Okay, I have received several messages about my typos and I agree with all of you. When I write I move fast because I tend to forget stuff quickly. So when an idea hits, I type like the wind. I may also be partly dyslexic. I thank each and every one of you who have point out my mistakes, because let's face it, I haven't caught them.
But I was thinking of going back and fixing hte typos in the posted ones and was wondering if that would be fine. I really don't want to submit them all over again.
I also think it's time to see if someone would like to be an editor for me. Mostly to correct spelling errors, but I'd be willing to take advice to make the story better.
I'm still moving forward, just going to be a bit more careful now
Why worry?
Even some of our best authors have the same trouble and although I did pick up on the
typos they are not a problem to me and I understand and they don't detract from the
story.The people who have a problem with it should show some courtesy by sending you
a PM,much nicer and more friendly,which is what BCTS is all about.
I don't mind. My old editor was a school teacher from Canada, but she's been busy with life. So I thought I could do this solo. I know my spelling an grammar is bad. Heck, you should hear me speak, I sound like a total hillbilly. But I don't mind people pointing out my mistakes. Heck, that';s how I've noticed I've put stuff up and forgotten whole paragraphs.
I would think fixing the
I would think fixing the spelling errors in the posted versions should suffice, if it's good enough for Angharad with Easy as Falling off a Bike, it should be good enough for anyone. Unless it's just massive, the corrections, then it might be a revision. But generally spelling corrections aren't treated as major revisions requiring notification of the masses.
John Robert Mead
Correct what is posted
When I have re-read stuff, I have occasionally noticed that other authors do just that.
Like others who have commented, for me there are a number of common errors that really jar, and thus tend to get remembered.
They include confusions such as they're/there/their, and spelling errors - my bêtes noire are "heal" for "heel", "champagain" for "champagne" and "arraigned" for arranged.
Then on the re-read they're magically not there, their culprit having corrected them.
Spelling erroes
Personaly spelling drives me crazy. Get an editer and cleen up your act. I tryed two reed your story and coodn't get passed the first perreagraf, Arecee
sorry :)
Your rite. I'z doo betters nexts timz.
and to think I go into a fit of rage when people text with the text speak.
I'm sowwy...
I was just trying to be helpful, not inhibit your muse... Now I feel guilty... :)
For the most part, I love your Troy/Tracy story and was just trying to give you tips to help some typical errors I saw from the beginning (then/than, etc), and the one new one I noticed recently (tired when you mean tried, or was it the other way around?). I didn't realize your writing style was to just type it all out while fresh in your mind and post it without proofing. Sure, there are errors, but they (mostly) don't distract from the story. Your writing's actually more polished looking than Bailey Summers stories, which I love also. And if your style of writing works for you, and lets you pump out chapters so fast, great. Me, I'm anal retentive, and an insecure perfectionist, so I'd probably proof my own work five or ten times before posting it, just to be sure. *grin* Maybe that's why I rarely finish anything.
I just figured you didn't know those things were errors, and once you did, you could stop making them, improving your work without changing your writing style or schedule...
I'm sowwy...
Lisa the Contrite
no need
No need to say you're sorry. I'm not mad at anyone
I proff, but I suck at checking my stuff
Spelling Mistooks
The problem with checking your own writing is that you often read what you thought you had typed.
A spelling checker will catch a lot of errors, but not all of them.
I think that having another person read through the draft copy of the text is a good idea, then you can make minor adjustments. If there are other errors spotted later, it happens!
Best wishes for further episodes.
Yep, that's the problem. I
Yep, that's the problem. I have noticed that I can now find the mistakes in like hte first few parts. so yeah, it cant be freash in my mind