A Daring Game Part 1

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People think having a twin is so cool. Well, I can't exactly say that's wrong, but, the stereotypes cloud people's minds, like thinking they can do weird things. For example, I was staring at my fraternal twin, Katie, when one of my not-so-good-but-I-still-don't-hate-him friends came up to me and said,

"What are you talking about?" I asked him what he meant and I guess he thought Katie an I could talk to each other, like we had some sort of, psychic connection. Well, I hate to break it to you, but all that stuff is just crap. Yeah, we look exactly alike, (except if you're looking at our plumbing) but that doesn't mean we had some type of super natural ability. But anyway, I'm getting off track. I wanted to tell you about the time in my life i found myself. I remember it was the summer before my sister Katie and I would be entering 5th grade. We had just moved to Seattle, Washington from Chicago, Illinois at the beggining of the year, and I hadn't made any friends. Well, at least any that I would actually want to hang out with. Katie on the other hand, had made at least 5 good friends, that had welcomed her and accepted her into their close group of friends. Anyway, it was 2 weeks into summer vacation, and all I had done was sit at home and helped out with whatever chored needed to be done. It was a cloudy day, and I guess my sister saw I was bored, so she came into my room.

"Hey James! So uh, watcha doin'?"

"Nothing. Literally."

"Yeah. I noticed! And that's why I was going to ask if you wanted to come to Claire's house and swim with her, me, Jenny, and Dawn?"

"Seriously? That's great! But...that's your group of friends. I don't want to intrude."

"Oh please, I called Claire and asked and she said it was perfectly fine!"


"So is that a yes?"

"I think it is."

"Great! Grab your towel and put on your suit, Mom's is going to take us over." She left and I smiled. I was finally going to get to do something this vacation. I pulled on my swim trinks and a white t-shirt and headed for the door.

The pool was really awesome. It had a shallow end, and a deep end, plus a diving board, so it ended up being really fun. Even the girl's were nice, though I knew I didn't belong. When I tried to leave halfway through, they all dragged me back into the pool. Unfortuneately, I had been wearing my shirt, so that got soaked, but Claire apoligized and said she would loan me one. After about an hour of swimming, it started to pour so we had to go inside. We joked about how, only in Seattle, would it rain that hard during summer. We then went up to Claire's room, and she threw me a light blue shirt. It seemed it would fit, and Claire told me it was gender neutral, but I didn't quite believe it. It was blue, so she called it, but proably more periwinkle, had a small string of lace on the botttom, and had a picture of Taylor Swift on the front. She said it was from a concert and if I lost it I would be dead (joking of course.) Katie then told me to change out of my suit, and that was when I realized I had forgotten a change of clothes. Now this was a problem.

"I only brought one change of clothes for me, and I can't exactly walk around without pants or a shirt." Said Katie. Dawn and Jenny nodded their agreement. Claire looked perplexed.

"My shirts fit you fine, but my pants won't." I looked at her. It was true, she was much taller then me, in fact, most everybody was. I had a girls height and weight, 4 foot 10, and 67 pounds. (Same with Katie.) "Well actually...I do have something." She turned around and started searching through a large closet. Finally, she turmed around and presented me with...short shorts. And when I say short shorts, I mean REALLY short shorts. With sparkles around the pockets, and a girly pattern on the right back pocket. Before I could say anything, Claire said,

"Look, no one is forcing you to wear these, you can choose between these and your swim shorts. I can tell you that I would rather have you wear these, and not drip all over my bedroom floor, but It's completely your choice." I did not want to wear those shorts, but when your standing making a puddle on the floor, in a room of a girl with a lack of heater, surrounded by 4 girls, and freezing, you do crazy things.

"Gimme the shorts."


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A Daring Game Part 1

The fun and innocence of being a kid. Waiting for more.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Nice story

short but perfect for an introduction chapter really. I sort of like the attitude, okay yeah he's in the clothes and he's kind of girl double-minted with his sister but by the narrative he's his own person and not some lead around. It'd be nice to see a character like him step into the role as an equal and find herself.

Bailey Summers



Welcome to BCTS. Sounds like the start of interesting adventures for James. It seems that the clothing situation and was innocent, rather then some plan by his sister to get him into girl's clothes. So we shall see how he reacts, how they treat him, and how far this will go.




NoraAdrienne's picture

The invitation sounds too much like a setup by the sister and her friends. The twin knows her brother wouldn't bring a dry change of clothing in addition to the t-shirt he were while swimming.

Me likee

Nice hook, though I'm assuming there was a slight cut and no paste in the first para. What exactly did the not-so-good-but-I-still-don't-hate-him friend say?

No big, didn't detract from the telling and I, for one, shall be back for the next chapter.

Welcome to BCTS and thanks for contributing.

Maeryn Lamonte, the girl inside

Maeryn Lamonte, the girl inside

Thank you Sam,


' welcome to BCTS and thanks for a good beginning.Waiting for more!


Couple of Things...

Looking forward to seeing where the story's going. And I'm interested in seeing what comes of that twin-think premise that starts the story. James, speaking from some time later, rejects the idea, so we're not going to see an unequivocal example of it taking place. But I'd like to think it's there for a reason.

Summer storms are actually far more common in the Midwest than they are in Seattle. There's more rain annually in the Northwest, but not during summer: Chicago gets 11 inches in June, July and August to Seattle's three. It's in places like Cincinnati and St. Louis where summer brings major downpours that pass quickly, with sunny and warm conditions before and after. In Seattle the rain's likely to be part of an overcast day, and it's more likely to fall steadily than it is to storm. Of course, it was one of the characters who made that observation, not the author.

The reference to Taylor Swift's concert series seems to give us a time frame: Wikipedia says her first national tour was in 2008, so presumably James is telling us about events that happened less than three years ago.

I see that one commenter here thinks the whole thing was a set-up, since they threw him back in the pool with his shirt on, and another figures it was an accident. Hard to say from what we know so far, but I'm inclined to doubt that the girls could have planned it in advance, not knowing whether or not he'd bring other clothes with him, or that a downpour was going to force them inside.


daring game part 1

it is a good story and wonder what will happen next time he wants to go swimming. will he bring along extra clothes with him. it will be fun to read the new chapter.

Good start set's the story

nikkiparksy's picture

Good start set's the story up for future episode's very well,will look forward too reading the next chapter:).