Whisper - Chapter 15

by Sleethr




Insert standard disclaimer here: The one that reminds everyone that this is a work of fiction. No one is real and any resemblance to someone who is real is just the reader's imagination. This is also a Fan Fiction set in the Whately Story Universe. No Canon characters were permanently harmed in the making of this story. I hope. :)


Notes: Sorry that this one took so long to just revise and post. It wasn't because it needed a lot of work. Life has just been busy and I got distracted by my other story. I was in the zone. One additional disclaimer, no blueish purple monsters were harmed in the making of this chapter. Not permanently, I hope. Enjoy, Please.



** Chapter 15 **


Brenda worries about her reception. She isn’t sure what to expect from Queen Seramis, but she definitely did not expect to arrive surrounded by a ring of steel and crossbows. Lord General Grover’s conversation during the short ride to the stronghold is polite, yet contains a tense undertone.  She isn’t sure if General Grover has been fully briefed by his Queen on the purpose of her visit. His choice of topics appear to indicate that he believes that she is on a diplomatic mission and one could make his job of defending his queen more difficult if the negotiations do not go well.  


Lord General Grover breaks Kalisa’s troubling line of thought. “I must admit that I am confused by your presence here Lady Commander Kalisa.”


“Oh?” Kalisa asks, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. “What do you find confusing Lord General Grover?”


“Please Lady Commander Kalisa, Lord General Grover is a mouthful to say.  Just calling me Grover for the duration of this ride will be fine.”


“Sounds good to me, Grover. Kalisa is fine with me too, all the Lady this and Lord that is taxing.  What were you saying about being confused?”


With the pleasantries out of the way, Grover looks at Kalisa with a thoughtful expression. “Well, for one thing. I am perplexed as to why the Council would send a representative to speak to Queen Seramis after sending an assassin the night before.”


“Maybe the Council didn’t send an assassin and wanted to help clear up the confusion before things got out of hand?”  Kalisa says, deliberately in a relaxed and friendly voice. 


“That may be, but I’ve served her Majesty for awhile now and frankly, I am surprised that she is even giving the Council a chance.  Additionally, pardon me for being so blunt, but you hardly seem to be the diplomatic type.”


Kalisa cants her head to the side and smiles mischievously at Grover. “Maybe I am just the sacrificial lamb?”


Grover laughs heartily. “You are hardly a lamb my Lady, but we are here now. Sadly, my curiosity must wait”


As they both enter the main courtyard, Brenda takes her cue from Grover when he dismounts. A pair of stable hand leads their mounts away and Grover motions for Kalisa to follow him deeper into the interior of Seramis’ stronghold.  The defenses are all manned by alert and well equipped warriors.  The horses are all well bred and in good shape.  The place looks too organized to fit the stereotypical “bandit” image that she was expecting. Suddenly nervous about what she is getting herself into, Kalisa follows.


A stone staircase leads to a set of heavily reinforced oak doors.  The staircase is lined with five evenly spaced armored guards on each side that all look very intimidating to Kalisa. The doors open smoothly to reveal a large and well lit entryway lined with additional guards.  Small vertical slits line both sides of the entryway with a second row of slits on what must be a second story.  Looking up to the ceiling Kalisa notices heavy duty spike tipped chandeliers hanging from regularly spaced circular openings. 


Brenda finds Major Thole’s running commentary about the defenses to be both educational and alarming. “Murder holes in the walls for archers to fire through.  Looks like the chandeliers could be dropped to impale enemy forces below.”


Kalisa looks up again and pales at the thought of one of those things falling on her.  Major Thole’s next bit of information makes her feel even worse.


“I am betting that the mounts are hiding ports for boiling oil or burning sand to be dropped on enemy forces.”


At the end of the entryway are two large hallways that exit the room to the right and the left.  Each exit contains a heavy duty portcullis, that when lowered, would seriously hamper any assault that attempted to enter deeper into the stronghold. Brenda thinks happy thoughts when her character finally exits the murderous entryway to continue deeper into the stronghold.


General Grover and Kalisa arrive at a closes pair of large, heavily reinforced oaken doors. She hears an unseen herald announce their names. “Lady Commander Kalisa of the Forces of Light and Lord General Grover, your Majesty!”


The doors slowly open to reveal what Kalisa assumes is Queen Seramis’ throne room.


Queen Seramis’ throne room is a rectangular shaped room with a vaulted ceiling containing what appear to be glass and crystal chandeliers lit by glowing balls of magical light. There are no electric light bulbs in this game. A second story walkway lines the left and right sides of the room with guards armed with crossbows held at the ready.


Seramis sits on a raised dais in a small and comfortable looking chair at the front of the room.  Brenda wasn’t sure what to expect from the self styled Bandit Queen appearance wise.  Anything from a bejeweled pirate style black leather outfit to a rich fur and velvet robed attire complete with a ruby encrusted gold crown would not have surprised her in the least.  Instead of that, Seramis’ attire is a more subdued and unpretentious outfit that says more about her confidence than all the rich trappings in the world. Just sitting there, she exudes an aura of royalty that only someone born and raised to be a nation’s leader can attain.


Brenda feels more intimidated than she thought she would be when Queen Seramis speaks to Grover. “Thank you General Grover. If you don’t mind, I will need to speak with the Lady Commander Kalisa alone.” 


Brenda notices a slight frown dance across his face as General Grover bows to Queen Seramis before he smartly salutes and turns to march out of the room.


Even Major Thole sounds impressed. “She certainly knows how to set the tone.  You should continue until you are about ten paces from her and curtsy.  I’m not sure if that is correct for a woman wearing armor, but it can’t hurt. Address her as ‘Your Majesty’.”


Brenda waits until after General Grover exits the room and the doors are closed. She follows Major Thole’s advice and directs her character to do just that. “Your Majesty, on behalf of Brian’s family and myself, I thank you for granting me this audience on such short notice.”


Queen Seramis tilts her head thoughtfully to the side, an enigmatic smile crosses her lips. “This evening looks like it will just be full of surprises Lady Commander Kalisa, it is so rare to find people of this era who know how to present proper court courtesy. Brian? That is boy who was playing the female assassin known as Whisper?”


Brenda hears Jennifer’s gasp at Seramis’ accusation that Brian would even pretend to be an assassin. She feels her temper slip. “Your Majesty. Yes, Brian plays Whisper and with all due respect, Whisper is not an assassin!  She is a thief and a darn good one, both literally and figuratively.”


Brenda feels confused when, instead of getting angry, Seramis’ smiles at her outburst. “I can see that you feel strongly about your friend and I agree with you. I apologize for testing you in this manner, but I had to make sure that this wasn’t just some trick by that crafty Lord Vincint. Whisper’s actions last night showed me that she is not only a skilled and brave person, but that she also possesses a strong and honorable spirit.”


Brenda’s anger deflates with Seramis’ unexpected praise. “Oh?”


Seramis pauses to gather her thoughts. “Until last evening, I was not aware that this game could cause physical harm to its player.  You mentioned that Brian collapsed. What can you tell me about your friend’s condition?”


Brenda turns and looks at Jennifer with concern and then to Doctor Edmundson for approval. “Last night, Brian collapsed from a condition called ummm,” She looks again to Doctor Edmundson who whispers “Neurogenic Shock” before she repeats what he just told her to Seramis.


“I am unfamiliar with that term.  What does it mean?”


Brenda looks again to Jennifer with sympathy since she knows that Jennifer missed the previous briefing about what the term means before looking back to Queen Seramis. “From what I recall the doctor’s saying earlier, it means that his central nervous system was disrupted.  The most common cause is a severe brain or spine injury.” She hears Jennifer sob and Brenda feels tears welling up in her eyes too.


Seramis’ mask softens a little as she gently asks. “I take it that Brian’s mother and his doctor is there with you?”


“Yes and I am sorry that I am such a wreck, but this is so hard.”


“No apologies are needed child.” Seramis gently reassures Brenda. “I take it that this condition is can be fatal?”


Brenda closes her eyes to try and help block the tears before she whispers. “Yes.”


“Yet, nearly 24 hours later, he is still unconscious and this worries his doctors?”


“Yes, they do not know why he is...”, Brenda pauses a little to glance at Doctor Edmundson who shakes his head to say ‘No’, before continuing, “...unconscious.”


Seramis’ eyes narrow with suspicion. “And the doctors haven’t noticed anything unusual about his physical condition?”


“Other than him still being unconscious, no.”


Seramis replies with outright scepticism as she stands to indicate that she is done with the interview. “I am sorry, but I do not think that I can be of any more assistance to you.  While it might be alarming, HIS physical condition should be readily apparent to anyone, which indicates that you are lying to me about his current condition.”


Brenda looks to Major Thole and Doctor Edmundson with desperation. “Wait, please! Let me ask to see if the doctors will allow me to tell you more about his condition.”


Seramis calmly sits. “Very well, I will give you a few more minutes to allow your associates to reach a decision.”


Brenda anxiously watches as Doctor Edmundson and Major Thole form quick huddle to debate what more they will allow Brenda to tell Seramis.  Reaching an agreement, Doctor Edmundson speaks to Brenda. “Okay Brenda, you can tell her about us suspecting that Brian is a mutant and that while visiting the labs his power activated while handling a sample of medical nanites.  Also, you can tell her that we don’t know about his exact physical condition due to the suit, but that any additional information that we will be grateful for any additional information that she might be able to provide us.” After taking all that in Brenda relays it to Seramis.


Seramis considers the information for almost a minute before responding. “This suit that is helping Brian sounds military by nature.”  Brenda notices everyone in the room squirm uncomfortably as Seramis continues. “Your claim that the nanites are only medical is at odds with what I observed last night during my attempt to assist Whisper with her injuries.”


Brenda feels a little nervous about the conclusions that Seramis is making and from the looks of Major Thole and Doctor Edmundson, so are they. “What do you mean?”


“After Whisper defeated the other assassin and collapsed, I attempted to aid her.  I was surprised to find that she appeared to be experiencing genuine pain from her injuries and suffering from the effects of the poison that the other assassin used on his blade. I asked her why she did not just log out to avoid the pain and she replied that she could not.  ‘It’ would not let her is what she said. At the time, I was unsure what ‘it’ might mean, but based upon what you have just told me and the fact that Whisper was somehow able to defeat what should have been a superior opponent, I believe that something other than medical nanites are involved.”


Brenda notices Major Thole and Doctor Edumdson looking a little nervous. “This is getting way above my pay grade.” Major Thole mutters.


“Ummm, I’m sorry, but I can’t really comment about that.” Kalisa says.


Seramis smiles. “That is okay.  While the classified nanites may have contributed to Brian’s condition, it sounds like this medical suit is now slowing his recovery.”


“Why do you say that?” Kalisa asks as everyone in the conference room looks confused and a few muttered denials are heard.


“When I examined Whisper, I was surprised to discover that I was able to feel a link between Whisper and her player. Using that link, I cast a healing spell upon Brian.”


Seramis’ uncomfortable insights forgotten, everyone in the room is now focused entirely upon the big screen. “Excuse me, but are you saying that you think that a healing spell that you cast in the game was able to physically effect Brian?”


“I am sorry that my depiction was unclear. I personally cast a healing spell and that healing spell was somehow channeled through the GEO game interface. I must admit that the fact that I was able to cast a spell through the game interface has shocked and alarmed me greatly. There is much about this game that I am finding that concerns me. However; I have since attempted to duplicate that feat, but I have not been successful.  I believe my previous success was due to the unique circumstances of Whisper’s physical and spiritual manifestation within the game world.”


“You’re a wizard in real life?”


“Yes” Seramis says, simply and without further elaboration.


“Brian’s mother did see what she described as a ghostly female shape standing over Brian in his room.  It sounds like that manifestation must have somehow been yourself.”


“I am unaware if that is true or not, but I believe that your premise is probably correct.  However, for Brian, I suggest that the military immediately calls in one of their healing specialized mages or if not immediately available, a mage that has some healing knowledge to examine Brian and if they find what I expect them to find, deactivate the suit.”


“What do you expect them to find?”


“That my spell was successful, but the hibernation that your suit is forcing upon Brian is only slowing the natural healing effects of my spell.”


Brenda, Jennifer and Doctor Edmundson look to Major Thole as Seramis finishes making her recommendation.  He sighs heavily. “I don’t really trust all this magic mumbo jumbo nonsense, but I’ll check with Mr. Hoffman to see if he might be able to take a look at Brian. If not, then I’ll have to call General Horner.  He and some DARPA honcho are going to be arriving tomorrow at 0800 hrs.  Maybe he can bring a healing mage with him.”


“Thank you.  They are going to check with our on-site mage to see if he can help.  I hate to ask you this, but is there a way that I might contact you in real life if we have any more questions?”


Queen Seramis ponders her question for a moment. “I regret that will not be possible at this point in time. I do not feel comfortable with making myself known to the military at this time.” Brenda becomes alarmed until Seramis continues. “However, I would not be adverse to providing Lady Commander Kalisa with a room here in my stronghold to enable faster communications when I am available.”


Brenda and everyone else in the room realize that is probably the best that they can hope for right now. “Thank you your Majesty.  You offer is kind and on behalf of myself and everyone here, I will be happy to accept it.”


“You are welcome Lady Commander Kalisa and I hope that I have been of some assistance to Brian’s family and your associates.  I will instruct my chamberlain to find you suitable accommodations.”


Dismissed from Queen Seramis’ throne room, Brenda guides Kalisa through the motions of meeting Queen Seramis’ chamberlain while the doctors and military personnel in the conference room erupt into vibrant debates about what Queen Seramis said and didn’t say. Paying scant attention to the debate and exhausted from the mental exertions, she views the suite that Kalisa is assigned too and is surprised to find out that her suite is located just down the hall from the Queen’s suite.  She settles Kalisa down for the evening and logs out of GEO.  Brenda is amazed to discover that it is already after 7pm and since she hasn’t eaten dinner yet, she is starving for some food.


She looks at Jennifer and smiles at her confused expression.  The scientists and military folks are talking a mile a minute using terms and acronyms that are highly confusing. “Jennifer?” She asks.


Not responding, Brenda touches her shoulder and repeats. “Jennifer?”


Jennifer jumps slightly with surprise and frowns. “Oh sorry Brenda, I was trying to follow the conversation, but I am afraid that I am rapidly getting lost.”


Feeling the same way, Brenda gently laughs. “Oh, I understand that completely! I’m just as lost myself.  I’m starving and I don’t think that we will learn anything new for at least an hour two, would you like for me to grab some takeout from my favorite restaurant for you?”


Jennifer smiles with gratitude. “Yes! I am starving and thank you so much for thinking of me!”


“Excellent!  Do you want to follow me to my desk so I can show you their takeout menu?”


“Sure…” Jennifer says with obvious hesitation to leave the room with so much discussion about her son taking place. 


Brenda senses her reluctance. “Wait here, I’ll be right back with the menu”.


“Thanks and I’m sorry to be such a bother, but so much is happening and I don’t want to miss anything.”


“No problem Jennifer. I totally understand!” Brenda says with a compassionate smile before she turns to leave.




After Brenda took her order and left, Jennifer watched Doctor Edmundson and his team animatedly discuss everything they have learned from the interview with that Seramis person.  She seemed so in command and sure of herself and from what little she could understand from the current conversation, Jennifer felt more hopeful than before the meeting that Brian would be okay.


The arrival of a bedraggled looking man wearing jeans, a tie-dye t-shirt, black and white beaded necklace with some crystal hanging from the end and worn tennis shoes caused her some concern.  She didn’t think that security would allow someone like this person to just walk into the building. 


“Hey Doctor E, what’s up?” The strange man said with a casual wave.


Doctor Edmundson’s smile looked a little forced. “Ahh, Mr. Hoffman.  Thanks for coming.  We have a magical problem and are hoping that you may be of some assistance.”


“Oh, no problemo Doc.  Did you want me to check out that PC over there?”  Mr. Hoffman asked as he pointed to Brenda’s PC.


He glanced at the PC with a confused expression on his face. “Ummm, no why?”


“Well, it’s kinda got a faint magical residue on it.” Mr. Hoffman said just before everyone standing or sitting anywhere near the PC took a few steps back to give them some distance from the possible threat.  


Major Thole did not look happy to hear that revelation. “Mr. Hoffman, magical security is your responsibility here.  Why didn’t your wards detect this security threat?”


“Whoa, relax Major. Lemme check it out first.” Mr. Hoffman said without concern as he walked over to Brenda’s PC and began to look at it more closely. He studied the mouse and keyboard. “Well, the traces that I am seeing are some sort of low powered empathetic scrying spell that are focused on the mouse and keyboard.  What was this PC used for?”


“Brenda was using it to play GEO.” Major Thole said with a tight expression.


“Wow, that’s pretty cool. I’ve been hearing some freaky things about that game’s interface. Based on that, I’d have to say that this must be how the game is able to respond so intuitively to its players.”


Major Thole’s patience with Mr. Hoffman’s casual attitude ended. “So, is this a security threat or not Mr. Hoffman?”


“Probably not Major, but if it would make you feel better, you could unplug the internet cable and turn it off.  Maybe have Brenda take it home. Hey, didn’t I just see her leave?”


Jennifer noticed that Major Thole looked like he was about to blow a gasket when Dr. Edmundson intervened. “Yes, I think that she went to get some food for herself and Mrs. Peters.  However, the PC isn’t the reason we asked for your assistance this evening.”


Mr. Hoffman looked confused. “It’s not?”


“No, Mr. Hoffman. What we need to know is if you have any experience with healing spells?”


“Not a lot, but I have done some research into them.  Never can tell when being able to heal a nasty paper cut could come in handy, why?”


“We would like for you to examine a patient that we have here and tell us if you can detect any healing spells on him.”


“Oh wow, sure. Would be happy too. Where is he?”


Dr. Edmundson stood to exit the room. “Mr. Hoffman, Major Thole, Dr. Johannson and Mrs. Peters let’s proceed to Brian’s room and see if Mr. Hoffman can shed some additional light on this subject, shall we?”


During the short walk, Jennifer listened as Dr. Edmundson gave Mr. Hoffman a brief explanation of what had happened to her son.  She noticed that the strange man’s stride became a little less casual and more purposeful the more that he learned. Jennifer’s felt her hope and excitement levels raise the closer that they got to his room.


Entering the room, Mr. Hoffman’s eyes narrowed and then widened with surprise as he viewed Brian’s suit encased form laying on the bed.  He rushed forward to first touch the suit and then he held onto the crystal that hung from his necklace as he closed his eyes.  His right hand made several random looking passes over the suit before he purposefully moved to touch Brian’s head.  He briefly held his hand there before moving to Brian’s chest, followed by his abdomen, and finally down each arm and leg before he stopped.


After what felt like ages to Jennifer, Mr. Hoffman finally opened his eyes again. “Amazing!  Simply amazing.”


Dr. Edmundson could not contain his curiosity any longer. “What is amazing Mr. Hoffman?”


“Oh sorry Doc, I’ve just never seen anything so powerful and beautiful before.  There is definitely a healing spell at work on her, but the suit is interfering with its work.” Mr. Hoffman said as he continued to look reverently at something that only he could see.


Dr. Edmundson looked confused as Jennifer gripped his arm with panic. “Her? Don’t you mean, him?  Mrs. Peters’ son Brian is who is contained in that suit.” Dr. Edmundson asked.


“Sorry Doc, but there is most definitely a girl inside that suit and she would be in much better shape if we could get this suit off of her as soon as possible” Mr. Hoffman said as Dr. Edmundson pursed his lips with disappointment at the back of the oblivious mage.  He gently guided Jennifer to a chair so that she could sit as tears begin to leak from her eyes.


Mr. Hoffman finally turned to look at Dr. Edmundson and noticed that Jennifer was sitting on a chair with tears in her eyes.  He looked confused at the sight of a woman crying at first, but then the realization hit him that the woman now crying expected her son to be inside the suit. “Oh man, I am such an idiot sometimes.  I’m so so so sorry ma’am.  I didn’t realize...”


Jennifer interrupted him as she struggled to contain her tears. “But I felt him inside the suit last night. I can still feel him in there! How can you think that Brian is a girl?” She looked to an abashed Mr. Hoffman for answers.


“Ummm, maybe I’m wrong?  The energy inside the suit just felt feminine.  Is the caster of the healing spell a woman? If so, maybe that is what I felt?” Mr. Hoffman said without any real conviction as he attempted to sooth Jennifer’s feelings.


Dr. Edmundson looked to Dr. Johannson and Major Thole for advice. “Well, what do you two think?”


“I’m not a doctor, so I couldn’t even begin to tell you what might be the right thing to do.” Major Thole said with a look of panic at the thought of being asked to make what could be a life or death medical decision.


Dr. Johannson looked deep in thought for a moment. “Well, based on the monitors, the boy’s vitals are all low, but stable.  I don’t see any medical reason why we couldn’t manually deactivate the suit.  If his vitals drop after that, we could always reactivate the suit.”


“Jennifer, what do you think?” Dr. Edmundson asked, gently.


“Oh my god Doctor Edmundson! I don’t know what to think right now. That Seramis woman and Mr. Hoffman think that there is a healing spell on Brian, but I don’t understand anything about that.  If you all think that it might help if you turn off the suit, then I’m all for that...All I want is for Brian to be okay.”  Jennifer said as she struggled to hold back her tears.


Dr. Edmundson thought for a moment before nodding to Dr. Johansson. “Okay, Dave. Would you please deactivate the suit?”


“Yes sir.” Dr. Johannson said as he moved over to the computer console that was plugged into Brian’s suit.  He checked the vitals and diagnostics a few more times, and then satisfied by what he saw, he entered the command that would deactivate the suit.


At first, nothing happened, but then a small seam lit by a bright white glow that bisected the sides of Brian’s entire body appeared.  While a stunned Dr. Edmundson and Dr. Johansson watched, his vital signs immediately shot up and then settled back down to normal as the glow faded.


Mr. Hoffman broke the silence first. “Wow, that was impressive.  I totally want to meet the person who cast that spell!” He said, awestricken by what he has just witnessed.


Mr. Hoffman’s words jolted Dr. Edmundson out of his surprised shock. He reached for the part of the suit that covered Brian’s face and carefully pulled it up and away as Jennifer fearfully stood watch.


Everyone in the room, except for Mr. Hoffman, was startled by the sight of the unconscious and beautiful girl’s face that the suit’s removal revealed.  Dr. Johannson jumped to lend Dr. Edmundson a hand with the removal of the rest of the top half of the suit.  The flawless milky white skin of the girl’s naked chest revealed pert breasts on a chest that narrowed at the waist before flaring out at her hips.  A quick examination of her groin before the entire top half was removed proved that she was, at least on the surface, a female.  However, even Mr. Hoffman could not contain his surprise when Dr. Edmundson returned to her head to begin the removal of the bottom half of the suit from her body. As he carefully lifted her head from the bottom half of the suit, her raven black hair parted to reveal delicate pointed ears. “By the Makers! She’s an elf!”


Dr. Edmundson and Dr. Johansson finished the removal of the suit followed by a more careful physical examination of her body before Dr. Edmundson covered the lower half of her body with a blanket to preserve her modesty. Instead of trusting the automated vital sign machines, Dr. Edmundson first checked the girl’s eyes by carefully opening one eyelid, shining a penlight to check for pupil response, then checking the other eye the same way.  “As expected, her pupils are dilated, but they both responded perfectly to the light. That is a good sign. Her eyes appear to be slightly larger than human norm and her brilliant green and silver iris is stunning, but other than those slight abnormalities, I feel relieved by her eyes response to stimulus.” 


He followed that examination by manually checked her blood pressure followed by her heart and lungs with a stethoscope.  The extra time that it took and the familiar doctor routine helped to calm Jennifer as she held the strange girl’s hand. Even though her son looked different on the outside, she knew that on the inside, he was still in the room with her. 


Dr. Edmundson turned to her. “Well, I am at a complete loss to explain how this could have happened, but I am happy to say that ummm, that Brian looks and sounds perfectly healthy to me.”  He glanced over to Mr. Hoffman. “Mr. Hoffman, do you have any insights that you could offer us?  Could the spell have transformed Brian into a girl?”


“I don’t think so sir.  The spell was definitely not a transformation spell.  It only aided her body with its natural healing.” Mr. Hoffman said as a little bit of authority crept back into his voice as his magical knowledge returned to more familiar grounds.

Brenda chose that moment to walk into the room carrying a bag with Jennifer’s food.  She almost dropped the bag in shock. “Oh my god! It’s Whisper!”

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