Most of you will never have heard of Daniel Morcombe or his family. The Morcombes are a family living on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland...that's about an hour-and-a-half's drive north of Brisbane.
Daniel was a 13-year-old boy who went Christmas shopping eight years ago and never returned. He was last seen at a bus-stop on his way home. His bones and a pair of shoes have just been discovered about twenty miles away from his home in a swamp.
His parents never stopped hoping he was still alive and have liaised with the media for all the time since his disappearance. I have to say that in this case the media seem to have been much less intrusive than normal, but one can only imagine the enormous pressures on the parents.
I have seen them on TV a number of times and their bravery in the face of the loss of their child has always reduced me to tears. How can you talk to reporters about your boy when he's missing, probably dead? But they did, with such great courage, over the years.
Their "reward" is that they now know that their son is really dead and they have maintained their bravery to the press and the boy is not yet buried.
There is a man in custody charged with his murder.
We think we have been short-changed in the lottery of life but here is a real tragedy,
Such a Tragic Event
Unfortunately, sick acts like this are happening in the US almost every day. How can society safely identify these individuals before they commit their heinous crimes without falsely identifying innocents? What real indicators are there that can be used without violating the rights of the innocent and 'slightly strange' (in the eyes of others)? Without becomming a police state, it can't be done. Unfortunately, we don't know often until it's too late.
You're right, sadly there is
You're right, sadly there is no such thing as perfect security.
You can't identify murderers before the deed.
I hope the parents will at least gain some rest about this tragedy.
Even a police state
Is not totally immune this particular problem, you don't hear about it because it gets buried miles deep in bs....
I wish them
peace and closure, and hope that a conviction soon follows. There is no healing for such a wound, but they seem to be doing as well as anyone can in such circumstances.
I was horrified recently to discover that I work with the mother of a Royal Marine Commando who was killed in Afghanistan a few weeks ago. What do I say to her when I next see her? Sometimes life's a bitch.
Thank you Joanne,
'for showing your warmth,empathy and humanity.The Morecambes have indeed shown incredible bravery and
the way they handled the press was wonderful.Earlier in the year would have been Daniel's 21st birthday and
they had to 'celebrate ' it with his twin brother.We are also fortunate to have a dogged Police Unit who
never gave up and will,I am sure,get a conviction of this animal,a self confessed paedophile.Sorry,animals
don't do things like that,do they.There is a place for these excuses for humanity,it is just that nobody has dug it yet!
What frightens me ...
A Nice ride around Manchester to finish off the Sparkle weekend.
is when I try to understand how these evil beings come to be. Are they made or born like that?
I'll never understand but what always frighterns me is this, (And I hope nobody reads anything ghastly into this but I ask myself this question all the time.)
I know I was born partially transgendered there is no question of that in my own mind although I've taken decades to get anywhere near working it out.
The next issue is comparably more contensious; I firmly believe I was born a transvestite but I have no 'hard evidence' for this except that personal conviction which I carry around in my head. I know therefore that I was definitely born partially transgendered and I believe with equal conviction I was born transvestite.
The dreadful question I can hardly bring myself to ask is this. Are peadophiles born or made, is it nature or nurture and if it's nature then what are we to do? Is paedophilia hard wired into the brain? Is it genetic?
Yours in dread.
Pedophilia and Psychopaths
It isn't pedophilia that kills the kids. Those child murderes are just psychopaths whose victims are children.
Paedophiles are pityful people who will be only attracted by children. They'll either become monsters or be unhappy the rest of their lifes. They can do about as much about it as a homosexual person can do about homosexuality or a transgendered about beeing transgendered.
They can't even go and ask for help out of fear to be recognized. Guys who aren't successful with girls don't go around and murder them. So why should pedophiles?
But then many people don't have much scrupules since it is about pleassure. They'll get child pornography and they'll leave traumatized children in their wake.
The sad thing is, they might be normal people if they weren't pedophiles. It is the monster in every human that'll come out to play once it can.
I think in this case it's proably the psychopath, but you never know.