I am working on Ch 2 of "I am NOT Mystique" and I need a beta tester.
Someone who knows Lilith's CRU and can spot my CRU continuity violations before they Jump the Shark.
Someone who also plays a MMORPG would be good too.
I'm torn on this one because someone who doesn't play might have trouble understanding the story and I want even a non-player to get it.
Any takers? :)
Need another pair of eyes
Need to ask Lilith or Enemyofun. They should be able to find you a good beta reader.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Can't help ith the cru :( but you might include a link like this one for non players http://mmoterms.com/ . current games played DDO and Wow
I play online games *rolls eyes* yes I am one of those people :P
Fav puplished authors atm are Patricia Briggs (Mercy Thompson series),Carrie Vaughn (Kitty series), Kim Harrision.
found 2 victims...
I mean, Beta testers. Wish them luck! ;-O
-- Sleethr
-- Sleethr
well if you'd like my mmorpg experiance list, i'll just say... "too numerous to actually mention"
Been playin' em since Ultima Online in 97...
i've got some awesome stories, but i think all the best stories are of when internet gaming was still new.. people logged on to actually adventure! rather than today's boring "quest grinding"
Ultima Online was awesome until (like so many that came after them) their parent company that sponsered them swooped in when the saw the dollar signs and started setting more and more rules.
After the corporate world got ahold of mmo's things have been slowly declining. Lesson #1 you can't bow to the 100 idiots that constantly gripe on the forums (because there's 200,000 who ARN'T gripeing.. cuz their too busy playing a winning game)