara. I just didn’t expect you to look so different.” He said as he waved his hand up and down while pointing it in Kara’s direction.

     “I can’t comment, as Cathy hasn’t let me see what I look like yet.” Kara frowned as she looked at Cathy to fix that little oversight.

     “Okay, okay.” Cathy said as she walked over to remove the sheets covering the floor length mirrors over in the viewing area of the changing service main room. “She’s only just put the suit on, and already she’s acting the part.” Cathy giggled as she started pulling the covers off each mirror.

    Kara found herself looking at a blond bomb shell in a business suit. It took her a couple of seconds to realise that it was her she was looking at. Kara lifted her left hand, and the woman fitted her right, and vice versa. She couldn’t believe what Cathy had managed to do.

     “I look so different Cathy. I don’t even recognise myself.” Kara said as she got closer to the mirror to look at the hair and makeup a little more closely. Her blond wig was longer, but Cathy had done it up into a form of tight bun on the back of her head, just like she’d seen a lot of women do at the office. It looked sexy, but practical for keeping it out the way while working at a desk.

    The real eye catching thing though was the makeup job Cathy had done. She’d used makeup to change the shape of her face by shading in just the right places to make her cheek bones stand out more and then alter the shape of her nose with a little shading in just the right place. Kara really did look like a different person right now. Add to that the cut and design of the suit Sara had given her to wear, and you had a powerful looking woman ready for a day at the office.

     “Do you like it Kara?” Cathy asked with a grin as she watched Kara taking in all the details of the makeup, and then checking out how she looked in the suit with her new tiny waist.

    Kara looked at Cathy and shook her head from side to side, but she was grinning as she did it.

     “Do you love it?” Cathy asked with a bigger grin on her face when she saw Kara start to nod this time. Cathy let out a squeal as she ran over to Kara and started hugging her.

    Kara giggled as she let Cathy hug her. She also felt a little sad that this could be one of the last times she gets to feel like this. Having friends to care for her, or for her to worry about. Kara wasn’t even sure if Callum would be able to stay in London long after today. What little money Callum had saved up wouldn’t last long in this city.

     “We better see about getting off Kara, or you’ll be late for your nail appointment.” Officer Lamb said as he looked at his watch.

     “Okay Officer... Do you have a first name I can use?” Kara asked. “I feel silly keep calling you Officer Lamb all the time.” Kara said with some frustration in her voice.

     “Yes it’s John.” He chuckled. “And the other one you met last night was my partner Richard Bell.” John added with a smile.

     “Well it’s nice to meet you John, and I want to thank you for helping me get out of all this mess I’m in.” Kara smiled as she went to follow him out the room.

     “Kara? Can I just have a couple more minutes of your time before you leave?” Cathy asked looking worried for what she was about to do.

     “Sure, but we better make it fast.” Kara said with a nervous look over her shoulder at John as he looked at his watch.

     “I just wanted to wish you luck, and also ask you what you wanted me to do with this?” Cathy asked as she pulled the envelope addressed to Jayden out her purse.

     “I want you to still give it to Jayden when you next see her. Kara said with a sigh.

     “But I thought if all went well this morning, you would be able to explain it all to her and there would be no need for this letter.” Cathy said.

     “Cathy I’ve lied to her, done horrible things behind her back all to save my own miserable life. I’m not even sure she’s not doing the right thing breaking up with me.” Kara said as she ran her finger across the lump where the locket bulged out the corner of the envelope.

     “Don’t you think Jayden should be the judge of all that Kara?” Cathy asked with a little anger in her voice.

     “However this all turns out today, I won’t be around for long after anyway. I’ll be out of a job, and looking to move someplace where I can start again.” Kara said just before turning to leave the room with John.

    Cathy went to argue with her, but couldn’t really say anything that would make any sense, so she just stood and watched Kara leave the room as her heels made a clicking sound as they moved away, getting quieter and quieter until she couldn’t hear them anymore.


    Kara was sat in the back of a large black Mercedes that had just pulled up outside the salon where Deb (Donna) worked. Carl had let John use one of the hotel cars to make Kara look the part of a business woman being dropped off to get her nails done. John was playing the part of a bodyguard and his partner Richard was playing the driver. He’d already told Kara that this is by far the coolest undercover sting he’d ever been on, and had even asked if she planned any more in the future and if he could help on them as well. Kara thought that he was just trying to help her relax a little.

     “Can you see her in the shop Kara?” John asked as he helped her get out of the car.

     “Yes, she’s serving behind the counter.” Kara said as she looked into the shop and saw Deb (Donna) just taking a woman’s payment by credit card. Kara wondered if that’s how she kept getting the card details.

     “Right I need you to go in and give them the name Miss Lamb and then enjoy getting your nails done and wait for the show to begin.” John smiled as he stepped over and opened the door for her to enter the shop.

    Kara walked into the shop looking like a powerful business woman. That wasn’t hard with John looking like a bodyguard stood just outside. Kara walked over to the reception desk and gave the name John just told her to give. Kara looked in the mirror behind the woman she’d just spoke to and saw that Deb (Donna) was eyeing her up and down like a nice juicy target who’d be missing some money from her bank account very soon.

    “So she does use the salon as a cover for ripping off people’s credit card details.” Kara thought to herself.

     “Please follow me miss.” A woman said as she led Kara up to a work station so she could start work on her nails.

    Kara went for something simple, she just had some false nails glued on that added a little length to them and then she had them painted a similar colour to her lips, which was a subtle shade of red. Kara sat watching Deb (Donna) as she took peoples payments for things they’d had done, and she started to notice a pattern to how she ripped people off. She would bend down every now and then before handing the person their card back. Kara knew that Deb (Donna) had some sort of card scanner on her, or under the counter some place. She wondered if John and Richard were also watching from outside? She was very subtle as she did it, but if you know what to look for, you could spot it.

     “May we help you with anything else today Miss?” The girl asked as she finished working on Kara’s nails.

     “No thank you. You’ve done such a beautiful job.” Kara said as she looked at her new nails.

    John and Richard were now stood just outside the shop waiting for Kara to approach the counter and for Deb (Donna) to work out who she was.

     “Thank you Miss. Please make your way over to the counter and Donna will sort out your bill and take the payment from you.” The girl smiled as she helped Kara get up and then handed her purse over to her.

    Kara saw Richard talk into a radio, and just as Kara got to the counter they walked into the shop as a police van pulled up outside with another police car behind that. Kara smiled when she saw the look of fear and worry spread across Donna’s face.

     “Can you confirm that this is the woman that has been blackmailing you for the last four weeks and forcing you to obtain goods using stolen credit cards?” John asked as he first looked at Kara, and then looked at Deb. (Donna).

     “Yes, this is the same woman.” Kara smiled.

     “You? You bitch! Donna shouted as she lunged over the counter trying to scratch Kara’s face off, but failing to make contact with her. Donna just fell over the counter and ended up in a heap on the floor in front of the counter while a shop full of people looked on in amusement.

     “Donna Sampson I’m arresting you on the charge of Blackmail, credit card fraud, prostitution and assault.” John smiled as he stepped forward and picked Donna up off the floor so Richard could put the handcuffs on her.

     “Assault?” Kara asked with a puzzled look as she watched to large uniformed officers enter the shop and almost carry Donna out to the waiting van. They then put her in the back of the van before getting back in themselves and driving her to the police station.

     “Yes, she just tried to assault you. I’ll be taking statements from everyone to state that as well.” John smiled.

     “I was hoping for more of a fight from her.” Kara sighed. Finding the whole thing very anti-climactic in the end, but she did have a nice set of nails to look at.

     “So was I, but at least we’ve got her in custody now, thanks to you and all your hard work Kara.” John praised her. “I just need to have a quick word with the owner of the shop, and then we can go and arrest the other part of this team.” John added just before he walked off to calm down a woman that seemed to be trying to stop the police from taking Donna away.

    The woman soon calmed down and was glad to see the back of her when John told her what she’d been doing while working there. The woman had no idea Donna could do anything like that. “She always seemed so nice.” The owner had said.

     “No, she was just a very good actor.” Kara huffed as she watched Donna being taken away.

    They were soon back in the Mercedes and driving towards Callum’s place of work. Kara was feeling more nervous about this part of the operation. The end of her job, or Callum’s job.

     “Do you think they’ll miss this car if I forget to give it back?” Richard asked John as he sat in the passenger seat next to him in the front of the car.

     “Probably not, but you’re still going to give it back when we’ve done with it.” John chuckled, already knowing that his partner was just joking.

Richard parked the car and then got out before helping Kara to get out. Then he and John fell in on either side of Kara as she made her way up to the floor she or Callum worked on. No one had worked out who the woman with the two bodyguards was as she made her way down the hallway to the boss’s office.

    Kara stopped at a woman’s desk just outside a large double set of doors. “Hello Julie, I was wondering if I could just have a quick word with your boss?” Kara asked in her best feminine voice.

     “Who may I say wants to talk to him?” The woman asked as she looked Kara up and down.

     “I’d rather not say at the minute, but it does involve the police and actions being taken against people that work here.” Kara said in a flat tone. “So I would rather not say too much until I’ve spoke to your boss.” Kara added in a whisper, like she was telling Julie a secret fact about someone she knew.

    Kara wanted to laugh when she saw the worried look on Julie’s face. “Why did everyone always look guilty when you mentioned the police coming to arrest someone?” Kara thought to herself as she watched Julie pick up the phone and call through to her boss.

     “Hello Mr Rowell, sorry to bother you, but I have a young lady out here from the police. She needs to have a word with you right away.” Julie said down the phone. “Okay, yes sir, right away.” She quickly added as she got up from her desk as she put the phone down. “Please follow me.” Julie ran over to the big double doors and opened them to let Kara, John and Richard enter the office Callum’s boss used.

    Julie quickly vanished again once they had all entered. Callum’s boss was sat behind a large desk looking right at them with the same worried look Julie had just had.

     “Please take a seat and let me know how I can help the police on this fine morning?” Mr Rowell asked as he sat eyeing up Kara from top to bottom just before she took a seat.

     “We’re sorry to bother you sir, but we’re here to arrest a member of your work force.” John said as he remained standing while Richard took a seat next to Kara.

     “Arrest them? Whatever for?” Mr Rowell asked looking a little shocked.

     “They’ve been blackmailing another member of your work force, as well as being part of a credit card fraud ring. They were also about to enter a much more provocative market, but we’re putting a stop to that before it even gets started.”John said as he looked Mr Rowell in the eyes.

     “Who’s the one being blackmailed, and what are they being blackmailed for?” Mr Rowell asked.

     “I’m the one being blackmailed sir.” Kara said looking worried as to how he would react when he found out that Kara was really Callum.

     “You? But I don’t remember you ever working for me?” Mr Rowell said looking puzzled.

     “I don’t normally look like this sir.” Kara said as she waved a hand up and down her body.

     “What is your name then Miss? Maybe that will jog my memory.” Mr Rowell asked.

     “Callum, Callum Baldwin, sir.” Kara said, only just managing to keep her voice sounding female.

     “What? But you’re a m... Why do you look like that?” Mr Rowell asked looking a little flustered now.

     “I sometimes like to dress like this to relax after a hard day at work, but someone found out about it and they’ve been blackmailing me into helping them commit crimes by stealing things using cloned credit cards.” Kara said still using her female voice.

     “You go out dressed like this?” Mr Rowell asked, not yet past the whole Callum dressed like a girl thing yet.

    Kara could tell that this was going to be the issue with him, just by the look on his face right now. Mr Rowell hadn’t even bothered to ask any more details about the blackmail claim.

     “Yes I go out dressed like this, unless I’m going to a club, then I wear something more suited for a night out dancing.” Kara said, not bothered about trying to keep her job, or Callum’s job any more.

    Mr Rowell now looking like a fish out of water as he flapped around with his mouth opening and closing, but nothing was coming out. He finally got some control back and said what was on his mind.

     “I’m sorry Callum, or whatever name you use, but I’m going to have to ask for your notice. I can’t have people like you working here.” He said in a firm voice.

     “People like who?” John asked looking a little angry that this man hadn’t even asked one question about the one doing the blackmailing.

     “People who break the law.” Mr Rowell said, as he tried to cover up his reason for firing Callum because he likes to dress as a girl and call himself Kara.

     “I find that a little hard to believe Mr Rowell, because you haven’t asked one question about the person we came to arrest.” John pointed out.

     “I thought this was the person you’d come to arrest.” Mr Rowell said as he pointed at Kara with disgust on his face.

     “Miss Baldwin is the victim in this crime, and the only reason she ended up in the middle of this credit card fraud was because another member of your company Blackmailed her!” John said the last part like he was talking to a complete idiot that struggled to understand English.

     “Don’t bother wasting your time John. He’d made his mind up the minute he found out who I was.” Kara said as she rose to her feet and straightened out her skirt. “I bet if you weren’t about to arrest Stephen, this prick would give him a pay rise.” Kara added as she pulled out an envelope and dropped it on the table. “Do you want me to work my two weeks’ notice?” Kara asked.

     “No, just leave now. I’ll make sure you still get the two weeks money, and any holiday pay you have coming to you.” Mr Rowell said as he looked at the door for them to leave.

     “I’ll take you to Stephen’s office.” Kara said as she left the room.

    John and Richard followed Kara out the room, but Richard couldn’t resist calling the man an asshole as he left the room. They followed Kara down the hallway and then she stopped at an office that said ‘Stephen Adams’ on the door. Kara opened the door, not bothering to knock first. Stephen was sat behind his desk tapping away on his computer. He soon gave Kara his full attention when he saw her stood in the doorway.

     “Hello Miss. What can I do for you?” He asked as he looked her up and down.

     “Resist arrest? Please.” Kara whined.

     “Why would I want to resist yo...” Was all Stephen got out before he realised who the woman was stood in the doorway. “Callum?! What the fuck are you doing dressed like that?” Stephen screamed as he jumped up and lunged at Kara.

    John and Richard were ready for this and they pulled Kara out the way and let Stephen’s weight carry him forward out of his office and onto the floor where Richard dropped down on top of him while John got a set of handcuffs out. They soon had him cuffed and back on his feet.

     “Stephen Adams, you are under arrest for Blackmail, Credit card fraud, Prostitution, and assault.” Richard said this time.

    Most the office had gathered around the area where Stephen had just been arrested, so they could all hear what was being said, but they all kept looking at Kara as they tried to work out who she was. That all became clear when Stephen started shouting.

     “Callum! Tell them it was just a joke! I wasn’t really going to do anything to you!” Stephen shouted.

    Everyone gasped when they heard Stephen call the woman Callum, then they all started looking more closely at her. Then there were even more gasps and then frantic chatter as everyone started talking to the person next to them.

     “You lying bastard!” Kara screamed as she walked into Stephen’s office and pulled out the pile of photos he had in his briefcase, ready to start leaving around the office just as soon as Callum turned up to work.

     “You’ve just screwed yourself Callum. You used all those credit cards, so they will have to arrest you as well.” Stephen said looking a little smug with himself now.

     “No they won’t Stephen baby.” Kara said in a sweet sounding female voice that the whole office heard her use. “You see I made recordings of you and Donna forcing me to do every single thing, and I even got the two of you on tape planning to drug me and then force me to become a prostitute while you and that bitch Donna made money from it.”

     “You little tranny bitch! I’m going to fucking kill you!” Stephen said as he tried to attack Kara, even though he had his hands cuffed behind his back and John and Richard were both holding him.

     “Looks like we can add attempted murder to his list of charges.” Richard said with a grin.

     “I hope you make someone a beautiful wife in prison Stephen. Who’ll be the bitch then?” Kara asked with a giggle. “Oh, one more thing Stephen. I’ve already watched them arrest Donna, and just a little pointer for you. The next time you try to blackmail someone, make sure you really are a lot smarter than they are.” Kara added.

    John had called down to the police van, and a couple of officers turned up to take Stephen away. He was crying like a baby as the officers took him past all the other people that worked in their office.

    Kara made her way down to her office and cleared out her desk before she followed John and Richard back out into the main part of the office. Everyone looked at her like she was an alien or something much worse. People she thought were friends wouldn’t even look her in the eyes now.

     “You’d think I’d been the one to do all the things you just arrested Stephen for, with the way they were all looking at me.” Kara sighed as they travelled back down to the street in the elevator.

     “I’m sure you could push for unfair dismissal if you wanted to. John and I would vouch for you if you did.” Richard said.

     “Thanks, but they would just tie it up in court until I ran out of money, so there’s not much point.” Kara shrugged. “I knew what would happen when they found out about me; I’m surprised I got away with it this long to tell you the truth.” Kara giggled.

    John and Richard returned the Mercedes to the hotel and picked up their own car before driving Kara to the police station to get a statement from her about everything that had happened to both Callum and Kara while she was forced to help Stephen and Donna.

    Stephen and Donna tried to say that Callum was the ring leader to start with, then that changed to him being part of the gang, but they finally gave up when they heard their own voices plotting Callum and Kara’s downfall from grace.

    Kara got the all clear from the higher ups in the police force; she even got thanked for all her help in bringing these three to justice for their crimes. Stephen had ratted out Donna’s sister, trying to get them to go easier on him. It turned out that Donna’s sister was called Debra.

    John and Richard drove Kara back to the hotel, so she could grab her things from Cathy and then get her car before heading home to get changed and take a long soak in the bath.

     “What do you plan to do now then Kara?” John asked as they drove.

     “I’m not too sure. Probably move away and make a fresh start someplace else.” Kara said with a sigh as she looked out the car window.

     “Here’s my card with all my phone numbers on. Feel free to call me if you ever need to talk about anything.” John said as he handed Kara a business card.

     “Thanks John and you too Richard. I know it must have been hard for the two of you putting up with me today.” Kara said as she waved her hand up and down her body to indicate how she was dressed.

     “I’ve never judged anyone on how they were dressed Kara. You’re a good person, that’s all that counts in my book.” Richard said as he drove the car.

     “The same goes for me Kara. I hope you’re not planning on leaving any time soon though, you’ll need to hang around until after the trial.” John pointed out.

    Kara was sick of talking about all that stuff so she just nodded that she understood that, and then she went back to looking out the window until they were back at the hotel. They offered to walk her to see Cathy and then to her car, but she said she’d be fine and left them sat in their car as she made her way into the hotel. Kara saw Jayden talking to a couple of guests over at reception so she made her way quickly through the lobby and went to find Cathy so she could get her things and go before she upset Jayden any more than she already had. Kara wondered if Cathy had given her the letter yet, or if she was waiting for a better time to hand it over. Not that there ever would be a good time to give Jayden that letter.


    Jayden walked into the hotel after spending the morning at college to find Dale stood waiting for her at the reception desk.

     “Hi Dale, everything okay?” She asked as she walked over to him.

     “Hello Jayden. I heard about the trouble between you and Callum. Can I do anything to help?” Dale asked as he gave Jayden a hug.

     “I’ll be fine Dale; I just need a little time to work some things out.” Jayden smiled.

     “Cathy wants to see you, she told me to send you straight down to see her when you arrived.” Dale chuckled.

     “I better go and see her then.” Jayden giggled as she made her way down to the changing service rooms to find Cathy and see what she wants her for.

    Cathy was just tidying up after finishing with her last client when she saw Jayden walk into the room. She stopped what she was doing and ran over to give her a hug.

     “Jayden, I was so sorry to hear what happened yesterday in town. How are you feeling now?” Cathy asked as she led Jayden into the little room they used when wanting a couple of minutes away from the customers.

     “Hi Cathy. I’m doing okay, still in shock over it all I guess.” Jayden shrugged as Cathy helped her take a seat while she closed the door. Marie and Samantha were out there still working on their clients, so Cathy knew that she’d be fine spending some time talking to Jayden.

     “Callum came to see me last night at home.” Cathy said looking nervous about how Jayden was going to react to that little piece of news.

     “Why would her do that Cathy? Don’t tell me he’s got you trying to talk me into forgiving him?” Jayden asked with anger in her voice. “I can’t believe you’d side with him over this.” Jayden added as she went to get up to leave before Cathy said any more.

    Cathy grabbed Jayden’s arm and pulled her back down into the seat she was sat on. “He wasn’t looking for me to do anything more than pass on a letter.” Cathy picked up her purse and pulled out the letter that Callum had given her the night before.

    Jayden took the letter that Cathy offered her and saw her name written on the front in Callum’s handwriting, this made her angry and she went to rip it in half but Cathy stopped her by putting her hands on Jayden’s to stop her doing it.

     “Let go Cathy! I don’t want to read his bullshit excuses for cheating on me.” Jayden said close to tears now.

     “Please Jayden, just read the letter. That’s the only reason he came to me last night with it, he knew that you would have this reaction if he dropped it through your letter box.” Cathy said with a pleading look. “None of what you saw yesterday or what you must have been thinking over the past four weeks is what you thought it was. Please just read the letter.” Cathy was begging her this time.

    Jayden looked at Cathy for a couple more seconds, trying to calm herself down enough to open the envelope. She could feel some weight to it, and also a lump in one corner. With a sigh she opened the envelope and looked inside. Jayden saw the locket that Becky and the others had all sorted out to let Kara know she still had friends. This brought a tear to Jayden’s eye as she pulled it out and hugged it to her chest.

     “Please read the letter before you do anything else Jayden.” Cathy said as she put a hand on the one Jayden had still holding the envelope as it was starting to crush it.

    Jayden took another deep breath and then put the locket down on the table and pulled a piece of paper out the envelope and opened to.

    Dear Jayden

    If you’re reading this then I gather Cathy achieved her goal of stopping you from ripping it to bits. I’m not sure where I’ll be when you read this, but I need you to know a couple of things, hopefully before you hear about them from other people.

    The woman you saw me with on Sunday wasn’t someone I was seeing behind your back, well not in the way you think, she was a friend of Stephen’s. He found out about Kara and blackmailed me into doing something for him, which led to me getting in even more trouble and even more blackmail.

    I know what you’re thinking, “Idiot” And you wouldn’t be wrong. Before I knew what was going on Stephen and that woman you saw me with had me using cloned credit cards to steal things from shops all over the city. I didn’t want to risk dragging you or any of the others into it, so I kept it from you all while I found a way out of it on my own. I’ve been recording what they talked about for just over the last three weeks and I am now ready to turn myself into the police and face the music. I’ve also given Cathy a detailed letter to pass on to Carl, along with copies of all the recordings. They had plans to turn me into a prostitute, so I could start earning money for them, but I’d rather take my chance in prison. They also planned to come after you once I was taken care of and then blackmail more girls from the club into doing the same thing they hoped to have me doing very soon. Like I’ve just said, Carl has all the details in the letter I’ve wrote for him. Please just know that I could never go behind your back in that way. You were so perfect for me in so many ways Jayden. Why would I look for something better when I’d already found perfection?

    I love you Jayden, always have, always will, but I understand that you won’t want to have anything to do with me once the truth comes out and I’m branded as a criminal for my part in it all.


    PS: Can you please make sure the locket gets back to Chrissy and the others for me? Tell them I’m sorry for failing you all.

     “That stupid pig headed fool!” Jayden growled as she crushed the letter in her hand. “I’ve got to try and help him get out of this.” She added as she jumped up out the seat, not knowing where to even start, but she had to do something.

     “Jayden, Jayden, calm down. Carl’s already on the case. Sara called him last night while Callum was still at the house and he came over with a couple of his lawyers in tow.” Cathy said as she stood up and stopped Jayden running off to do god knows what.

     “So what happened? Do the police have him in custody?” Jayden asked feeling anger, but also feeling happy at the same time. Happy that Callum wasn’t cheating on her after all, but if he went to prison that would be just as bad if not worse for her to deal with.

     “Callum is fine, and the police aren’t charging him with anything. Kara is out helping them right now to arrest this Stephen and the woman Donna.” Cathy said. “This Donna is the older sister to the one you and Callum helped Dale catch the other week. The sister wanted revenge for all that, so she was out to destroy Callum’s and then your life.” Cathy added as she sat Jayden down again to give her some more details.

     “I thought that bitch looked familiar, she looks allot like her sister now I think about it. All those times I saw Callum with Stephen following close behind makes more sense now as well.” Jayden said with anger in her voice, but all of it aimed at Stephen and this Donna woman.

     “I helped Callum become Kara this morning before she left with the police to go and arrest the two of them at their place of work.”

     “Callum’s gone to his office dressed as Kara? But that will mean him being found out, and losing his job.” Jayden said looking worried now.

     “Stephen was already going to out him today anyway, so he didn’t have much say in any of that, but Kara looked stunning when she left here this morning.” Cathy grinned. “A very sexy looking business woman, ready for a day at the office.” Cathy added looking proud of her work.

     “Will Kara have to come back here after they’ve done?” Jayden asked, feeling a deep need to just wrap her arms around Kara and let her know that she still loved her, if not love her even more for all that she and Callum had put themselves through over the past four weeks.

     “Yes, Callum left all his things here when Kara left with the police.” Cathy said as she pointed over towards a sports bag in the corner with all Callum’s and the clothes he’d brought for Kara to wear still in it.

    Jayden got up and walked over to the bag and fished out Callum’s house and car keys. “Just in case I miss him coming back to the hotel, you can tell him to come and find me.” Jayden said in a firm voice as she put the keys in her purse for safe keeping.

     “Jayden, I don’t think Callum was planning to try and work things out between the two of you.” Cathy said looking worried. “He was talking about moving away once this was all sorted out. He knew his job was gone, and I think he’s having trouble dealing with what he had to do for that Stephen and Donna.” Cathy added with a sigh.

     “Callum seems to be on a roll with having bad idea’s, so just tell him to come and find me, but also text me when you see him or Kara turn up.” Jayden said it like an order more than a request. “I’ll come and see him.” She added before leaving the room like a woman on a mission.

    Cathy wasn’t upset about being told what to do, she was glad to see that Jayden still loved Callum and Kara enough to fight to keep them. Cathy did feel sorry for Carl though, she had a feeling that was Jayden’s next port of call.

    Carl had just finished getting an update from Ted and Adam, who were down at the police station making sure that Callum was in the clear over his part in the case being built against Stephen, Donna and now Debra. Carl had just been told that Callum was in the clear and they had both of them in custody now. They also told Carl about Callum losing his job due to his boss being a world class scum bag. They had spoken to John and Richard to find out the details while Kara was giving her account of what happened over the past four weeks. Carl heard the elevator ping to let him know he had company, and then he saw a very angry looking Jayden come storming around the corner.

     “Hello Jayden, I thought I might be seeing you.” Carl smiled, trying not to let the angry look on her face bother him.

     “Don’t you hello me Carl!” Jayden fumed. “Why the hell didn’t you call me last night when you first found out about all this trouble Callum was in?” Jayden asked, close to tears now, due to how upset she was about it all.

     “Callum asked me not to, and I had to agree with him Jayden. There was nothing you could have done to help matters at the time.” Carl said as he got up and led Jayden over to the sofa and sat her down next to him.

     “I’m just really worried about him Carl. I should have realised something was wrong yesterday when I saw him with that woman.” Jayden sobbed.

     “He’s fine Jayden. I’ve just got off the phone with one of my lawyers and they say that Callum is in the clear on all counts, and he’s just giving them a statement of what happened, or more to the point Kara is.” Carl smiled.

     “What about his job? Will he be keeping that?” Jayden asked, feeling a little better now she knew that Callum wasn’t going to be arrested and sent to prison.

     “Sadly Callum wasn’t as lucky with that part. His boss flipped when he saw him dressed as Kara.” Carl frowned, not happy with what John and Richard had told Ted. Carl had told Ted to look into what they could do to help Callum get some revenge on his old company for the way they had just treated him.

     “So the nightmare is over for him now then?” Jayden asked, still feeling bad about him losing his job, but happy that she’ll be able to wrap her arms around him, or her if she can get to Kara before she changes back to being Callum again. It had been some time since Jayden got to spend any time with Kara.

     “Yes, it’s all over now, and he can get back to normal again.” Carl said with a sigh as he sat back on the sofa looking worn out. “Does this mean you forgive him for not telling you he was in trouble?” Carl asked.

     “I’m still mad with him for not telling me Carl, but I also still love him with all my heart.” Jayden grinned as she wiped away the last of her tears.

     “You’ll need to take it slow with him Jayden. Callum has been through a lot these last four weeks, and the way he was talking last night and again this morning, I got the impression that he wasn’t expecting to get you back.” Carl warned.

     “Cathy warned me about it just now when I spoke to her. She also said that Callum gave you a letter detailing what they made him do, and what they were planning to make him do. Can I read it please?” Jayden asked.

     “I’m not sure you really want to do that Jayden, it’s not a nice read, and the recordings are even worse.” Carl said with a grim look.

     “I need to know what he went through Carl, and I think reading the letter would be better than getting him to sit and tell me the whole story again. I’d like to take a copy home with me for the others to read as well.” Jayden pleaded.

     “Okay Jayden, that’s probably a good idea.” Carl agreed. “You may want to keep Chrissy on a short leash until she’s read the letter. She was still upset with him over what he did to you yesterday, when I dropped of lunch with them earlier.” Carl chuckled as he thought of Chrissy stabbing her fork into a poor piece of meat on her plate, while they ate their lunch.

     “I spoke to Becky about it last night, and she said that Chrissy feels like it’s all her fault for forcing Callum and I together.” Jayden frowned as she said it. “I told Becky that Callum and I had the final say on whether or not we took the final step and started dating, but you know what Chrissy can be like.” Jayden rolled her eyes this time.

     “Yes I know Chrissy very well indeed.” Carl chuckled. “What do you plan to do with that?” Carl asked when he saw her holding the locket that Callum had left in the envelope with the letter.

     “I’m not sure at the minute.” Jayden said as she looked at the locket in her hand. She popped it open and smiled when she saw the picture of them all grinning on one side, and the single word that said ‘Friends’ on the other. “Give it back to Chrissy and the others, and let them decide if Kara should get to keep it or not.” Jayden shrugged.

     “I think we both know what the answer will be, but it’s probably best to let them make the choice.” Carl smiled.

     “I better get down stairs again, so I can look for Kara coming back.” Jayden grinned as she stood up. “Not that I will miss her, I’ve got Callum’s house and car keys in my purse.” She added with a giggle.

    Jayden was soon in the lobby helping Dale sort out problems with the guests while she kept an eye out for Kara’s return. Carl had scanned and printed out a copy of the letter Callum had given him the night before, and she had now read it and wanted to speak with Callum or Kara even more.


    Kara kept looking behind her to make sure she’d managed to get past Jayden without being seen, as she made her way down to the changing service so she could grab her things and go home. Kara was just hoping that Cathy would let her return all the things tomorrow, so she didn’t have to risk bumping into Jayden while Cathy helped her become Callum again.

    Cathy looked to be busy when Kara got to the changing service, so she stood off to one side waiting for her to finish with her customer. Kara didn’t notice Cathy turn her back and then use her mobile to send Jayden a text message to let her know that Kara was back, and in the room with her right now.

     “Well, how did it all go then girl?” Cathy asked when she finally got done with her customer and she handed her over to Samantha to sort out a wig.

     “Both arrested, and I’ve been cleared of my part in it all.” Kara smiled. “Sadly though, I am now looking for a new job.” Kara added with a pout. “That ass I worked for was more worried about how I was dressed than the fact one of his employees was blackmailing another one for it.”

     “Sounds like a real peace of work Kara, but I’m glad you’re still a free woman.” Cathy grinned as she gave Kara a hug.

     “Speaking of being a free woman, can I drop this stuff back with you tomorrow?” Kara asked with some pleading in her eyes. “I want to get out of here before Jayden sees me.” Kara added

     “There might be a couple of problems with you doing that Kara.” Cathy said with a pained look. “One is Jayden came to see me, so I could give her that letter, and she took your car and house keys when she left, and second, she asked me to let her know when you turned up here.” Cathy added with a weak smile.

    Before Kara could have a go at Cathy, she saw Jayden come bursting into the room and scan it until her eyes met Kara’s and she marched across the room to where Kara was still stood with Cathy.

    Kara had no idea what kind of a mood Jayden would be in with her, so she just stood looking into Jayden’s eyes for any sort of a sign to let her know how she might react. Kara was shocked when Jayden threw her arms around Kara’s neck and started kissing her.

    Cathy and everyone else in the room all stopped what they were doing and saying to watch the floor show. They were all beginning to think it was never going to end as Jayden and Kara just kept their lips locked together.

    Kara let out a sigh as she ran her tongue across her lips, still feeling Jayden’s touch on them when they parted. Kara looked at Jayden and watched a mixture of emotions run across it, but it then settled on anger as Jayden’s hand shot up and slapped Kara right across the cheek, making Kara’s head spin around.

     “Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been about you since I read that stupid letter you left with Cathy to give me?” Jayden asked.

     “Very?” Kara asked as she rubbed her cheek. She was soon trying to defend herself though, when she saw Jayden’s hands come up again, but Jayden just pulled her in close for another kiss. Kara didn’t know whether she was coming or going now. Was Jayden angry or upset with her?

     “You’re an idiot. You should have told me you were in trouble.” Jayden said when they stopped kissing this time. “I’m sorry for thinking you were with that woman yesterday.” Jayden added just before she started kissing Kara again.

     “What about for slapping me just now? Aren’t you sorry for that?” Kara asked when they once again stopped kissing.

     “No! You asked for that.” Jayden said in a firm voice, as she put her hand up to Kara’s glowing red cheek.

     “Does this mean you don’t mind dating a criminal?” Kara asked. “Or an out of work bum?” Kara added with a sigh.

     “No I don’t mind either of them, but you’re not either of them Kara.” Jayden was sick of talking, so she started kissing her again.

     “I’ve lost my job, and by the time my old boss has done telling everyone what I am.” Kara said as she stepped back and waved a hand up and down her body. “I’ll never find work again in this city. I’ve also done a lot of things I’m not proud of over the past four weeks Jayden.” Kara added looking worried about how Jayden would feel once she found out.

     “I already know all about it baby.” Jayden said in a soothing way. “I asked Carl for a copy of the letter you wrote to him, so I now know everything, and I’m still here.” Jayden smiled.

     “How can you still want to be with me Jayden?” Kara asked as she looked down in shame. “I never gave a second thought to walking into the jewellery shop and using the cloned Credit card when Stephen told me he knew about Kara. I was more worried about myself than what I was doing.” Kara added, getting angry with herself for letting Stephen and Donna trick Callum into an even greater blackmail scheme.

     “I don’t care about any of that stuff.” Jayden said very slowly so Kara understood what she was saying. “I love you Kara, and I love Callum when he’s around too, so stop feeling sorry for yourself and let’s just think about the future.” Jayden said with a grin.

     “What future? I’ve got no job, and I’ll be moving away from London to find a new one.” Kara sighed.

     “I wasn’t thinking about that far into the future my love.” Jayden said with a worried look when she realised that Kara hadn’t realised what she meant.

     “Then what are you talking about?” Kara asked with a puzzled look.

     “You’re coming home with me when I leave here, so you can face Chrissy and the others.” Jayden said with a worried smile.

    Kara suddenly thought not having a job wasn’t the worst thing Callum would have to face. Kara had a sudden flash of Chrissy nearly breaking that man’s hand at the club on the video Becky showed them.


To Be Continued Soon  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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