Southern Comfort - It's a small world

First I found BC/TS.
I found stories that were well written, not all about sex, realistic and within a community who actually cared for others, not just about their own voices.
After a while I plucked up the courage and stopped lurking, though the next step was just as hard as I tried posting a story. Thank god no one shot it down in flames as I think we all are terrified and exceptionally fragile at that first post.
Having caught the writing bug I soon gained some dear friends here. Friends who supported me and encouraged me until at last I plucked up the next bit of courage to actually see a doctor. That started another cascade of activity with counselling and starting speech therapy.

Then the next big decision - I decided to see if I could really handle this. I signed up for Southern Comfort in Atlanta next month. Flight booked, Hotel booked, Conference booked.

Somewhere anonymous and safe where no on knows me I thought. It will be a gentle first toe in the water of real life I thought.

Yeah right!

As WPATH is going on at the same time in Atlanta, my doctor and counsellor are going. Nancy is giving a presentation and a further delegation from the UK (GIRES) are attending. So much for low key and discreet on my part!

Therefore if anyone else from BC/TS are attending and would like to meet let's discuss it here to see if something can be arranged unofficially. :)


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