So, yeah. I'm 24 as of the 23rd. Still trying, after two weeks, to find the one part that I need to fix the mechanical damage to my car after some one hit it (Just how do you hit a parked car anyway?) and took off. No license plates on the vehical and my car isn't drivble until I get the replacement part, which I'm starting to suspect I can only buy at a dealership or something. Insurance will not cover it, as I have liability only and a S.R. 22 bond / High-risk insurance. beh, what a freacking birthday.... ugh...
Happy birthday to me! I live in a tree...
Don't fall out and Happy Birthday.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Happy Birthday !!!!
ps your still a Youngling :P
pps on the subject of your car , not sure where you are in the world. and ebay? online salvage yards? you prob already looked there just throwing it out
I play online games *rolls eyes* yes I am one of those people :P
Fav puplished authors atm are Patricia Briggs (Mercy Thompson series),Carrie Vaughn (Kitty series), Kim Harrision.
Happy Birthday, I was going
Happy Birthday, I was going to say I hope you have a smashing day but considering your car it's probably bad taste to say it, oops heh heh sorry.
/me tries to look sheepish (Bah)
Have a lovely day
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Loki, Happy Birthday to you.
Based on replies made to a blog I posted about two years ago, you are one of the younger members at the site. many of us are old enough to your your parent, and other your grandparent.
happy birthday
What kind of tree u live in? i like oaks and willows!
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Thank you all for the kind
Thank you all for the kind words, I kind of forgot where i put my blog for a while. (i have just as hard a time figuring out where my keys run off to when I need them. lol)
I live in a pine tree (helps to clear out my sinuses) and I'll try not to fall out, Stanman.
I know i'm still young, and it's a fact I abuse like it's my sole purose in life. X-P
I still have the ability to bounce back from most injuries like I'm made of rubber, so I figure I'm safe from the effects of aging, for the time being anyway. ^_^
Peace be with you and Blessed be