You Have it All Wrong Part 3


Chrissy’s life with Becky and her friend Mandy has its ups and downs, as misunderstandings cause their happy life to shred asunder. Will they part forever? Or will they resolve their differences?

You Have It All Wrong

By SaraUK


Chapter 3

    Chrissy was in shock, she sat herself down on the edge of the bed and let her head drop. She snapped herself out of it when she realised that Mandy could fix this if she drove her around to Mable’s so they could get Becky. She ran down to the kitchen to find Mandy.

    Mandy was just about to open the first carton of Chinese food when Chrissy burst into the kitchen, making Mandy jump. “She’s gone Mandy, she’s moved back to Mable’s!”

    Mandy stopped opening the food and let her head drop as a sign of defeat. She knew that she had done all this, and the only person to suffer for it was Chrissy. “I’m sorry Chrissy, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She was crying as she looked at Chrissy.

    Chrissy walked over to her sister and gave her a hug. “I don’t blame you for this Sis. Becky is as much to blame for leaving me with only a note. But we can sort it all out, you’ve already told me that you forgive her, so why don’t we go and find our little lost sheep?”

    Mandy had a smile on her face again, she could see that all Chrissy wanted was for them all to be one big happy family again. Mandy put the food in the oven and put it on a very low heat to keep it warm, then grabbed her purse and headed for the door with Chrissy close behind.

    It didn’t take them long to get to Mable’s. Chrissy was almost out the car before Mandy had stopped, she was on the road side dancing on the spot as though it would make Mandy move quicker. Mandy had to giggle as she thought of Chrissy being a little child waiting for a present. Chrissy grabbed her hand and dragged her to the front door. Chrissy pushed the doorbell and waited for someone to answer.

    Chrissy was still dancing on the spot. Mandy was starting to wonder if she needed the bathroom or something. She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the door open. They both saw the friendly face of Mable looking up at them both.

    “Hello Chrissy, Mandy. I thought it would be you two. I take it you’ve come for you missing family member?”

    “Hello Mable. Yes we have, is she here?” Chrissy said in a worried voice. Not sure if Becky had really gone straight to Mable’s, or whether she was out walking around.

    “Yes, she’s in the TV room. May I ask what happened? She won’t tell me. She’s been in their all afternoon watching some old films, looking sorry for herself.”

    Chrissy was about to say something, but Mandy beat her to it. “Hi Mable, I’m sorry, but it was my fault. She was talking to Chrissy about me and I kind of got the wrong idea and treated her really badly, so she left while we were at work today.”

    “I take your being at my doorstep to mean that you forgive her then?” Mable said with a smile on her face.

    “Yes I was wrong to think what I did. I never thought she would just leave.” Mandy said.

    “Becky has always ran away from her problems. She would never say anything to really hurt you Mandy. In a lot of ways she is just like Chrissy here, they are both so easily hurt.”

    “I know Mable, and I feel really bad for the way I acted, I hurt Becky and Chrissy. I’m not much of a friend am I.” Mandy’s head dropped and a tear ran down her cheek.

    Mable stepped out and gave Mandy a hug and Chrissy put her arm around her shoulder and hugged her too. “Now you’re just being silly Sis, Becky and I both love you.”

    “If you are such a bad friend Mandy then why are you standing on my doorstep crying because Becky ran away?”

    Mandy had no answer for that one, but she knew that Mable wasn’t looking for an answer to the question.

    Mable led the way into the house and then took them both to the TV room. “I’ll leave you all to talk for a bit. Will you be stopping for some dinner?”

    “I hope not Mable, we grabbed take out on the way home.” Mandy said.

    “Well I better let you get sorted and home again before it’s spoiled.” Mable walked off towards the Dinning room and left the two girls at the door to the TV room.

    Chrissy pushed the door open and could see Becky sat on the sofa with her feet up on the seat and her knees under her chin. She was watching some old movie, she hadn’t heard the two of them enter the room. “Did you forget where you live Becky?” Chrissy said in a loud voice that made Becky almost jump of the other end of the sofa.

    Becky’s head snapped around to find the two of them stood looking at her with hard looks on their faces. She was about o speak, but just let her head drop then she said, “Sorry, but I thought it best if I move out. I could cope with being in a house where I was hated.” She was crying as she spoke.

    Chrissy sat next to her and Becky hugged her as she started to sob even more. “You’re not hated Becky. Mandy has some stuff to tell you.” Mandy had taken up the space on the other side of Becky. She handed her a tissue and then said, “Becky I’m sorry for the way I’ve been treating you. I don’t hate you for what you said and I never wanted you to move out. Please forgive me and come home.” Mandy had tears running down her face again.

    Becky looked at her and then handed her the tissue back to wipe her tears away, then she gave her a hug. Chrissy was glad to see them both friends again. Hey! Don’t forget about me.” Chrissy said in a little girl voice.

    How could we ever forget about you they both said. They both dived on Chrissy and hugged some more then they told Becky to go and get her stuff. Chrissy went to find Mable while Mandy fixed her makeup.

    “Hi Mable, were going to head off now. Becky is just getting her stuff now, sorry for all the trouble.”

    “Don’t worry about it Chrissy. I’m just glad you got it all sorted out before it went on too long.” Mable gave Chrissy a hug then followed her to the front door where Mandy and Becky were both waiting for her.

    “I’m sorry for wasting your time Mable.” Becky said looking sorry for herself.

    “Stop looking sorry for yourself, I’ve had to look at that face all afternoon. I thought you’d be happy to be going home so soon.” Mable lifted Becky’s head with her finger under her chin.

    “I am happy to be going home Mable, but I feel bad for wasting your time.”

    “Don’t be dear. I’m glad you still think of me when you’re feeling down.”

    “I could never forget you Mable. You’re the only family I’ve got in the world.

    “So what are we then?” Chrissy said in a hurt voice.

    “You know what I mean Chrissy, next to you and Mandy this is the only place I can call home.” Becky stepped over to Chrissy and gave her a hug and a long kiss.

    “I’ll let you off this time then missy, now get your butt in the car or dinner will be spoiled.

    They all gave Mable a hug and then made their way out to the car and back home.

    Becky took her bag up to their room with Chrissy and Mandy following behind. Mandy went to her room to get changed and Chrissy did the same. Once they had all changed into night gowns they made their way down to the kitchen to see if the food was still okay.

    “MMM, Chinese food.” Becky said as she saw Mandy getting the trays out the oven.

    “It was my way of saying sorry for being such a cow to you for the last couple of days.” Mandy said.

    “If you’re going to buy me Chinese every time we have a falling out, we should do it more often.” Becky had a silly grin on her face. Mandy stood looking at her with a hand on her hip, as Becky ran over and hugged her.

    Mandy felt better know that they were all friends again, or Family as it felt like now days.

    The food was still really nice and they cleared most of it away and what was left went in the fridge. They took their wineglasses and made their way to the living room.

    Chrissy sat in the middle of the largest sofa and Mandy and Becky took the seat on either side of her. Mandy grabbed the TV remote and flicked through the channels till she found something they all wanted to watch. She put the remote back down and then cuddled up to Chrissy just like Becky had done.

    Chrissy loved it when they did this, she felt safer than she had ever felt. Even though she had confronted her father, sitting there being cuddled made her feel really great. Seeing Becky and Mandy talking again made the moment just perfect.

    They sat watching the TV and drinking the wine they had brought into the room with them. Becky and Mandy would give Chrissy sips out of their glasses as she was pinned down, but she wasn’t bothered, she really quite liked the way they were treating her.

    The TV program that they were watching ended and they all decided to call it a night. Once they’d dropped the glasses off in the kitchen then made their way upstairs.

    Chrissy could see a sad look on Mandy’s face when they got to their bedroom doors. She had a feeling of what it was that was making her look so sad, but she wanted to check with Becky before they did anything. They both hugged Mandy goodnight then made their way into their bedroom.

    “Becky? Would you mind if we slept in Mandy’s room tonight with her? She looked a little sad when we left her on the landing.”

    “I did notice she looked a little down. I’d be more than happy to spend the night with Mandy.”

    “Great. Let’s get our nightgowns on and then go and keep Mandy warm.” Chrissy gave Becky a hug and then set about brushing their teeth and getting ready for bed.

    Once they were both ready, Chrissy grabbed Becky’s hand and they made their way over to Mandy’s room.

    Mandy had just finished in the bathroom when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. When she opened it she saw Chrissy and Becky there smiling at her. “Chrissy, Becky, is there something wrong?”

    “Yep there is Sis, we don’t think it’s safe to let you sleep alone, so we’re here to solve the problem.” Chrissy was grinning and waiting to hear Mandy’s reply.

    Mandy let a big smile appear on face, as she wasn’t looking forward to spending the night alone in her large bed. She stepped to one side and let them enter the room. Both girls hugged her as they walked past. Chrissy kept hold of her hand and led her over to the bed and climbed in then pulled Mandy in after her. Becky had already got in the bed, so Chrissy was in the middle, just the way she liked it.

    Mandy got in and felt the warm hug from Chrissy and she felt better already. She was soon sound asleep along with Becky and Chrissy, all of them having happy dreams.

    Mandy woke the next morning and had to smile as she was facing the still sleeping form of Chrissy. She loved how peaceful she looked and even more innocent than she normally did, which Mandy didn’t think possible.

    As though Chrissy could sense she was being watched, Chrissy opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times till she could focus. She thought Becky looked a little odd, till she realised it was Mandy. Then it all came back to her, why Mandy was lying next to her.

    “Good Morning Sleepy head.” Mandy said. “Good Morning Sis.” Chrissy replied.

    “Thanks Chrissy, for spending the night with me. I really do like having you and Becky here with me.”

    “You did look a little sad last night when we were heading to our own room, so I asked Becky if she wanted to spend the night with you and she jumped at it. I wonder if she has a little something for you.”

    “I love you both very much, but I love you just a little bit more baby.” Chrissy and Mandy both looked over to see Becky rubbing her eyes and smiling at them both.

    “You only love me a little bit more?” Chrissy was pouting as she spoke.

    “You’re always reading more into things than you really should.” Becky put her arms around Chrissy’s neck and kissed her.

    “That felt like a lot more than just a little Becky.” Chrissy said short of breath when they broke the kiss.

    “Yep, I can say she never kissed me like that before.” Mandy was sat watching the show.

    “Good, because some things I want to keep just for me.” Chrissy said with a grin.

    Mandy forced herself out of bed and into the bathroom to make a start on getting ready for work. Chrissy and Becky made their way back to their own room to take a shower together in the hope of saving some water and helping the environment a little.

    Once they were both clean and dressed they went to get some breakfast before heading off to work. Mandy dropped Becky off and then headed to the shop.

    Life got back to a more normal pace after Chrissy’s trip home. She was more relaxed and even more fun to be around. Mandy was happy for her, and Becky was even more head over heels in love with her. Chrissy and Becky started to sleep in Mandy’s bed with her every night and they grew even closer.

    It was a couple of months later when Chrissy was working in the shop that she heard the doorbell and looked around to see a man looking around. She’s seen this man in the shop before so just stood and watched as he made his way over to the corset section. Chrissy had got as good, if not better than Mandy at reading whether a man was shopping for a loved one, or for themselves. But she had never been able to work him out.

    Chrissy finished up what she was doing then went to see if he needed any help. “Hello there, can I help you with anything?”

    The man turned to face her, but didn’t look scared or nervous. “Hello there. I was just wondering if you did this style of corset in a blue?” He held up a red corset. Chrissy took the corset from him and looked at the style of it. “Is this the right size Sir?”

    “Yes the size is right, but I need it in a blue, can you help?”

    “I think we do have some other colours out back. Please give me a minute to go and look.” Chrissy took the one she was holding and made her way out back to have a look.

    She found one in blue, but she also found a better make in blue as well, so she walked back out front and found him looking at some bra’s. Chrissy pretended to clear her throat to let him know she was back.

    “We do have that style in blue, but if your looking to wear it a lot, then you’re going to be better off using this one.” Chrissy placed the boxes on the counter and opened the one that he had asked to see and then the one she said would be a better make to go with.

    He picked up the one that Chrissy said was the better one out the two. He looked it over and then said, “You’re right, this one does feel a lot nicer. Is it a lot more money?”

    “Sadly it is a little more, but worth every penny.” Chrissy hoped that it didn’t look like she was just trying to get a bigger bonus off the sale.

    “How much more?” He asked with a pained look on his face, that said he wasn’t really sure if he wanted to know.

    “That one is ten pounds more than the other one.”

    “Oh, is that all. I thought you were going to say more than that.” He looked more relaxed again. “Do you carry a lot of them in stock? And in lots of sizes?”

    “We do have a lot of the sizes in stock, and we can get most items next day if we don’t have it in the shop now.”

    “That’s good then, can you supply me with that style corset in all these sizes?” He pointed to the nicer of the two corsets as he handed her a sheet of paper.

    Chrissy looked at the sheet and saw that there were nearly forty sizes on the sheet. “Wow, you want a lot of them don’t you? We don’t have all these in stock, but I can have them here tomorrow I hope.”

    “Can you find out and let me know now? I really need them for the end of the week.”

    Chrissy walked behind the counter and grabbed the phone and looked for the supplier’s number on the speed dial. She made the call and found out that they had all the sizes in stock, so Chrissy said she would sort out what sized they already had and would call them back. She looked at the man and said, “Yep we can have them all here tomorrow for you.”

    “That’s great, do you want to work out the bill? So I can get it paid now and out the way.” He pulled out his wallet and then a credit card.

    If you give me a minute to call Mandy the boss, I may be able to give you some discount.”

    “You really don’t have to, but thanks anyway.”

    Chrissy called Mandy on her Mobile and explained about the order and Mandy said she could give him discount, and that she would be back in an hour, then she rang off.

    Chrissy worked out the bill and the added the discount and handed the peace of paper to the man. “There you go Sir, if you look you will that we gave you some discount as you’re spending so much with us.”

    “Carl.” Chrissy looked at him a little odd. “My name is Carl. I’ve never liked the whole Sir thing, so call me Carl, please.”

    “Okay Carl, and please call me Chrissy.”

    “Okay Chrissy. Pleased to meet you.” He held out his hand, but when she put hers out to shake it, he lifted it to his lips and kissed it. Chrissy went all red in the face and got worried that he was hitting on her.

    Carl saw the worried look on her face. “I’m sorry Chrissy, I didn’t mean to worry you. I was just trying to be polite.”

    Chrissy looked at the man and saw that he really didn’t look the type that would want to hurt her. To change the subject she asked, “I’ve seen you in here before, but you never brought so much stuff before. May I ask what you need all the corsets for?”

    “I’m opening a night club and these are part of the work wear.”

    “A night club, you have to give me the address and then my girlfriend and I can come and check it out.” Chrissy wanted to make sure Carl knew that she was off limits before he did try and take it any further.

    “You mean Girlfriend, or just a girl friend?”

    “Girlfriend, as in my lover.” Chrissy said in a long slow way.

    “Oh, right. What about Mandy your boss, Is she your lover?”

    “No, she’s my sister, but both I and my girlfriend live in the same house as Mandy. May I ask how you know Mandy?”

    “I’ve been coming here for some time. Since before you started working here, funny, she never told me she had a sister. I thought you just worked for her.”

    “Well it’s kind of a long story, which I really don’t feel like going into now. But needless to say that we’re as close as sisters, and act like sisters.” Chrissy was getting a little nervous that he was going to get her saying the wrong thing.

    Carl could see that Chrissy did not like the way the chat was going, and she was getting a little snappy with him.

    “I’m sorry Chrissy, I wasn’t prying. I tend to get a little nosy sometimes, but I didn’t mean to upset you.” Carl really did look like he was sorry.

    “I’m not upset, but I was in a really bad place when I first met Mandy, and she’s been great to me. So I really do see her as my big sister. Why all the interest in Mandy anyway?” Chrissy was beginning to get the idea that there might be more to Carl than she first thought.

    He seemed to take a little time to answer Chrissy’s question. “I think she’s a great person, and I wondered if she was seeing anyone right now?”

    “Mandy lost her husband a couple of years back, but hasn’t been with another man since.” Chrissy was all of a sudden eyeing up Carl in a whole new light. She was playing the true role of a sister. “Unless you come here shopping for yourself all those times in the past. I’m going to guess that you’re already in a relationship, so why would I want to help you get a date with my sister?”

    “I’m not seeing another woman if that is what you think. I’ve found Mandy really nice since the first time I saw her, but I never had the nerve to ask her out before now.”

    “That’s really great Carl, but you still never answered the question. Why have you been buying clothes and underwear from Mandy’s shop if you’re not seeing another woman?”

    Carl was really not looking very comfortable with the question Chrissy had just asked. He took a deep breath and then said, “I know what your thinking Chrissy, but I can’t fully explain it all now, but if you want to come to the opening of the club on Saturday night, I promise to explain it all then. All I ask is that you get Mandy to come with you and your girlfriend.” He went in his pocket and pulled out some gold cards and handed three of them to Chrissy. She looked at the cards and saw the name “The Closet” on it in large letters and VIP on it as well.

    “Very impressive Carl, but why is coming to the opening of the club going to explain everything and get you a date with Mandy?”

    “Trust me Chrissy, once you’ve been to the club it will all make more sense to you. And Mandy will know where she stands with me. All I need is for you to get her there for me.”

    “Okay Carl, but I will not be happy if you hurt her in any way.” Chrissy looked right into Carl’s eyes as she spoke. Carl knew that crossing Chrissy wouldn’t be in his best interest.

    “Chrissy the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt anyone, never mind hurting Mandy or her sister. That’s why I want to let her see the other side of me, so I have nothing to hurt her with before I ask her out on a date.”

    “You make it sound very cryptic Carl. But I have an idea of what your doing. I’ll have her there for you, but the rest is up to you.” Chrissy took him by the hand to show her trust in him.

    Chrissy ran the credit card through the machine and then finished up with Carl and let him get on his way.

    By the time Mandy got back, Chrissy had all the sizes sorted for the corsets that they had in stock, and had placed the order to replace the most common sizes they carry in stock and had the other ones that Carl needed ordered.

    Chrissy showed Mandy the receipt. “Wow Chrissy, I leave you alone for a couple of hours and you sell half the shop!” Mandy wasn’t smiling, so Chrissy was a little worried.

    “I’m sorry Mandy, but I thought you’d be happy I sold so much stuff.” Chrissy was trying to work out what she did wrong, or if Mandy knew she was about to set her up on a date of sorts with a man she had only just really spoke to.

    “Chrissy, I’m not upset with you. I’m just a little shocked at the amount you sold in such a short time.”

    Chrissy looked a little happier when she saw that Mandy wasn’t mad at her. Chrissy threw her arms around her sister. “I just want you to be proud of me Mandy.”

    “Chrissy, I am proud of you. You’ve put up with more than many do and you still care so much. I’m so very proud to call you sister.” Mandy hugged her even tighter.

    When they broke the hug Chrissy asked, “Do you have any plans for Saturday night Sis?”

    “Nope, I was just going to relax in front of the TV and have a glass of wine or three. Why do you ask?”

    “The person who brought all the corsets is opening a club Saturday night, and gave me three VIP tickets so we can go and have a good time. So you up for it Sis?”

    “I’m not sure Chrissy, clubbing isn’t really my thing. But don’t let me stop you and Becky going.”

    “But Sis, I want you to come as well. You need a night out and I want my Sister to come out with me. Look at the posh cards they left, they even say VIP.” Chrissy showed her the cards as she spoke.

    Mandy was impressed with the cards and they did look like they were going to a very upmarket nightclub.

    Mandy was thinking it over for a couple of minutes, all the time with Chrissy holding her breath, or you would have thought so with the breath she let out when Mandy said, “Okay then Sis. I’ll come out, if only to stop you pouting.”

    Chrissy jumped at her Sis and hugged her while saying thanks over and over again.

    Chrissy let Becky know about the night out on Saturday, but decided to keep the bit about Carl wanting to meet Mandy. That way if it all went wrong she would be the only one Mandy could blame.

    Carl came in the next day to pick up the corsets. Mandy was there and she remembered seeing Carl a number of times before.

    “So it’s your club then that we’re coming to? I never knew you had a club.”

    “So you’re coming to the opening of the club then on Saturday night?” Carl sounded a little bit too excited. Chrissy shot him a look, which he saw and calmed down a little.

    “I wasn’t going to, but my little sister wanted me to come.”

    “I’m glad you decided to come. I know you will have a good time, trust me.”

    Mandy shot Chrissy a look that said she could see that something was going on here. Chrissy helped Carl carry the boxes out to his car. When they got there Chrissy said, “Carl what are you trying to do? Mandy knows that I’m up to something now.”

    “I’m sorry Chrissy, but I just get so nervous around her. I’ve never felt like this about anyone. I’m just not sure she’ll ever want anything to do with me after Saturday.”

    “You mean when she finds out you’re a crossdresser?” Carl looked shocked at what Chrissy had just said. “How did you know I’m a crossdresser?”

    “I’ve had a little practice at working out which men are and which men aren’t. But if it helps you any, it took me some time to work you out. Even then it was more the way you acted the other day that gave it away.”

    “Does this mean your going to tell Mandy? She’ll never even give me a chance if you do.” Carl was looking down at the floor, feeling beaten.

    “Carl, I’m not going to spoil your chance at a relationship with Mandy, and you may be surprised at just how she reacts to you on Saturday.” She lifted his head with her finger under his chin.

    “You’re really quite amazing Chrissy. I hope no matter how it goes on Saturday, you will still feel like you can talk to me.”

    “No matter how it goes on Saturday Carl, I will talk to you. I will even tell you my story, I think you will feel like you can talk to me even more after I tell you.” Carl gave her an odd look, but Chrissy wasn’t going to say any more for the time being.

    With all the boxes loaded in his car Carl was soon driving off down the road. Chrissy made her way back into the shop, to find Mandy stood waiting there with her hands on her hips. Chrissy felt like the naughty child that had been caught doing something really bad.

    “Chrissy! What are you up to?”

    “I’m going to check what we’ve sold on the web site and EBay, then get it all packaged up and ready to be taken to the post office. Why is there something else you need me to do first?” Chrissy had a good idea what Mandy really meant, but wanted to try and look busy in the hope that she would let it go.

    “Chrissy, you know what I’m talking about. I get the feeling that you’re trying to set me up on a date.”

    “ME! Try and set you up with a date? Sis, I couldn’t find you a date if my life depended on it.”

    “If I find out you have little sister, then it might.” Mandy didn’t look very happy with her. Chrissy was beginning to feel like she had made a really big mistake. All she could do was keep her fingers crossed and hope that Mandy wouldn’t kill her.

    Becky could tell that there was something wrong with Chrissy when she got home that night. Becky left off asking anything till they got upstairs. “Okay babe, spill it!”

    “What do you mean Becky?” Chrissy asked, not really understanding what she was on about.

    “You’ve got something on your mind. Did you have an argument with Mandy?”

    Chrissy looked at Becky trying to work out whether she should tell her or not. Taking a deep breath she said, “I might have done a bad thing, and when Mandy finds out what I’ve done, she will kick me out the house and maybe never speak to me again.”

    “What did you that was so bad Chrissy?” Becky led Chrissy over to the bed and sat her down, then sat down next to her.

    “I’ve sort of set her up with a date for Saturday night with the owner of the nightclub we’re going to.”

    “That’s great, it’s about time she got back on the horse as they say.”

    “Well she kind of worked out that I was up to something and now she says she’s going to kill me if I am.” Chrissy was close to tears by now.

    “She won’t kill you Sis, and you still have time to call it all off and she will never know anything about it.” Becky offered as a way of trying to help Chrissy calm down.

    “If I call it all off now Mandy will know I was planning something and she will still be mad at me, so I might as well go through with it and hope she still likes me after.”

    “She’ll have a great time and see that she is ready to get back in the game.”

    “I hope so Becky, but there is a little problem with her date.” Chrissy was playing with her hair. Becky always saw this as a sign she was really worried.

    “Spill it Chrissy, what the hell did you do?” Becky stood up and put her hands on her hips to show she means business. Chrissy realised at that minute that Becky was cute when she got mad.

    “Her date is a crossdresser.”

    “He’s a what! You find Mandy a date and he likes to dress like a girl.” Becky had a slight air of disgust in her voice as she said it.

    “Why did you say it like that? He’s still a good person, he just likes to wear female clothing.”

    “I didn’t mean for it to sound like it did Chrissy. It’s just a little worrying to think that you set Mandy up with a crossdresser.”

    “She was fine with me, so I thought she would be okay with it, and I’ve not set up a date as such. All he asked me to do is get Mandy to go to the club.”

    “Well just keep your fingers crossed that she likes this guy even if he is in a dress. I’ll try and help keep Mandy calm if it does all get out of hand.”

    “Thanks Becky. I just have a good feeling about this guy, I know he loves her. We just need to get them to talk to each other.”

    “Well given your track record for helping people just by being apart of their lives Chrissy, I know your right.” Becky held out her arms and Chrissy ran into them letting Becky hug all her fears away. They both got ready for bed and made their way over to Mandy’s room in the hope of her not kicking them out.

    The rest of the week was quiet at home, but the shop was really busy and Chrissy and Mandy didn’t get much time to chat about Saturday.

    In no time at all, it was Saturday and they closed the shop early due to it being quiet. The post office was shut so there was no need to pack any of the stuff that they had sold on the internet.

    Because they were finished early Chrissy decided to cook a nice dinner. She had it all ready by the time Becky got home, so they all sat down and had an enjoyable meal before they all left to get ready. Chrissy was the first to head upstairs which gave Mandy some time to chat with Becky.

    “Becky, do you know what’s eating away at Chrissy? She’s been quiet most the week.”

    “She’s seemed fine to me. Maybe it’s that time of the month.” Becky realised just how dumb that reply was a little too late.”

    Mandy gave her a funny look. “You’re really not that good at thinking on your feet are you.

    Becky’s head dropped as she realised that Mandy now knew she had a pretty good idea she knew something. “I do know something, but I promised Chrissy I wouldn’t butt in. Please don’t be mad with her though, just see what happens. Please!”

    “Why do you make it sound like I’m going to hurt her if I don’t like the surprise? I would never do anything to harm Chrissy.”

    “I know Mandy, but you said some stuff the other day to Chrissy that had her worried. She thinks that you’re going to kick her out if you don’t like it.”

    “I was joking with her when I said that, what could be so bad that I would kick her out the house?”

    “I’m not sure anything will happen Mandy, but she feels that if you don’t like any of it you’re going to blame her for it all. Please don’t ask me any more Mandy, I really don’t want to get you worked up over nothing.” Mandy could see that Becky was getting upset with the questioning so she let it drop.

    Mandy and Becky went up to get ready. Chrissy was sat at her vanity blow drying her hair when Becky walked in. “Hi Baby, your hairs looking really nice. Will you have a play with mine when I get out the shower?”

    Chrissy turned off the dryer and turned to face Becky. “Sorry Becky, but I didn’t hear what you just said.”

    “I asked if you’d have a play with my hair when I get out the shower as you’ve done such a great job with your own.”

    “You know you don’t have to ask babe. I should be ready when you get back, now get a move on.” Chrissy smiled as she saw Becky disappear into the bathroom, then she turned back to the mirror and started on her hair again then she did her makeup.

    Chrissy was just getting her corset on when Becky got back from shower so she helped Chrissy tighten it down and tie it off. Becky thought she looked amazing in her black corset and black stockings. She didn’t have any knickers on yet as she was still doing up the suspender belts on the corset. Becky found it hard to believe Chrissy was once a man, all she saw was a really great looking woman that was all hers.

    “You should take a photo it will last longer.” Chrissy said when she saw that Becky was watching her carry on getting ready.

    Becky shook her head when she realised she was staring at her. “Sorry Chrissy, but you look so good, I find it hard to believe that you’re my girl.”

    Chrissy finished attaching the last suspender belt then walked over to where Becky was stood and wrapped her arms around her and said, “You better believe I’m all yours.” Then she kissed her for what seemed like forever. When they broke the kiss Chrissy slapped her ass then pushed her towards the vanity and sat her down.

    Becky relaxed as Chrissy worked on her hair, she found it so good when Chrissy did it. Becky thought she must have fell asleep because the next thing she knew Chrissy was saying “All done babe, what do you think?”

    Becky looked in the mirror and was amazed at the great job Chrissy had done. “Wow Chrissy, how did you get it to look like this?” Becky was turning her head from side to side as she looked at the excellent work.

    “It was nothing really babe, I had a great subject to work with. Do you want me to do your makeup as well?”

    “Would you, really? I love the way you can make your self look so sexy, I can never get myself to look anything like that.” Becky sighed as she spoke.

    “You always look sexy to me baby, but I will make you look like the hottest girl out on the town tonight.” Chrissy kissed her then wiped her lipstick off Becky’s lip and set to work applying foundation and eye shadow. Chrissy had turned Becky’s seat so she couldn’t see what she was doing.

    Becky loved the way Chrissy moved her hands over her face she had such a soft gentle touch. She could feel all the stress and worry of the day just washing away. Becky sat with her eyes shut until Chrissy said, “You can open your eyes now Becky. I hope you like what I’ve done.”

    Becky turned the seat to face the mirror, but still had to do a double take as the face looking back at her belonged on a super model, or a Hollywood movie star. “Chrissy, you’re a true artist. I never knew I could look so good.”

    “Good? You look way better than good. I think you look amazing!” Becky stood up and went to kiss Chrissy, but Chrissy stopped her saying, “Sorry babe, but after all the work I just did, You don’t get to spoil it by kissing me. Well not yet anyway.” Chrissy had an evil grin on her face. “Now you go and get dressed and let me finish up my makeup so I can finish getting dressed myself.”

    “You look great just the way you are, to me.” Chrissy looked in the mirror at the way she was dressed and then looked back at Becky and said, “Do you really want to be fighting of every man that we see tonight, and maybe some of the women as well?”

    “Good point, so hurry up and get dressed you little tease.” Becky giggled and ran off to find her outfit for the night. Chrissy just laughed and shook her head as she watched Becky run off.

    Chrissy sat and finished up her makeup and then went to find her dress. She’d never worn this dress before, she’d been saving it for a special occasion and this seemed like the right time. Chrissy had remembered reading stories on the net about crossdresser’s having a LBD (little black dress) and she was about to wear hers.

    The dress had a tight fitting bodice section that flared out to a free flowing skirt section which made her waist seem even smaller than it normally did. Chrissy looked in the mirror as she ran her hands down her side. As she looked, she realised that there was no trace of her old self left. No one could ever think she was once male, not that she ever really thought she was.

    Chrissy jumped when she heard Becky wolf whistle at her. “I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to make you jump. But you just look so damn hot right now.” Becky pulled her close as she spoke.

    “So how do I look the rest of the time?” Chrissy asked with a raised eyebrow.

    “You know I can’t answer that without digging a hole for myself. What I should have said is you look super hot now, where as you normally look hot. Does that sound better?”

    “Yep, that sounds better.” Chrissy could see Becky leaning in for a kiss, she tried to speak, but was cut off when their lips met. When they broke Becky said, “I couldn’t hold it back any longer Chrissy. I love you so much, I wish this moment could last forever. Do we really have to go out? Can’t I just take you to bed right now?”

    “Yes we have to go out, and no you can’t take me to bed right now. I’m not tired.” Chrissy was grinning, as she knew that Becky wasn’t thinking of sleep.

    “I never said anything about sleeping babe.” Becky said with a grin.

    “I’ve spent way too long making you look even hotter than you normally look, and now I want to show you off as my girl, as I’m sure you want to show me off as yours.”

    “Since you put it like that, what are we waiting for.”

    “It might help if you had your dress on Becky.” Chrissy pointed out the fact that Becky was stood in the middle of the room in only a red bra and panty set.

    “I knew I’d forgot something.” Becky slapped the palm of her hand to her forehead as she said it. Chrissy giggled and then went to get Becky her dress, it was a red one a little like the one she was wearing, but didn’t need to be corseted down. It had a much looser fit in the waist, but still looked really hot as Chrissy pulled the zip up the back.

    They stood side by side and looked in the full-length mirror on the back of the closet door. They both looked really hot and they knew they would be fighting off the men all night.

    Once they decided that they both looked ready to hit the town, they left the room and went to find Mandy. She was sitting in the kitchen with a glass of wine, she poured two more glasses as Chrissy and Becky entered the room.

    “Wow, you to look amazing. Maybe I should just call it a night and stay here.”

    “Don’t be silly Sis, you look even hotter than we do, and you know it.” Mandy stood up and did a quick twirl for the two girls. She had on a purple dress like Chrissy and she had even worn a corset to give her a smaller waist. All three girls were wearing sky high heels. All three girls were going to turn some heads tonight.

    Mandy handed them a glass of wine each and they soon drank them down. Just as they finished there was a pip from outside. “That must be David, I asked him if he would give us a lift.” Chrissy said.

    “Great idea Sis. Saves us waiting for a taxi to turn up. You can’t always get one on a Saturday night.” The girls grabbed their handbags and made there way out to David’s car.

    David watched every step they made from when they left the house to when they got in his car. “You three all look fantastic.” The girls thanked him for the compliment as they put their seat belts on. Mandy told him where they were heading and David pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road.

    Chrissy was really beginning to wonder if she was doing the right thing, but it was a little late now. She was happy to be sat in the back of the car, so Mandy couldn’t see the worried look on her face. She was looking out the window, but Becky could still tell she was worried. Becky reached out and took hold of Chrissy’s hand, which made Chrissy look around and smile at her. Knowing that Becky was there for her made her feel better.

    It didn’t take long to get to the club and David dropped them off outside. There was quite a queue outside the club and they started to make their way towards the end of the line when they were stopped by one of the bouncers. “Excuse me Ladies, but you can go right in.” Chrissy, Becky, and Mandy all looked at each other, then Mandy pulled the VIP cards out of her purse and went to show them to the bouncer. “That’s okay Miss. Carla said you’re to be treated like royalty, so go right in.”

    Mandy looked at Chrissy then asked, “Who is Carla?” Chrissy had a good idea who Carla was, but she wasn’t about to tell Mandy.

    “I think she was the woman that came in to place the order for the corsets the other day.” Chrissy didn’t really see it as a lie, more like just bending the truth.

    Mandy smiled and then followed the bouncer into the club. It looked like a really great place, there was loud music playing and they were led to a staircase that led up to a balcony with a sign above the entrance way that said VIP section. The girls all felt very special as they were led in. The bouncer motioned towards a sofa and the girls all took a seat.

    They watched the bouncer head over to where a woman was stood talking to a group of women. He waited for the woman to turn, then he spoke to her. She looked over her shoulder to where they girls were sat. She said something to him and he left again.

    Mandy was forced to look away from the woman when a girl came over with a tray with three glasses on it. “We haven’t ordered any drinks yet.”

    “Compliments of the club.” The girl said. Mandy didn’t notice right away, but the girl was wearing one of the corsets from her shop. She had it on over the top of a black blouse and a short flared black skirt. She also had seamed black fishnets and black high-heeled boots. Mandy thought the whole outfit looked really great.

    Chrissy had been sat watching the girl as she handed them their drinks, which turned out to be champagne. It took her a couple of minutes to realise that she was really a he.

    The girl looked at Chrissy as she realised, but instead of looking worried she just winked and smiled as she walked away. Becky saw the look on Chrissy’s face as she watched the girl walk away.

    “Hey Chrissy, remember me?” Becky could feel that little jealous nerve starting to fire up.

    Chrissy leaned over to Becky. “Don’t worry babe, he’s not my type.” Becky was about to answer when she realised what Chrissy had said. What do you mean He?”

    “I think I just worked out where the name of the club came from.” Chrissy was looking around as she spoke.

    Becky started to look around, and she could see that some of the girls serving drinks did look a little butch, but not so butch that they didn’t look like really convincing women.

    Chrissy looked over to where Mandy was sitting, to find her looking at Chrissy with an odd look on her face. Chrissy offered a small smile, but Mandy wasn’t buying it. Chrissy was getting worried now so she tried to look any place, but at Mandy.

    Mandy was about to speak to Chrissy when a woman came over to them. She was a tall woman with long curly black brown hair, An hour-glass figure helped with the aid of a corset. Mandy looked the woman in the eyes, she saw something she recognised, but could quite put her finger on it. She looked the woman up and down, she loved the blue dress the woman was wearing. It was a sparkly blue with silver sequinned flowers all over it. The dress had a split up the side that showed a very stunning looking leg.

    Mandy’s eyes were drawn back to the woman’s face when she spoke. “Good evening ladies. I hope you’re being treated well?” She spoke in almost a whisper and with a hint of nervousness. The question was aimed at Mandy, so she replied. “Yes we are, but I don’t understand why we’re getting the special treatment?”

    The woman took a deep breath. “Can we go some place and talk in private Mandy?” Mandy gave the woman a wary look. “You seem to know my name, but I don’t think we’ve ever met before, or have we?”

    “I’m sorry.” The woman said as she realised she hadn’t said who she was yet. “I’m Carla, I own the club.”

    “I thought that.” Mandy stopped as the penny dropped and she realised that the man that was in the shop the other day is the same man that was now dressed as this stunning woman.

    “What? That Carl owns the club. It’s sort of a joint partnership.” She smiled. “Can we go and talk about all this.” Carla waved her hand over her body.

    Mandy gave Chrissy a look that had daggers in it. Chrissy was feeling really bad now for what she did.

    Carla could see the look on Mandy’s face. “Please don’t be mad with Chrissy, she was only doing what I asked.”

    Mandy looked back at Carla. “I take it you have a place we can go and talk about whatever you brought me here for.”

    “Yes, please follow me.” Carla held out her hand for Mandy to take. Mandy couldn’t help, but look at the long painted fingernails.

    Carla led Mandy to a door marked private, and opened the door to let her enter first. Once in the room it was like an office/living room, There was a large desk over near a large window that overlooked the river. At the other side of the large room there was a sofa.

    “This is a nice room you have here Carla, but I still don’t understand why you wanted me here.”

    “Please take a seat and I will explain.” Carla motioned to the sofa. “From the first time I came into your shop I felt something for you, but I couldn’t act on it because I was buying female clothing. But the more I came to the shop the more I wanted to ask you out on a date.”

    “I’m not ready to start dating yet Carla.” Mandy said looking a little sad.

    “Mandy, I know about your loss. But you can’t keep living alone. The reason for asking you to come here tonight was to let you see who I really am, well sort of see who I really am.” Carla waved her hand at herself.

    Mandy chuckled as she realised what Carla was trying to say. “So you thought that showing me this side of you would make me fall head over heels in love with you?”

    Carla looked a little hurt. “I didn’t expect you to do anything Mandy. I just didn’t want to try and start our friendship with any secrets.”

    Mandy looked a little softer at Carla. “I’m sorry Carla, but you can’t expect me to just be okay with all this. I need some time to think it over, and maybe get to know the male side of you first.” Mandy stood up to leave.

    “Please let me give you my number, so you can think about it and give me a call if you want to get together for a coffee and to chat about it.” She handed Mandy a card with some phone numbers on it. “I’m sorry for getting Chrissy to trick you. She really didn’t have any idea what was going on.”

    “I’ll give you a call when I’ve had some time to think about it some more.” With that said Mandy turned and left the room.

    Chrissy and Becky were sat on the sofa still when Mandy came out. Chrissy looked to see if Carla was following, but she wasn’t. Mandy looked at Chrissy in a way she had never seen her do before. She looked sad, like Chrissy had betrayed her. Mandy walked past the two girls and headed for the exit. Chrissy went to follow, but Becky stopped her.

    “Give her some time to think Chrissy. If you spoke to her now, you could hear some stuff she doesn’t really mean.”

    “I’ve screwed up haven’t I?” Chrissy had a tear run down her face as she said it.

    Becky got a tissue out her purse and dabbed away the tear so not to smudge her makeup. “Chrissy you were trying to help, she will see that once she’s had some time to think it over.”

    Chrissy was not in the mood for any fun now. “Becky, can we just find a hotel and book a room for the night? I really don’t think I should be around Mandy with how she looked at me.” Becky gave her a smile and just nodded a yes to her.

    They were just getting up to leave when Carla came out. “Where’s Mandy?” She asked.

    “She left right after she spoke with you. How did it go in there?” Becky asked, as Chrissy was too upset to speak. Carla could see how upset Chrissy was, but had no way to make her feel any better. Carla did feel bad for putting Chrissy in that spot.

    “I’m really sorry Chrissy, I didn’t think she would be upset with you once I told her you didn’t know anything.”

    Chrissy wiped her eyes then spoke in a very hoarse voice. “I knew what I was getting myself into, but I should have known better than to lie to Mandy.”

    “You’re not leaving too are you?”

    “Yes we’re going to find a hotel for the night. Thanks for the drinks and I hope the club goes well for you.” Chrissy leaned forward and gave Carla a hug before turning to leave the club.

    “Please wait, if you’re going to stay in a hotel then at least let me sort it out for you. After all I feel like it’s my fault you feel the need to.”

    “You don’t have to do that Carla.” Chrissy said.

    “I know I don’t, but I want to. I have a friend who owns a hotel just down the road, let me give him a call and see if he has a room.” Carla left to make the call. Chrissy and Becky sat back down and had another glass of champagne while they waited for Carla to come back.

    It was about ten minutes before she returned with a tall woman in a business suit with a skirt instead of trousers and a pair of shiny black boots on with very small heels. “Okay the room is all ready for you and Vicky here will drive you to the hotel and get you all settled in. If you have any problems just give me a call.” Carla gave both Becky and Chrissy a card with all her phone numbers on it.

    Carla gave both Chrissy and Becky a hug before Vicky showed them to her car. The car was a large black Mercedes with large leather seats and looked really posh and very new. Vicky got the door for them and then shut it again once they were both seated in the back of the car.

    “Thanks for the lift to the hotel Vicky. It’s a really nice car you have.” Chrissy said trying to be nice to the woman for driving them.

    “It’s not my car Miss, it belongs to the club. I just play chauffeur.” Chrissy just sat quietly in the back for a couple of seconds as she took in the fact that this woman that looked like a super model had just spoken in a deep male voice.

    Vicky was watching the look on Chrissy’s and Becky’s face as she waited for one of them to speak. But when they didn’t she said, “All the girls at the club are really men, or men in the middle of becoming women. Didn’t Carla tell you that?”

    “No she didn’t, but I did work out that some of the women were really men, but more from how they acted than how they looked. You all look really good.” Chrissy said with a smile.

    “Thank you Miss, I hope you had a good time? You’re leaving a little early, I hope you’re not disappointed at all?”

    “I’m Chrissy, and this is Becky. I’m not into the whole Miss and Ma’am thing.”

    “Okay then Chrissy. You’d be surprised how some people can be though if you don’t address them in the correct way.”

    “Don’t worry Vicky, I’m not one of them. I had a little trouble with a friend and don’t really feel like staying out now.”

    “Sorry to hear that Chrissy. I hope you feel better after a good night sleep, and your friend must be a fool to be mad at you.”

    “She has every reason to be upset with me Vicky, I was poking my nose in where it shouldn’t have been.” Chrissy sounded a little sad for upsetting Mandy. Becky held her hand to let her know that she was still there for her.

    They didn’t have time to say any more as Vicky pulled up in front of a really posh hotel. Chrissy and Becky just sat there staring at the front of the hotel as a young man in a bell boy outfit ran down and opened the door for them.

    Chrissy looked at Vicky. “You must have brought us to the wrong hotel Vicky, I can’t afford to stay here.”

    “This is the hotel that Carla told me to take you to, and that the room is already paid for and you can help yourself to room service all compliments of the Club and Carla.” Vicky was grinning as she saw the look on Chrissy and Becky’s face.

    Chrissy got out and then helped Becky get out. Vicky told the bellboy that they didn’t have any bags. He showed them to the front desk where Vicky told the woman behind the counter that Chrissy and Becky were very important guests of the club. They were to be treated like royalty and to charge everything to the club.

    Vicky turned to a very stunned looking pair of girls. “Carla wanted me to wish you a very good evening and to let you know that you’re to have a good time and not worry about the cost of anything. She also said that you’re to buy a change of clothes in the morning from the boutique and just charge it to the club.” Vicky went to walk away, but was stopped when Chrissy gave her a hug and thanked her for the ride over.

    “I hope I see you at the club again soon Chrissy. Have a good evening you two.” She smiled and winked at them as she walked away.

    Chrissy went to get the key from the front desk, but was led to the lift by a young man who showed them to their room. It was on the top floor and was like a palace.

    Once the man had let them in Chrissy went to get a tip for him out her purse, but the man said that it had been taken care of by the lady driving the car. Becky had wondered off to see what the other rooms looked like, so Chrissy went to find her.

    She found her in the bedroom stood at the bottom of the bed playing with something. When she got to where she could see, she saw Becky pulling a piece of fabric out a box that looked like black liquid. “Wow Becky what is that?”

    “It’s a night-gown. There’s one here for us both. Looks like Carla thought of everything.”

    “Well if it’s okay with you Becky, I think I’ll take a bubble bath and relax a little before putting on my night-gown.”

    “MMM, that sounds like a good idea, do you think there’s room enough for two?” Becky had a wicked grin on her face.

    “Well judging by the size of everything else in this room, there should be enough room.” Both girls made their way to the bathroom and found a small swimming pool. Well that is what it looked like to Chrissy and Becky.

    Becky slipped out of her dress and then her bra and panties, which left her in just her shoes. Chrissy took her dress off and then turned to let Becky undo her corset. She let out a large sigh once it was removed. Becky ran her hands over Chrissy’s wrinkled skin, where the corset had pinched the skin. Becky let her hand rest over the faint scar that still remained from where she was stabbed.

    “Does this hurt any more babe?” Becky bent over and kissed the scar, then started to kiss her way up Chrissy’s body till she reached her lips, where she took a little more time kissing her.

    Becky started to run a bath while she went to spend a little more time kissing Chrissy. Becky led Chrissy over to the bath once it was full and they both climbed in and relaxed. Becky picked up a sponge and started to wash Chrissy. She was happy that Chrissy was relaxing and not letting the worry of how Mandy was feeling get to her at the minute.

    Chrissy took the sponge off Becky when she finished and did the same to her. The water was cooling so they got out and dried each other off before they each put on a nice big fluffy bathrobe and heading back to the bedroom.

    Becky grabbed the room service menu and started to look to see what they did, or more to the point the stuff they didn’t do, as there wasn’t much you couldn’t order. “Do you want to order something from room service Chrissy?”

    “Do you think we should Becky? I don’t want to make it look like were taking advantage of her kindness.”

    “Chrissy, you heard what Vicky said. We’re to have a good time, so let’s order some food and have some fun.” Becky looked through the menu then picked up the phone and made an order. She put the phone back down and went to cuddle with Chrissy again.

    It didn’t take long for the food to turn up, so they were soon feeding each other Strawberry’s and cream and drinking glasses of champagne.

    Once the food was gone, Chrissy slid off the bed and picked up one of the nightgowns and went to the bathroom to put it on.

    “You don’t have to leave baby, I’ve seen it all before.” Becky pouted as she spoke.

    “I know you have Babe, but I just want to make it a little more special.” Chrissy struck a pose then disappeared into the bathroom.

    Becky poured herself another glass of champagne while she was waited, but then decided to slip into her nightgown instead.

    Becky fell in love with the way the fabric felt as it slid down over her breasts and then her tummy and bum, She hugged herself and ran her hands up her sides to make the fabric slide over her skin even more.

    Becky was that engrossed in the feel of the nightgown she never heard Chrissy come out the bathroom. Chrissy stood and watched the show for a couple of minutes. That is until she saw that Chrissy was watching her. That’s when she went a really deep shade of red and started trying to smooth out the nightgown.

    “It’s a shame we don’t have a pole, I think you could give a really good show.”

    “Thanks for making me feel cheap Chrissy.” Becky looked a little hurt with what Chrissy just said.

    “I didn’t mean it like that Becky, I was trying to be nice to you. But thinking about it now, I can see it didn’t come out right.” Chrissy reached out to hold Becky by the hand, but she pulled it away. Chrissy felt hurt that she had just upset the one she loved. Becky wouldn’t look at Chrissy, so she went back to the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bath, put her head in her hands and started to cry.

    She felt like her whole world was falling apart. First She upset Mandy, and now Becky. She was beginning to think that she was meant to be alone.

    Chrissy picked up her clothes off the bathroom floor and started to get dressed again. It took her some time to get the corset tight enough to get the dress back on, but she had it all back on and then she put her shoes on and made her way out to the main bedroom. Becky was lying on the bed with her back to Chrissy, so she made her way to the door.

    Becky turned over just in time to see Chrissy head out the door dressed. “Chrissy, Chrissy. Stop, please don’t go!” But it was too late, she’d gone. So she jumped off the bed and ran to the door, then down the hallway. She found Chrissy stood at the elevator doors waiting.

    “Chrissy, what do you think your doing? Why did you leave?” Chrissy had her back to Becky, so Becky turned her around. Becky could tell right away that Chrissy was upset.

    “I’m a screw up Becky. First I upset Mandy, then I upset you. I was just going to leave and stop trying to have any friends.” Becky never said a word, all she did was grab Chrissy by the arm and march her back to their room and then shut the door.

    Becky spun Chrissy around so fast it made her feel a little dizzy. “Don’t you ever think like that again Chrissy. I love you, and I’m sorry if I hurt you by pulling away. I think the wine and champagne has got to me. Now go and get back in your nightgown before I have to do it for you.”

    Chrissy shuffled off to the bathroom to get undressed. Becky was back on the bed when she got back. Chrissy went over and stood at the side of the bed waiting to see what Becky wanted her to do next.

    Becky looked up at Chrissy, but she wouldn’t make eye contact. She just kept looking down, so Becky patted the bed to indicate that Chrissy should get on it with her.

    Once Chrissy was on the bed, Becky put her arms around her and gave her a long passionate kiss and started to rub and pinch her nipples through the silk nightgown. Chrissy started to moan with pleasure and kiss Becky back.

    It didn’t take long for Chrissy to start teasing Becky in the same way by pinching and rubbing her nipples. Once they both reached an orgasm, they curled up together and fell asleep happy.

    Back at home Mandy had got in and gone to bed a little upset with Chrissy for what she had done, but the more she thought about it, the more she realised that what Carla had said was true. Chrissy didn’t really do anything bad apart from drag her out for a good time, which she herself had walked away from. Her mind flashed back tot he point she walked out of Carla’s office and she looked at Chrissy. She could see the upset in Chrissy, but she was too mad with her then to say a word.

    Mandy was going to stay up and say sorry to Chrissy, but she was just too tired to wait. She would have a word in the morning and fix it all then. It was strange to be alone again in her large bed, she was so used to having Becky and Chrissy there to cuddle up to and keep her warm and safe.

    Mandy must have been tired because she didn’t wake till gone ten the next morning. She went downstairs to see if Chrissy was up, but she couldn’t see any sign that Chrissy had got up yet at all. She made her way back upstairs and knocked on Chrissy’s bedroom door, but got no answer, so she slowly opened it and pocked her head around to see if she was awake yet or not. Her heart sank as she saw the empty bed.

    Mandy went back to her room and got her mobile and called Chrissy’s number, but she heard her phone ringing, so she knew that Chrissy must have left it behind last night. So she tried calling Becky, but just got the woman saying the phone may be turned off.

    Mandy was beginning to panic now, what if they had been hurt or worse. How could she find out?

    She saw the card with Carla’s numbers on at the side of the on her night stand and picked it up. She walked back down to the kitchen looking at the card and trying to work out if she should call him or not. She made herself a cup of coffee and then sat at the kitchen table and sipped at it why she played out all the ways the chat could go with Carl/Carla.

    In the end she punched in his mobile number and waited for him, or her to answer.

    It only rang a couple of time before she heard a voice say, “Hello Carl speaking.”

    “Hi Carl, its Mandy. We met last night at your club.”

    “Hi Mandy, I know who you are. It’s not every night you get to chat with a beautiful woman and tell her all your secrets. What can I do for you? Or did you call to arrange that date we spoke about?”

    “I’m calling to see if Chrissy and Becky left the club okay last night as they never made it home. I’m really worried about them.” Carl could hear the worry in Mandy’s voice as she spoke.

    “Their both safe and sound Mandy. They were leaving to find a hotel just after you left last night. Chrissy was upset with herself for hurting you. She didn’t think you’d want her at home.”

    “I would never want that at all. Do you know which hotel they were going to Carl?”

    “Yes I do, I sorted it all out for them. It’s the least I could do after what I did. If you would like, I can come and pick you up and take you to them?” Mandy was quiet for a while. “Okay then, but do you think we could go someplace quiet and chat for a bit first?”

    “Sure, how about I buy you lunch and we can chat why we eat.”

    “Okay then Carl, I’ll get ready and wait for you to get here.” She gave him the address and then went to shower and find something to wear.

    She was sat in the kitchen waiting when she heard a knock on the door. She looked in the hallway mirror as she walked past then opened the door to find Carl stood there smiling at her.

    “Hi Mandy, you look amazing as always. I hope you’re not still mad with me over last night.”

    “I was more shocked and confused, than mad. It was a lot to take in, in one go.”

    “I guess it was, but I wanted to try and be honest with you from the start. I did mean it when I said that I really do want to get to know you better. Please just give me a chance to show you what a great person I am.” Many liked the way he said person and not man.

    He took Mandy by the hand and led her to his car, the same black Mercedes that Chrissy and Becky went in last night. Mandy looked at the large black car and could tell this man wasn’t short of money. A tall thin man was stood by the car and opened the back door for the two of them to climb in. “Thanks Vic.” Carl said, as he got in the car.

    “So Mandy, do you have any special place you’d like to go and eat?”

    “No Sorry, I don’t go out to eat locally that much.” Mandy said with a shrug.

    “Do you mind if I pick the place?”

    “No, please feel free to choose a place.”

    “Vic take us to Biaggi’s please.” Vic never replied, he just kept driving the car. Mandy guessed that he was heading to the restaurant Carl told him to.

    Mandy didn’t really say much for the rest of the drive to the restaurant, Carl guessed that she wasn’t ready to talk about stuff in front of Vic.

    Vic stopped the car in front of a posh looking restaurant, he got out and opened the door for Mandy. “Thank you Vic.” Mandy said with a smile.

    “Your most welcome Miss.” Vic smiled back. He could see that she was a lot like Chrissy.

    “Please call me Mandy. I’m not into all the airs and graces stuff.”

    “As you wish Mandy, and thank you.” Vic had an even bigger grin on his face.

    “Do you want to join us for something to eat Vic?” Carl asked.

    “I think you and Mandy need some time to talk Carl. It’s a nice day and the car could do with a fresh coat of wax.”

    “You’re more than welcome to join us Vic, we can always talk some other time.” Mandy was feeling a little bad that this kind man was going to be working outside while she and Carl were eating.

    “Don’t look sad Mandy. You and Carl need to talk, and I’m not a big eater anyway. I’m trying to watch my figure.” Vic looked at Carl with a little grin and a wink. Carl smiled back as he got the joke, but Mandy never got to meet Vicky last night so it went over her head.

    Carl took Mandy by the hand then led the way into the restaurant. Mandy looked back to see Vic going in the boot of the car. Then they went out of view.

    “Are you sure Vic will be okay? I feel bad being in here while he’s waiting outside.”

    “Trust me, Vic will be fine. He wasn’t joking when he said he was watching his figure.” Carl waited for the penny to drop.

    Mandy’s mouth fell open, “You mean that Vic is like you?”

    “What you mean rich and really good looking?” Carl did a superman style pose as he spoke.

    Mandy playfully slapped his arm. “You know full well what I mean Carl.”

    “I know, and yes he is like me. I hope that’s not a problem for you?”

    “If it was a problem then I wouldn’t be here with you now.” Mandy said as a matter of fact.

    “You do have a point. You just seemed a little taken back last night and you did leave in a hurry.”

    “I’m sorry about that, but it wasn’t all your fault. Well not with the dressing up anyway.” She stopped talking when a woman came over and asked if it was a table for two. Carl said yes and she showed them to a quiet spot with no one else around, so they could talk without risk of anyone hearing too much.

    “If you don’t mind me asking Mandy, if it wasn’t the dressing that made you leave so fast, what was it?”

    “I’ve not dated anyone since the death of my husband.” Carl saw a far away look in her eyes and he knew that she was still deeply in love with him.

    “I’m sorry then for being so forward with you. I just wanted to get to know you, but if you’re still mourning the loss of your husband then we should maybe leave taking the friendship any further.”

    Mandy looked at Carl and could tell that he wasn’t trying to trick her or just saying that to try and make her feel better. He really did mean it, and she did like him. He was kind of funny, and treated her like a princess.

    “I would like to keep the friendship Carl, but as for anything more than that, we will have to wait and see.”

    Carl smiled, as he knew that she wasn’t going to just up and leave now. “Would you like a glass of wine or a cup of tea?” Carl asked.

    “Can I have a mineral water please. I’m not in the mood for any more booze, I think I drank a little to much last night. That’s why I acted the way I did with Chrissy.”

    “What is the story with you and Chrissy? She said you’re like sisters, but she’s only been working for you now for a couple of years.”

    “She is like a little sister to me, and as for her story, well you would need to ask her that one.”

    “Is it that good Mandy?”

    “Yes it is, but I’m not going to talk about it until she has given me the okay to do so.”

    “Well for whatever reason she did come into your life, I’m glad she did. Don’t get me wrong, you’ve always been nice when I’ve come into your shop, but after Chrissy started working for you, you seemed a lot more fun to come and see. The shop became a much happier place to visit. Work looked like fun for you.”

    Mandy thought about what Carl had just said. “I guess you’re right, having Chrissy around had made me want to live a little more.” She dropped her head as she thought about how she treated her last night. “I really didn’t have any right to treat her like I did last night. I bet she hates me now.”

    “Chrissy hate you? Is she able to hate any one?” Carl asked with a silly half smile on his face.

    Mandy giggled, thinking he was right, but at the same time she felt a little more sadder for how Chrissy must have felt. This may sound odd, but I’ve only known Chrissy for a couple of years, but I can’t think of my life without her around anymore.”

    Carl reached for Mandy’s hand then said, “I’ve only really known her for less than a week, but I would do anything to make her happy.”

    “She just has that way about her. Hard to believe she can have so much love for people with how she was treated as a kid.” Mandy suddenly went quiet as she realised that she was about to say too much. “Sorry Carl, but like I said. You need to ask Chrissy if she wants to share her story with you. It’s not for me to say too much about it.”

    “I understand Mandy, and I won’t push you for any more details. Do you think Chrissy will tell me though?”

    “I think she will, and you may be shocked to hear some of the stuff that she’s been through.”

    “Do we have to stay and eat? I want to go and find her now and find out.” Carl laughed as he said it, so Mandy knew he was only joking.

    They kept a steady stream of chat going all through the meal and the dessert. Carl told Mandy how he started to dress at the age of ten and how he had become really good at changing his voice while at college, which was the same place he met Vic. They had been friends ever since.

    Do you think you will ever have the operation to become a woman full time Carl?” Mandy asked as they were sat drinking a cup of coffee at the end of the meal.

    “No, I love being a man. I just like to dress as a woman a couple of time a week.”

    “How do you feel about girls that have had the op?”

    “I’ve got no problem with them, as long as they’re okay with me. Why? do you know any of them?”

    “I’ve met a couple in the past.” She didn’t give anymore info on it for Carl to pick up on and Carl never asked anymore. But he did wonder if Becky used to be or still was really Chrissy’s husband.

    With the meal finished, they got up to leave, but Mandy went over to the bar and got a bottle of water and a couple of apples. “What’s all that for Mandy? You can’t still be hungry, and I’m sure that Chrissy and her friend have already eaten today.”

    “This is for Vic, silly. He must be really thirsty by now.”

    “I never gave it a thought, you’re right, Vic must be really thirsty by now. Some friend I am.”

    “Don’t worry about it Carl, your just in guy mode right now.” Mandy smiled as she walked past him and out the restaurant.

    Vic had finished the waxing and was just putting everything back in the boor of the car as Mandy got back to it.

    “Hi Vic. The car’s looking really good. I thought you might be thirsty and a little hungry so I got you a couple of apples and a bottle of water.”

    “Thanks Mandy, you didn’t need to really, but thanks anyway.” Vic opened the water and took a big swallow from it. Then he started to munch on one of the apples.

    “You do realise that you’re making me look bad Mandy, he’ll be expecting me to feed him all the time now.” Carl tried to keep a straight face, but failed and burst out laughing.

    “Treat others how you would like to be treated yourself. That is what Chrissy always says to me.”

    “Very good advice. I’ll try and remember that one.” Carl replied.

    “She’s a very special person, I got to meet her last night.” Vic said between bites on the apple.

    “Can we go and see her now, I really want to say sorry and make sure she’s okay.” Mandy looked at Vic then Carl.

    “That was going to be our next port of call. I did leave orders for the pair of them to be treated like royalty though, so don’t be surprised if they don’t want to leave.” Carl chuckled.

    “With how they must feel about me, they really may want to stay.” Mandy said looking a little sad for how she treated Chrissy. Carl just took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. When Mandy looked at him, he just smiled and Mandy felt a little better.

    Vic finished one of the apples and then opened the car door to let Mandy climb in while Carl walked around to the other side and got in.

    Vic got behind the wheel, and started the engine and made his way to the hotel.

    Chrissy and Becky were having a great time being treated like a couple of Princesses. They went down to the boutique and found a couple of swim suits and a couple of nice summer dresses and matching shoes to go with them. Chrissy went to pay, but the girl told them that it had all been sorted out.

    The girls went for a swim. When they got out of the pool a girl came over and said that it was time for their spa treatment.

    “We never ordered any spa treatment.” Chrissy said looking a little worried.

    “It was all arranged as part of you stay with us. Please follow me.” Chrissy and Becky followed the girl to a large room to the side of the pool. The girl led them to a changing room and handed them both a robe each to change into and told to remove all their other clothes.

    They both did as they were told and soon they were laid on a couple of treatment beds. Two other women came over to each of them and started to rub some oils into their backs and legs. It felt so good Chrissy thought she wished that Mandy were there to enjoy the fun.

    The woman working on Chrissy ran her hand over the scar, left when she was stabbed which made Chrissy jumped a little. “I’m sorry miss, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

    “That’s okay, it didn’t hurt. I’m just very ticklish around there.” Chrissy replied.

    “May I ask what happened to you?” The girl asked.

    “I was stabbed by a gang of lads who were trying to mug me. I almost died so I was told.”

    “What do you mean almost died Chrissy, you were dead for over two minutes according to the doctors.” Becky said from the other table.

    The girl that was working on Chrissy put her hand to her mouth in shock. “That sounds so scary, whatever did it feel like to be stabbed?”

    “I can’t really remember much about it, I passed out pretty quick from the loss of blood. But I was sore for a couple of weeks after.” The girl took another look before moving on to another part of Chrissy’s body.

    Chrissy and Becky spent a couple of hours being pampered, when they left the spa they both felt really good. They had both dressed in the outfits from the shop and were heading to the dinning room when they heard a man call their names. Both girls turned to see Carl. Becky didn’t realise it was Carl as she had only met Carla up to this point, but she did see Mandy walking beside him so she waved.

    Mandy waved back and then looked at Chrissy, but all Chrissy did was look down and then turned her back on Mandy. Chrissy felt a hand on her shoulder, but was too afraid to look up at Mandy.

    Mandy put her hand up to Chrissy’s chin and lifted it so she had no choice but to look her straight in the eyes. “I’m sorry Mandy. I know what I did was wrong, but I thought you might have had a good time. I never meant to upset you.” Chrissy had tears running down her face as she spoke. “I’ll ask Mable if I can move back in with her and I’ll have my stuff moved out as soon as I can. Will you want me to work out my notice, or should I just leave?”

    Mandy was stunned for a little bit as to what Chrissy was saying. “Chrissy, what are you talking about?”

    “The way you looked at me last night. I saw the hate in your eyes and the fact I let you down. I’m sorry and I shouldn’t have lied to you, so I will move out and not bother you again.”

    “Stop being silly Chrissy, I don’t hate you and I’m not upset with you. And I don’t want you to even think about moving out. I was upset last night, but not with you. I felt like I was cheating on David and was mad with myself.” She wiped away the tears form Chrissy’s with a tissue that Carl gave her before continuing. “When I woke this morning I went to your room to say sorry for last night, but you weren’t there. I was really worried and ended up calling Carl to see if he knew where you ended up last night. He told me that he booked you and Becky into a hotel, so he came and picked me up and we went for some lunch and just talked.”

    “Did you have a good time?” Chrissy asked with a little bit of hope in her voice.

    “No I didn’t have a good time Chrissy. I had a great time Sis. And it’s all thanks to you, I needed a kick up the backside. Thank you Sis.” Mandy pulled Chrissy into a hug and then held her sister as she sobbed into her shoulder.

    “I’m sorry Chrissy for hurting you. I never should have left like I did last night, I can’t even begin to think how I must have made you feel.” Mandy was crying now as well.

    “I don’t care about last night Mandy, I’m just glad to have you here now and you still love me.”

    “I will always love you Sis, nothing will ever change that.” Mandy said as she pulled away far enough to look Chrissy straight in the eyes.

    “Were you and Becky heading in to get something to eat?” Mandy asked when they had broken the hug.

    “We were, but if you want to get going, we can wait till we get home.” Chrissy said as she wiped her damp cheeks.

    Mandy looked at Carl to see what he wanted to do. “Well I’m still full from lunch, but I don’t want to be the one to starve these to beautiful ladies. So shall we go and get them fed?” Mandy smiled and then followed Chrissy and Becky into the dinning room with Carl close behind.

    They found a table and took their seats while Carl waved for a waiter. A man came over with four menus, and handed them all one. Carl looked at the wine menu and ordered a bottle of white and a bottle of red. He let Chrissy and Becky order their food before they all started to chat again.

    “How was the room Chrissy, Becky?” Carl asked with a smile.

    “It was really amazing thank you Carl, but you really didn’t have to do everything you did. We kind of went a little mad with the room service, so if you let us know what we owe you I will pay you back.”

    “Don’t be silly. It’s the least I could do for all the trouble I caused you, and it did kind of make your sister here come out for some lunch with me.” He looked at Mandy and smiled. Mandy want a little red and looked away for a second, but soon looked aback at him. Chrissy could see a spark of something between them.

    Chrissy and Becky filled Mandy in on their swim and the spa treatment. They left out most of the bedroom stuff they did, but Mandy had a pretty good idea of what went on there.

    The food came and the girls shared it with Mandy and Carl as there was way too much there for them to eat anyway. Chrissy watched as Mandy waved to a tall man sat over near the bar on his own to come over. “Do you know him Mandy?”

    “Yes I do, he’s Carl’s driver. His name’s Vic.”

    Chrissy looked at the man as he walked over. “Hello Chrissy, Becky. Was the room okay for you?”

    “Vicky?” Chrissy stopped speaking and put her hand over her mouth as she looked at Mandy then Carl and then around the room to see if anyone else heard her shout. “Don’t worry Chrissy, I’ve already told Mandy about Vic’s female side.” Carl a said, trying to help Chrissy relax again.

    “Please join us Vic, It’s not fair for you to be sat all alone over there.” Mandy said with a smile.

    Vic pulled out a chair and brushed his trousers under himself as he sat, just like a woman would do with a skirt. “Sorry, force of habit.” Vic said as he sat down.

    “I think you looked really good last night Vic.” Chrissy said with a smile.

    “Thanks Chrissy. It’s nice to get a compliment from beautiful woman like yourself. You and Becky looked really nice last night.”

    “Carl was asking me about how we met Chrissy, but I said he needed to ask you himself. I didn’t think it was my place to say.” Mandy was looking at Chrissy as if to say that they had no idea of her past.

    “You could have told them Sis. If you think you can trust them, then I feel I can.” Chrissy said with a smile. “So what would you like to know then Carl?”

    “So how did you first meet, and how did you end up as Sisters?” Carl asked.

    Chrissy decided that he would need to hear the whole story, so she started from the point her dad beat her for dressing and ran through to her first going to Mandy’s shop an then to the stabbing and the falling in love with Becky and her sex change.

    By the time she finished her story, both Carl and Vic had tears in their eyes. Both of them had a little trouble seeing Chrissy as anything other than a woman. Carl told of his thought that Becky might have been Chrissy’s husband at some point. Luckily Becky did see the funny side of it.

    They talked for another couple of hours, with a lot of questions from Carl and Vic aimed at Chrissy, which she answered as best she could. It was soon time to go and Vic, and Carl drove the girl’s home and went in for a drink when Mandy asked them too. They talked for a an other couple of hours, until Carl said they better be getting off as they had a lot to sort out at the club before it opened tomorrow night.

    Mandy walked them to the door and stood talking to Carl while Vic went to warm the car up. “Thanks for a really great day Carl, and for looking after my little sister.”

    “I can understand what you were saying about her now Mandy. It’s hard to believe that she can still have so much love after all that she went through.”

    “I’m lucky to have her, she saved me from a life of doom. All I did was work and sleep till she showed up in my shop that day.”

    “Like I said. You seemed to become a much brighter person when she started working for you. I loved you before that day, but after she was there I loved you even more.” Mandy didn’t know what to say to that, so she did the next best thing and kissed him.

    “Wow Mandy, I take that to mean you want to be more than just friends?”

    “Yes I do Carl, but don’t rush me. I still have strong feeling for my late husband, and I can’t just forget him.”

    “I would never expect you to Mandy. I just ask that you give me a chance to show you how much I love you.” Carl leaned in and gave Mandy a kiss this time.

    “I would really like to see Carla again soon as well. Do you think I could watch you become her some time soon? I would really like to see how you get the look you had last night. You really did look hot.” Mandy looked a little red in the face, as she owned up to having the hots for another woman even if it was only Carl in a dress. I’d like to see what Vicky looks like too, if you think Vic would let her come out and play.”

    “Vicky loves to come out and play every chance she gets. I will pass on the message for you.” Carl looked at his watch. “I really should be going now Mandy. Thanks for a great day, and I’m glad you got everything sorted out with Chrissy. Good night.” Carl took her hand and kissed it then snuck another quick kiss on the lips and then got in the car and they backed out of the driveway.

    Mandy went back into the house and found Chrissy and Becky peeking out the kitchen doorway grinning at her.

    Mandy’s smile faded as she made her way back to where the other two were stood. Chrissy saw the look on Mandy’s face becoming colder, and she was looking right at her. Chrissy stepped back into the kitchen trying to keep away from Mandy, she had a feeling that she was in trouble.

    Becky saw that Mandy was heading towards Chrissy, she went to speak but Mandy put her hand up as if to say “Don’t say a word.” So Becky stayed where she was.

    Chrissy had kept backing up till she ran out of floor space. She bumped against the wall on the far side of the kitchen. Chrissy thought about trying to run past Mandy, but thought it would only things worse in the long run. Mandy did have every reason to still be upset with her, and it was only right that she pretended to not be upset for Carl’s sake.

    Chrissy was looking Mandy straight in the yes as she walked up to her. “How could you Chrissy?” Chrissy wasn’t sure what to say, so she just said, “Sorry.”

    Chrissy saw Mandy’s hand come up towards her face out the corner of her eye. She put her hands up to her face and slide down the wall expecting Mandy to hit her. But instead of a blow to the side of the face, she felt a hand pulling first one had away from her face, then the other. Chrissy had her eyes shut at first, but then opened them a little to find Mandy’s worried looking face starring at her.

    “Chrissy, do you really think I would hit you?”

    “I wasn’t sure, you did look really mad when you came back into the room.” Chrissy’s voice was really shaky as she answered.

    “I’m sorry Sis. I was just trying to tease you, but I guess I took it a little to far.” Mandy stood up again and helped Chrissy to stand. “When I said how could you Sis, I meant how could you ever think about moving out and not working with me anymore?”

    “I wasn’t sure how much I had hurt you. So what I said back at the hotel was more so you didn’t make a scene.” Chrissy was still stood with her back to the wall not willing to move away from its partial protection.

    “Chrissy, I had a really great time with Carl today. It’s all thanks to you, I thought I wasn’t ready to start dating again yet, but thanks to you I found out I am. And Carl is a great person.” Mandy gave Chrissy a hug. “Thanks Sis.”

    Chrissy pulled her head back so she was looking Mandy right in the eyes. “Do you really mean that Mandy? I didn’t screw up?”

    Mandy brushed a couple of stray hairs away from Chrissy’s face. “No Chrissy, you didn’t screw up.” Chrissy smiled. Mandy could see all the stress of the past week wash away. Mandy was happy to see the old Chrissy return. They hugged again and then went to sit at the kitchen table with Becky.

    “Are we all okay again now?” Becky asked as she poured them all a cup of tea.

    “Yes we’re all okay again now.” Mandy smiled at the both.

    “So what do you think of him then Mandy?” Becky asked.

    Mandy spent the next hour telling the other two about her day and how nice Carl was. She even told them about how she felt last night when he was dressed as a woman. “Does that make me a lesbian?”

    “I don’t think so Mandy, just that you’re open to new things.” Chrissy was grinning as she said it.

    “I told him I want to see him become a woman some time.”

    “What did he say to that Sis?”

    “He said he’d love to. I think he was still worried that I wouldn’t like his female side.”

    “That must have really helped put his mind at rest then when you asked him that.” Chrissy said as she reached over the table and held her Sisters hand.

    They talked for a little longer while Becky and Chrissy told Mandy about the hotel, then they cleared away the cups and all went to bed. Mandy was happy to have them to keep her warm again. They all seemed to sleep a lot better that night.

    Mandy was dreaming of kissing Carl. The dream felt so real, she could really feel his lips touching hers. She suddenly opened her eyes to see a very shocked looking Chrissy looking right at her. Mandy pulled away from kissing he and just smiled as she went red in the face.

    “I take it you were having a really good dream Sis?” Chrissy was grinning at Mandy. Do I need to guess what you were dreaming about? Was it Carl, or Carla?”

    “I’m sorry Sis. I can’t remember much of the dream, but I was kissing Carl just before I woke up.”

    “Does that mean you have feeling for him then Mandy?”

    “I think it does Chrissy. He was really kind yesterday, it was like being with you. I felt safe with him.”

    “That’s how I felt the other day when he came to the shop to buy the corsets. And that’s why I felt it safe to trick you into going to the night club last night.”

    “You were right Chrissy when you said that David wouldn’t want me to be alone. And Carl is a really nice guy, and a cute looking girl.” Mandy was grinning from ear to ear by this point. Chrissy just hugged her sister, it was nice to see her so happy.

    Mandy got out of bed and went to get a shower while Chrissy went to her own room to take a shower before heading down for some breakfast. Chrissy was just washing her hair when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her.

    “Am I too late to help you wash your back Baby?” Chrissy turned to face Becky and kissed her. “You’re never too late to wash my back babe.” Chrissy turned around again and let Becky go to work on cleaning her back. It soon got out of hand and the pair of them were soon moaning in joy.

    Mandy came out her room and heard the noise. She just shook her head as she walked past their room and went down to put the kettle on. It was another fifteen minutes before Chrissy and Becky turned up in the kitchen. Mandy was sat reading the paper and drinking her tea. Becky set to work sorting out some breakfast while Chrissy poured them both a cup of tea each.

    “Are scrambled eggs okay for breakfast you two?” Becky asked.

    “Sounds good to me.” Mandy and Chrissy said at the same time.

    Becky shook her head, “You two really are like sisters. Chrissy and Mandy looked at each other, then giggled.

    Becky finished making breakfast and they all sat down to eat.

    Once they had all finished Becky set to work washing the dishes while the other two went to finish getting ready for work. Becky wasn’t starting work till noon, so she had more time to kill than they did.

    Chrissy kissed Becky goodbye and joined Mandy out at the car. “You ready for a hard day at work Sis?” Mandy asked.

    “I don’t really see it as work Sis, I love spending time with you.” Chrissy smiled in reply.

    “Nice answer Chrissy.” Mandy smiled.

    Chrissy could see a new side to Mandy. She seemed more at ease, as if she was loving life just a little bit more than she normally did.

    Chrissy was having trouble keeping up with Mandy as she worked on cleaning the shop and sorting the EBay orders. Chrissy was about to go and get them both a sandwich when they heard the bell over the door go. They both looked around to see Carl stood there smiling at them.

    Mandy walked over to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. “I didn’t think I would see you today.”

    “I thought I would treat you both to some lunch.” Carl held up a carrier bag.

    “You didn’t need to do that Carl, but thank you anyway.” Mandy went and locked the door and turned the sign that said closed for lunch.

    Chrissy led the way to the back room and they all sat at the table they used for eating their lunches.

    “I wasn’t sure what you both liked, so I got a couple of tuna salad, and a couple of chicken. I eat them both, so I will have which ever one you don’t want.”

    “This was very thoughtful of you Carl, I’ll have a chicken please.” Mandy Said.

    “Can I have a tuna please Carl?” Chrissy asked.

    Carl handed a tuna salad to Chrissy and a Chicken to Mandy. Carl took a tuna one and then handed the girls a bottle of water each. Both Mandy and Chrissy were really impressed with the salads, they looked to have been freshly made and tasted really good.

    “This is really good Carl, where did you get it from?” Mandy asked.

    “A friend at the same hotel Chrissy and Becky stayed at, made them for me, I’m glad you like them.” Carl said with a smile.

    “It’s a shame the hotel isn’t closer, I could eat this everyday.” Chrissy said as she took another mouth full.

    “I could have it delivered to you everyday if you would like?”

    “That would be a little costly for lunch, don’t you think so Carl?” Mandy asked.

    “Not really. You see I own the hotel, so all I have to do is get one of the staff to drive it over here for you. Just say the word, and you will be well looked after.”

    “You own the hotel, as well as the night club?” Chrissy asked with a shocked look on her face.

    Carl laughed, “Yes I own a couple of hotels and night clubs. You see I offer a service where people like me can stay for a couple of nights and have a full make over and relax, without the risk of being hurt.”

    “Is that how you made your money Carl?” Chrissy asked.

    “Chrissy! You can’t ask a question like that.” Mandy snapped at Chrissy.

    Carl held up his hand, “That’s okay Mandy, I think I know where this is going. You think I made my money feeding off other people’s secret hobbies?”

    “Yes I was.” Chrissy dropped her head and stopped eating. She realised that she was being rude. “I’m sorry Carl, but Mandy is right. I am out of line, and it’s none of my business how you do things. I’ll leave you two to talk and return to work now.” Chrissy got up to leave, but Carl took hold of her hand. “Chrissy, please don’t leave. Stay and finish your lunch. I really don’t mind you asking. That is part of the reason I’m here, I need to speak to both of you.”

    “I don’t understand why you would need me here to talk about business matters. It’s Mandy’s company, I just work for Mandy.”

    “Well if that is how you feel Chrissy! Then maybe you should get back to work.” Mandy didn’t look very happy with what Chrissy just said.

    Chrissy was about to explain why she said what she did, but realised it was too late, so she just said, “Yes Mandy. Sorry for upsetting you.” Chrissy stood up and returned to the front of the shop.

    “Don’t you think you were a little hard on her Mandy?”

    “Not really Carl. After all I’ve done for her, she still thinks she’s just an employee.” Mandy snapped back at him.

    “Mandy, have you ever told her that she is more than just a person who works for you?”

    “I treat her like my sister Carl, what else can I do to show her how much I love her?”

    “I’m not talking about you not loving her Mandy. I’m talking about you letting her help you run the company. Not just working for you.”

    Mandy’s mad face turned to one of sadness when she saw what Carl was getting at. She still only gave Chrissy a pay cheque each week and she got no say in what they did when it came to the business.

    “I guess you’re right Carl, but she has never asked for more say in the business.”

    “Chrissy is one of those people that will do as she’s told, but at the same time help you to earn more money and come up with new ideas.” Carl could see Mandy thinking about what he just said.

    “I have been selling more items since Chrissy came into my life, I’ve just been too tied up in running the company to really see it.” Mandy looked even sadder now, how could she have been so blind? “She must really feel like an employee now then, with how I just spoke to her.”

    Carl took hold of her hand, “Mandy, don’t be so hard on yourself. Chrissy knows you love her. She may be a little worried that she is losing you.”

    “Why would she feel like that?” Mandy looked a little confused.

    “For the past couple of years, you’ve been there for her every minute of every day, but now she may be worried that you’ve found me and she will be pushed aside.”

    “She must know I would never do that.”

    “From what I understand of her from the story she told me yesterday, I think that is how she feels right now. I’m going to leave talking to you about anything till after you get everything straightened out with her. I really like Chrissy, and I won’t see her get hurt because of something I’ve done.”

    Carl stood up and pulled Mandy to her feet. “Give me a call when you have it sorted, and I will come and talk to you both.” He kissed her on the cheek and turned to leave, but Mandy pulled him back to her and kissed him on the lips.

    “Thank you Carl for helping me see how I’ve been treating Chrissy. I just hope she will forgive me, I never should have shouted at her like I did.”

    “She will Mandy, just talk to her about it after I leave.” Carl kissed once more then let Mandy lead him to the front of the shop. “Goodbye Chrissy, I hope to see you again soon.” Mandy opened the door and showed him out.

    Chrissy watched them look at each other as he left, She had to wonder what sort of trouble she would be in now for how she treated Carl. Mandy came back into the shop and walked past Chrissy saying, “I need to make some phone calls.” She took the phone off the counter and headed into the back room and up the stairs.

    Chrissy had a bad feeling that she was maybe going to give her the sack and ask her to move out. She had Carl now, so why would she need her. Chrissy was lucky that there were a steady flow of people in and out the shop for the next hour or so. It helped to keep her mind off what Mandy might be up too.

    It was nearly two hours later before Mandy showed her face again. “Chrissy, I need to go out and sort some things out. I’ll be on my mobile if you need me for anything.”

    Chrissy was looking for some sight of how she was feeling about her, but Mandy had a true poker face when she wanted too, and this was one of those times.

    “Okay Mandy. Is there anything you would like me to do why you’re out?”

    “Not really Chrissy, just keep the shelves stocked.” She got her purse and left the shop.

    Chrissy was worried she might have upset Mandy once too many times. Had she gone to clear her stuff out the house. Maybe she was on the phone to Mable, telling her that she couldn’t deal with Chrissy any more. The more time that passed while Mandy was out, the more worked up Chrissy got. The steady flow of customers coming in and out the shop and the EBay orders needing to be sorted out kept her from running away.

    It was several hours before Chrissy saw Mandy walk back in the shop. Chrissy looked a little worried when she saw Prue and Kim with her, and a man she had never seen before.

    Chrissy thought to herself, this must be it, Mandy is going to ask me to leave and move out. But why bring her mum and Kim here? She felt sick and before Mandy could say anything, Chrissy felt the world fade away.

    Kim was fast enough to catch her before she hit the floor. Mandy was really worried about her Sister. “What’s wrong with her mum?” Mandy asked Prue as she checked her pulse and eyes.

    “She’s just fainted Mandy. Kim take her into the back room and sit her on a chair please.” Kim picked up Chrissy like she was a little child and carried her into the back room why Mandy pulled over a chair to sit her on. Mandy sat on the chair next to it and held Chrissy why Prue got a glass of water and some smelling salts out her purse.

    Chrissy started to come to when her nose was assaulted by a nasty smell. She opened her eyes to see them all looking at her, apart from Mandy who was still hugging her.

    “What happened?” Chrissy asked in a shaky voice.

    “You fainted Chrissy.” Prue said as she looked in her eyes to make sure she was okay again. The colour was coming back and she was able to sit upright on her own, so Mandy let go and looked relieved to see her moving again on her own.

    “Whatever made you faint Chrissy?” Mandy asked.

    Chrissy looked at them all and could see the worry in their faces still. She took a deep breath and let it out as a sigh. “I know I’ve been really bad Mandy and the way I talked to Carl today was the final straw for you, so I worked out that you left to move my things out your house and when you came back in the shop with your mum and Kim.” Chrissy had to take a break as she was now crying too much to carry on. She calmed herself down enough to carry on again. “When I saw Prue and Kim, I figured that you didn’t want me to make a scene.” She let her head drop, s she never saw the shocked faces.

    “Chrissy, I could never do a thing like that to anyone, let alone my own sister.” Mandy put her hand under Chrissy’s chin and lifted her head so she was looking right at her. Mandy wiped away the fresh tears that were running down her face.

    “Then why did you leave for so long, and then come back with your mum and Kim? And that other man, if your not going to ask me to leave.” Chrissy was crying again.

    “They are all here to do with you, but not for the reasons you think Chrissy. Now please just calm down and let me talk to you for a bit.” She dried Chrissy’s eyes and then started to speak again. “The reason I’ve been gone for so long is because I had to talk to my mum about some things. Then we went to see our solicitor, to get some papers drawn up.”

    Chrissy was looking even more worried now. “Why do you feel the need to have some papers drawn up? What have I done to make you feel the need to do that?”

    “If you let me speak Chrissy, I can tell you.” Mandy said in a desperate voice.

    “Sorry Mandy.” Chrissy said and then sat staring at Mandy waiting for her to explain.

    “I was talking with Carl after you left at lunch time, and he made me realise something. I call you my sister, but you have no legal rights if anything happened to me. So I want to fix that right now.” Chrissy was looking really confused now. The man you saw me walk in with is my our family Solicitor. He’s here to get your signature on some papers.”

    “What papers Mandy?” Chrissy asked.

    “Well short of my mum adopting you, I can’t make you my real Sister, But I want you to have the same rights when it comes to any other aspect of it. So I am making you my full partner in the company, and I’m leaving everything to you in my will.”

    “You’re doing what, and what?” Chrissy was convinced she was hearing things.

    Mandy laughed at her use of the English Language. “I’m making you as much my sister as I can. So you’re going to have an equal say in my life and home.” Chrissy was sat looking at Mandy, then Prue and then Kim. Then she looked back at Mandy again. “Well Sis, you going to say anything to me?”

    “Why?” Was all Chrissy could think to say.

    “I thought about talking to you after Carl left, but I thought doing this would really show you how I feel about you Chrissy. And this is the best way I could finally put your mind at ease.”

    “I don’t know what to say Mandy. You’ve done so much to help me become who I am already.”

    “I’m glad you see that Chrissy, but you still act like I’m going to throw you out or sack you whenever you do the wrong thing, and I am a little sick of it.” Mandy ran her hand down the side of Chrissy’s cheek as she spoke to show her, she loved her still.

    “I’m sorry Mandy, but it’s just the way I am. Deep down I kind of know you would never throw me out. But I never thought you would give me all this, are you sure you’re doing the right thing Mandy?”

    “Why do you say that Chrissy? Do you think I can’t trust you?”

    “I didn’t mean it like that Mandy. I just.” Chrissy sighed. “Well I don’t know what I mean.” Chrissy let her head drop again.

    “Do you still want to be my Sister, or what?” Mandy asked.

    Chrissy’s head shot up. “You know I do Mandy, but I’ve done some really bad things to you over the past couple of days.”

    “Chrissy, I thought we sorted all that out. What you did getting Carl and I together is one of the best things to happen to me in a long time. Or since I met you that is.”

    “So you really do want me to be part of your family?”

    “Yes I really do Chrissy.” Mandy held out her hands to give Chrissy a hug. Chrissy broke down crying again, but Mandy could tell that they were happy tears this time.

    Chrissy and Mandy broke the hug when they heard Prue clear her throat. “Sorry to break up the happy moment, but we need to get the papers signed.”

    The man who had come in with them was pulling some paperwork out his briefcase and handed it to Mandy so she could show Chrissy where to sign it all. Prue and Kim signed as witnesses and that was it. Chrissy was now half owner of the shop and the house.

    The man said his goodbye’s and was gone, so he could get all the paperwork back to his office and filed away.

    Prue walked back to where Chrissy and Mandy were sat. “Chrissy can I have a quick word with you?”

    “Sure Prue, what is it?” Chrissy asked.

    “I hope you realise that I would never have let Mandy kick you out, no matter how bad you two fell out. You’re like a second daughter to me and always will be.”

    “Thanks Prue, I know I was being silly now. I hope you don’t mind what Mandy did.” Chrissy asked, wanting to make sure she wasn’t going to upset Prue in any way.

    “It was partly my idea, silly. I’d been meaning to speak with Mandy about making you a real part of the family for some time, so when she rang me earlier I told her what I had in mind.”

    “I don’t understand Prue, what has Mandy making me part owner of her company got to do with you?”

    “Oh Chrissy dear, I forgot to tell you the other part of it all. I’ve added you to my will as well. You will get half of what ever I will leave Mandy when I leave this world.” Prue laughed when she said it which made Chrissy feel a little better, but she still a little freaked out even thinking about a will and death.

    “I hope I never have to find out what you have left me Prue, but thanks for everything.” Chrissy had a happy tear or two running down her cheeks as they spoke.

    Prue wiped away the tears and then looked at her watch, “Gosh look at the time! Kim we better get a move on, or we’re going to be late for our afternoon appointments.” Both Prue and Kim gave the girls a hug and then said their goodbyes and left.

    Chrissy was at a loss as to what to do now, she looked around the shop with new eyes now she was half owner. She was brought out of her day dreaming when Mandy said, “Got any big plans for the old place Partner?”

    Chrissy turned to see Mandy grinning at her. “I’m still in shock Mandy, why would you want me to own half your company Sis.”

    “You just answered your own question Sis, don’t you get it yet. I never want you to feel that you’re not part of my family ever again.” Mandy hugged her sister once again.

    “I’m scared Mandy.”

    “Scared? Scared of what Chrissy?”

    “I’m scared of making a mistake. I could cost you your business.”

    Mandy laughed, “Nothing is going to change Sis, you just have a bigger say in what we do. Since you started working for me, sales have almost doubled. You’ve come up with some good ideas that have increased profits a lot.”

    “I never knew any of that Mandy, but I still don’t think you should have made me your partner. Shouldn’t I have to buy my half or something like that?”

    “You already have Sis, you helped me to start living again, and to start loving again. Carl is a really great guy, and girl.” Mandy had a big grin on her face when she said the last bit.

    “You’ve done everything for me already Mandy, and I don’t see as I’ve done anything for you.”

    “That is what I love about you Chrissy, your so modest about what you do for people.” Chrissy just smiled, happy that she was still on Mandy’s good side. “Promise me Chrissy that you will never change.”

    “What! After all I’ve gone through to look like this, I have no plans to change back, ever!.” Mandy had to laugh as she saw the grin on Chrissy’s face, she knew she was joking with her. That was another thing Mandy loved about Chrissy, the way she could make her laugh even when she didn’t feel like it.

    Mandy could see that Chrissy was still getting her head around the whole partnership thing and she hadn’t even started on fact that she now owned half the house as well. “So is everything okay between us now Chrissy?”

    “Yes it is Mandy. A big shock, but okay. You really know how to make a point Sis.”

    “Well you take some getting a point across too, some times.”

    “Good job you know how to get through to me then.” Chrissy said with a grin.

    They spent the afternoon, or what was left of it packing the rest of the EBay stuff ready to go, then they sat and talked a little more, till it was time to shut the shop and get to the post office.

    Mandy was happy to see Chrissy back to her old self, or old female self. They did the post office and then made their way home. Chrissy almost skipped into the kitchen to make a start on dinner while Mandy just walked behind smiling at the happy person in front of her.

    Chrissy stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Becky sat at the kitchen table looking really sad. “What’s wrong Becky?”

    Becky jumped when she realised that Chrissy was home, she’d been so lost in thought, she’d never heard them come home. “I’ve lost my job Chrissy. I couldn’t keep up a good enough sales record.”

    “What, they just fired you today for that? Did they not give you any time to try and fix it?” Chrissy asked, sounding mad all of a sudden. Becky found it a little odd as she had never seen Chrissy mad before.

    “They did give me a chance to fix it, but I just couldn’t make it work. So they let me go.” Becky started to cry again, but Chrissy sat next to her and hugged her. Becky felt a lot better with Chrissy there to hold her.

    Mandy had been stood in the doorway and heard the whole story. “I’m sorry to hear the news Becky. Can I do anything to help?”

    “Only if you know someone that has a job going for a screw up like me.”

    “Your not a screw up Becky!” Chrissy snapped at her. Becky jumped when she shouted.

    “Chrissy, don’t shout at her. She’s feeling bad enough already, and after what happened earlier today you should know how she feels.”

    Chrissy did know how she felt, but Chrissy had been wrong when she’d thought she was going to get fired. But for Becky she had been, and Chrissy just wanted to hug the pain away. “I’m sorry for shouting at you Becky, but I hate to see you put yourself down. You’re not a screw up, you just wasn’t cut out for selling clothes for a living. Give it some time and you will find a job you love to do.” Chrissy hugged her again then got up to make a start on dinner.

    Mandy went upstairs to get changed while Chrissy made a start on dinner. Then she went up as well and left Becky to keep an eye on the food as it cooked. Mandy was back downstairs when Chrissy returned. She was sitting at the kitchen table chatting with Becky who was looking a little happier now.

    “Did you tell Becky what you did to me today Mandy?”

    “No, I wanted to let you tell her.”

    “Tell me what?”

    “You’re now looking at Mandy’s new partner.” Chrissy grinned. Becky jumped up and ran over to Chrissy and gave her a hug. “That’s great Chrissy, but where did you find the money to buy half the shop?”

    “I didn’t, Mandy signed half the shop over to me, to show how much she loves me and to let me know that I am her sister. She gave me half the house as well, and Prue has put me in her will too.”

    “You’re lucky to have people that care for you so much Chrissy.” Becky said with a smile.

    “So are you Becky, you’re never going to want for anything for as long as I live. So don’t worry about money while you’re looking for a new job.” Becky had been worried that Mandy would ask her to leave, but she new deep down that Mandy wouldn’t do that, if only to keep Chrissy happy. But Mandy loved Becky just as much as she did Chrissy anyway.

    “I second that one Becky. Take all the time you need to find the right path for you, we could even cover you going back to college if that is what you want to do.” Mandy said trying to put some other ideas on the table for her to think about.

    “Thanks for being so understanding and helpful, I was so worried that you would kick me out if I couldn’t pay my way Mandy. I didn’t want you to think I was sponging off Chrissy.”

    “Becky I would never kick you out, and I know you would never take advantage of Chrissy. You’re as much apart of my family as Chrissy is now.” Mandy held out her arms and Becky took advantage of the extra hug.

    “I’m sorry for ever having any doubts in you both, I know I should have told you both that I was having trouble hitting the targets they set us.” Becky was looking down at the floor as she spoke.

    “I’m not sure I could cope with serving customers like you were Becky, and I know that Chrissy couldn’t have done it. So please don’t look so sad. As one door closes, another one will open. You wait and see.” Mandy said with a smile.

    “Will it be okay if I come and help out at the shop till I can work out what I wan to do? I don’t expect to be paid, but it would be nice to keep busy.” She looked pleadingly at Mandy.

    “I would really like to Becky, but I.” Becky cut her off. “I understand Mandy, don’t worry about it.” Becky went and sat down again.

    “Becky! You didn’t give me time to finish what I was about to say.”

    “Sorry Mandy. Please continue.”

    “Thank you Becky. What I was about to say is, I would really like to say yes, but I have to see what my partner thinks about it.” Chrissy turned to see both Mandy and Becky looking at her.

    “I’ve got no problem with Becky coming and helping out at the shop till she finds something else.” Becky went and gave Mandy a hug, then went and gave Chrissy a hug and a kiss. Mandy and Chrissy were both happy to see Becky smiling again.

    Chrissy served up the food and they chatted about the day and other bits and bobs till they were finished. Becky jumped up and washed the dishes, while Mandy and Chrissy dried them. Once they were all dried and put away, they went to the living room with a glass of wine each and watched a little telly till it was time for bed.

    They all went to get ready and then all climbed into Mandy’s bed as they normally did now, and cuddled up together with Chrissy in the middle.

    The next thing they all knew, was Mandy’s alarm going off to let them all know it was time to get up. Mandy went o her bathroom while Becky and Chrissy shared a shower in her room. Becky got out before Chrissy though and was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for them all by the time the other two got down there.

    “Your eager this morning Becky, everything okay?” Mandy asked with a smile.

    “Yep, I just wanted to make sure the tea was brewing when you got down here, and that breakfast was nearly ready.” Becky was beaming with pride, she wanted her two sisters to see she was not going to sit around and do nothing.

    Mandy was forced to sit at the table while Becky got the paper and the tea ready for her and put it all on the table in front of her. “Thank you Becky, but please don’t feel you have to wait on us hand and foot.”

    “I know Mandy, but it helps me to deal with everything if I can keep busy.”

    “Okay then, but don’t over do it all. I could get used to it.” Mandy grinned at her.

    Becky giggled and went to turn the bacon over and check the eggs. Chrissy came in and walked over to Becky and kissed her good morning before going to sit down to pour herself a cup of tea.

    “Something smells good. How long before its ready?” Chrissy asked, as she watched her lover dash back and forth.

    “I’m just cooking the last of the bacon now.”

    “Do you need any help babe?”

    “Yes, you can help me eat it in a minute.” Becky looked over her shoulder with a grin.

    “I think we can all help you do that Becky.” Mandy said as she laughed.

    Once breakfast was over they all helped to clean up and then they left for the shop.

    Chrissy showed Becky how they checked the EBay listings and how to print out the paid items and then how to find the right time and get it packed ready to ship out. Becky was a quick learner and soon had it down, so Chrissy could go and help Mandy on the shop floor. It was a slow day and by lunch time they were all trying to work out what to have for dinner when they heard the doorbell and saw Carl stood there with a basket of food.

    Hi Carl the girls said all smiling at him. “Hello ladies. I hope you’re all hungry?”

    “Yes we are, but you can’t keep bringing us food everyday Carl.” Mandy said.

    “Oh, okay then Mandy I’ll take it back.” Carl turned to leave the shop again. Chrissy, and Becky quickly mobbed him. I take it you two don’t mind me bringing food then?”

    “Not at all Carl, but Mandy does have a point. You can’t keep bringing food everyday.”

    “I know that Mandy has a point, but I never got to talk about what I came for yesterday, so I was hoping that we could talk today.” Carl walked into the back room with the basket and put it on the table. Mandy locked the door and turned the sign that said closed for lunch, then walked to the back room.

    Chrissy and Becky were setting out some plates as Carl got some tubs out the basket and put them on the table. There were tubs of salad and cold cuts of different meats as well as a couple each of dressing and coleslaw and potato salad. They all helped themselves to what they wanted and they each took a fresh bread roll that Carl pulled out of the basket.

    “This is all really great food Carl, Thanks for feeding us.” Becky was really impressed.

    “I’m glad you like it Becky. I was sorry to hear about you losing your job. Let me know if I can do anything to help you find a new one. I could get you a job at the Hotel you stopped at the other night if it would help you get by?”

    “How did you know about me losing my job Carl?”

    “I called Mandy this morning to see if she got everything sorted out with Chrissy and she told me then about you losing your job. She also told me about having a partner now. When we’ve all done eating, I still need to talk to you all about some ideas I have for the club.”

    They all finished eating and Becky cleared away the plates and took them over to the sink to wash while the others started to chat.

    “Don’t you want to join us Becky?” Carl asked.

    “I don’t think I’d be of any help to you, so I will finish cleaning up the plates and then carry on packing the stuff from EBay.”

    “You’re more than welcome to sit and join in Becky.” Mandy said.

    “I know I am Mandy, but I really wouldn’t know what to say. So you three talk and I will stop you getting behind on the packing.” Becky walked off to finish up in the kitchen area and then went to check the EBay account and print out the orders.

    Chrissy smiled at the thought of how helpful Becky was being, and how they could now discuss business and not get behind on the orders.

    “Okay then Carl, what do you want to talk to us about?” Mandy asked.

    “Well I told you about the dressing service I offer, well I want to offer only the best clothing and under garments on the market. You see when I first started to dress I found that some of the stuff out there was really poor quality clothing being sold at very high prices.”

    “I hope you don’t think we sell that type of stuff Carl?” Chrissy asked, sounding a little mad.

    “Oh no, please don’t get me wrong. The reason I’m saying that is because you offer the best under garments as a really great price.”

    “Oh, sorry Carl for jumping to the wrong conclusion then.”

    “That’s okay Chrissy, I can see where you would think that. I could see what you were getting at yesterday. I’m not happy with the way some people feed off girls like me too.”

    Mandy who had been sat quiet till now said, “I can’t see as we can do any more than we already do Carl. I can’t sell the corsets any cheaper than I already do, and I only buy the best under garments on the market to sell on.”

    “I know you do Mandy, that is why I’m here. I want to offer your shop as a good place for people to come and shop at when they are in town. I’ve got a team working on a web site for the club and I would really like to add you to the site, but I wanted to make sure its okay with you first.”

    “What would you want from me for doing this?” Mandy looked a little sceptical.

    “All I want is for you to keep selling the same great stuff and treating the customers the same way you have always treated me.” Carl sounded sincere as he spoke.

    Carl spent the next several hours explaining about how the hotel would have a computer with Internet access so the customers could pick the undergarments they want and then we will place the order with yourselves. We will need to set up an account so we will bill the customer and get the garments collected from you.

    “We would be more than happy to help out, Carl.” Chrissy was really excited that Carl was willing to help other girls like himself.

    Chrissy and Carl both looked at Mandy to see if was happy with what he had just said.

    “Well it all sounds great to me too, and I don’t have a problem with setting up an account for the hotel.” Mandy looked to be thinking about something, but didn’t know how to say it.

    “I get the feeling there’s a but in this somewhere.” Carl was looking a little worried.

    Mandy looked to be thinking of the best way to put it for a couple of seconds. “I had a really great time the other day, and would really like to get to know you better Carl. I’m just a little worried that if we don’t keep seeing each other it will effect our business arrangement.”

    “So you want to keep seeing me then Mandy?” Carl was grinning from ear to ear.

    Mandy tilted her head to one side, “You know what I mean Carl. I wouldn’t want to hurt our friendship or effect any business relationship if we ever having a falling out.”

    “I know what you mean Mandy, and I promise that the two things will be kept separate. Besides the accounts department will be in charge of sorting out payments. And I’m not that petty Mandy.”

    “I know you’re not Carl, but I would hate to effect our friendship, or business arrangement if one or the other didn’t work out.”

    “I’m hoping that they will both work out for the best.” Carl said with a smile.

    “Me too Carl, me too.” Mandy smiled back at him.

    Mandy gave Carl a business card with all the web site info on it and the EBay shop name. “Just give me a call in you need any more info Carl, or get your staff to call if they can’t find what their looking for and I will track it down.”

    “I’ll get Marie to give you a call and have a chat with you. She is the on in charge of the makeover’s at the hotel. She’s a really great person, you will love her.”

    “Is she a girl like you, or like me?” Mandy asked

    “She is a real girl like you, but she is really good at her job. She use to do hair and makeup for the movie’s, but got sick of all the backstabbing. So she gave it all up and came to work for me.”

    “Did she do your makeup on Saturday?” Mandy asked.

    “Yes she did, she was really busy Saturday. Doing all the makeup for most the girls at the club. Luckily she had a couple of the girls help her out once she got them all done. I’m hoping to find her some help soon, but it’s not easy finding others that want to do that kind of makeup job.”

    “As the club gets better known you will find the right person for the job.” Chrissy offered.

    “That’s what I’m hoping for myself Chrissy. What did you both think of the club the other night?”

    “What I saw of it Carl, it looked really great. We did only see the VIP section though, so we would really need to come and look around the whole club before we could give you any idea of where you could change things.” Mandy said.

    “Why don’t you all come tonight? I know you don’t open the shop tomorrow, so you can have some fun with out worrying about having to get up for work in the morning.”

    Mandy looked at Chrissy who nodded a yes to her so she turned to Carl again. “Sounds like it would be fun. I’ll book a taxi for 8, that way I can have a drink as well.”

    “Don’t book a taxi Mandy. I’ll get Vic to pick you up at eight tonight.”

    “I don’t want to put you out Carl, or Vic.” Mandy replied.

    “It’s no trouble at all, Vic would be upset if you turned up in a taxi.” Carl laughed.

    “Okay then Carl, I’ll see you tonight. Or should I say I’ll see Carla tonight.” She grinned at Carl and Carl grinned back at her. Carl said goodbye to Chrissy and then Becky, then he left the shop saying. “See you all later!”

    “Is he coming back later?” Becky asked.

    “No, he means at the club tonight. He wants us to take a good look at the club and let him know what can be done to make it better. Hope you don’t mind Becky, but I said we would go.” Chrissy waited for an answer.

    “No that’s fine Chrissy, I could do with a night out.” Becky replied with a smile.

    Chrissy went to finish up the EBay stuff, but found that Becky had already done it all and tided up the shop front and restocked the shelves. Chrissy and Mandy looked at each other and then at Becky.

    “Becky’s done a really great job, there’s nothing left to do.” Chrissy said.

    “I can see that Chrissy, she really is a hard worker. We may as well call it a day and get the stuff to the post office and go home and get ready for tonight.”

    Chrissy and Mandy went out front to find Becky sweeping the floor and putting some waste paper in the bin. They both stood looking at her, which made her think she’d done something wrong. “Have I made a mistake or something?”

    “No Becky, you’re doing a really great job. You’re putting me and Chrissy to shame.” Mandy giggled as she said it, so Becky knew she was doing a good job and smiled back at them both.

    They loaded up the car and then made their way to the post office and then home. Chrissy and Becky made a start on dinner and then went to get a shower together. The food was cooked when they got back down and Mandy had turned the oven down. They were all in their bathrobes, so they could get dressed once they had eaten.

    Once they finished, Mandy washed, while Chrissy and Becky dried. Then they all went to get ready.

    Chrissy had an idea for her outfit and one for Becky too. She found the two dresses and hung them on the back of the closet door and went to sort out the underwear to go with each dress. Becky saw the corset and started to back away. “You’re not getting me in one of them things again, it was bad enough when Mandy got me to wear that one the night we all dressed up.”

    “Please give it a go Becky, I won’t tie it too tight. If you don’t wear the corset, the dress won’t fit that I want you to wear for me.” Chrissy had a pleading look that Becky couldn’t resist.

    “Okay then, but not too tight, please!”

    Chrissy set to work dressing Becky, just like she was dressing a life-size doll. The corset had a built in bra to support Becky’s breasts so she wrapped it around her waist and tied down the laces till she got the hour glass shape she was looking for. “Can you breathe okay Becky?”

    Becky took a couple of sample breaths. “Yes I can babe, how do I look?” Becky struck a pose.

    “You look really good Lover, now let me finish dressing you or we will never be ready when Vic gets here.”

    Chrissy handed her a pair of stockings and let her slide them up each leg and attach them to the garters on the corset. While Becky was doing that, Chrissy went to get dress she wanted Becky to wear.

    Chrissy walked back to Becky holding a black dress which sparkled whenever the light hit the hundreds of little sequins all over it. The dress didn’t have any straps, which explained the need for the built in bra cups on the corset. Chrissy helped her step into it, once she had pulled it into place Chrissy zipped it up at the side and then stopped back. She thought that Becky look amazing, but there was something missing. Then she remembered she hadn’t got her any shoes to wear yet, so she ran off to get her a pair of shoes.

    “Here you go Becky, this should finish the outfit off just right.” Chrissy handed Becky a pair of black strappy sandals to put on.

    Becky really did look beautiful, Chrissy felt so lucky that she was her girl. But she still thought that she needed something else to finish off the look. ‘She needs a necklace,’ Chrissy thought to herself. Chrissy looked all through her jewellery box and Becky’s, but couldn’t find one that looked right. She caught a glimpse of herself in the dressing table mirror and saw her gold chain with Purple Heart in the centre, hanging around her own neck.

    Chrissy walked back to Becky and removed the chain from around her neck and started to put it around Becky’s neck.

    “Chrissy, what are you doing?” Becky asked with a shocked look on her face.

    “You need just the right looking necklace to finish the look I was going for.”

    “But your mum gave you this necklace Chrissy. I could never wear this.”

    “Sure you can Becky, I trust you not to lose it, and I love you so much that I wanted to give you my heart if only for one night.” Becky took hold of the heart after Chrissy finished putting it on her.

    “Thank you Chrissy.” A tear ran down her face as she looked at Chrissy.

    Chrissy wiped away the tear and then hugged her. “Don’t cry Becky, I want you to be happy with what I did.”

    “I am happy Chrissy. Very happy.” They hugged again and then Chrissy set to work on doing her hair and makeup.

    Becky looked a real stunner by the time Chrissy finished. She went over to the full-length mirror and looked at herself from each side and then straight on from the front. She loved the way her waist looked in the dress and how her bust looked bigger.

    She turned to face Chrissy who had been stood just behind her watching. “Thanks Chrissy, you’ve made me look really hot.”

    “Thanks lover, but just remember who you belong to.” Chrissy was shaking her finger at Becky as she spoke.

    “I don’t want anyone else in my life other than you Chrissy.” Becky went to kiss Chrissy but Chrissy stopped her.

    “I don’t want to mess up your lipstick before I get to show you off to the world.” Becky started to pout, so Chrissy kissed her, then fixed the damage she did. “Now that will have to do till we get home later. I don’t want to have to keep fixing your makeup all night.”

    “I’ll try and keep my hands off you baby, but I won’t make any promises.” Becky put her arms around her lover and went to kiss her again.

    “Becky! I told you NO!” Chrissy pushed her away.

    “Can’t blame a girl for trying.” Becky giggled. Chrissy just walked away shaking her head.

    Chrissy got her corset and put it on, then got Becky to tie it down for her. Then she put on her stockings and then her panties. Becky had got the dress for her, So she helped Chrissy get into it. The dress was a little like the one Becky was wearing, but it was a really bright blue and had short sleeves that hung just off the shoulders.

    Chrissy slipped into a pair of blue shoes that matched the colour of the dress and went to see how she looked in the mirror. She had already done her makeup, so she was ready to leave once she had a final look at herself.

    Becky came and stood next to her and they really did make a stunning looking pair. They both grabbed their purses and went to see if Mandy was ready yet. They knocked on her bedroom door and waited to see if she opened it. It only took her a couple of seconds to open it, Mandy was wearing a beautiful white dress and she looked stunning in it.

    “Wow Sis, you look drop dead gorgeous in that dress. Carl, or Carla will be wanting to get you out of that dress from the first minute he sees you in it.”

    “Well he will have to wait till I’m ready for that sort of thing. I’m not ready for that yet, but I can tease him still.” Mandy had a grin on her face.

    They all headed downstairs and waited for Vic to come and get them. Becky went and poured each of them a glass of wine and they sat in the living room to wait. Mandy stood up when she heard a car pull onto the driveway. She was nearly at the door when she heard the doorbell go.

    Mandy opened the door to see a tall blond woman stood at the door smiling at her. She was wearing a long black evening dress with a lace top peace to it that showed off her chest through it. The dress had a slit up the side that showed off one of her long slender legs. Her hair and makeup looked flawless as well.

    “Good evening Mandy, you look amazing in that dress. Are you all ready to leave, or would you like a little more time?” The woman asked.

    “Vic, I mean Vicky, is that you?” Mandy asked, not really believing that this woman could really be the same man that drove her around the other day.

    “Yes it’s me Mandy, do I look okay?”

    “You look amazing Vicky. How do you get that look, if I hadn’t met you the other day as a man, I never would have guessed you were anything, but a woman.”

    “Thanks Mandy, I was a little nervous driving over here to pick you up.”

    “You look so good Vicky, why would you be nervous about me seeing you like this.” Mandy asked not understanding why someone as stunning as Vicky could be nervous of anyone.

    “Not everyone has seen me as a male and then as a female, so I was a little worried you would still just see the man in a dress.”

    “Trust me Vicky, you look all woman to me.”

    Vicky turned a little red, even through the makeup she was wearing. “Thanks Mandy.”

    Mandy shouted for the other two and then waited for them to leave, so she could arm the alarm system and join them out at the car. Chrissy and Becky both told Vicky how great she looked as they drove to the club.

    Vicky pulled up outside the club and a girl came and opened the doors then took the keys off Vicky and drove off in the car to park it around the back.

    The bouncers must have known who Vicky was as they stepped aside and opened the door for her then let the others in as well.

    Vicky led the way to the VIP section again and showed them to the sofa they sat on the other night when they were there. “I’ll just go and see if Carla is ready yet. I won’t be too long. She waved to a waitress and then said something to her, she nodded and then went and came back with a try holding three glasses of champagne.

    “I could get used to this you know.” Mandy said as she took a glass from the tray.

    Chrissy took a glass and handed it to Becky, then took her glass and thanked the waitress. Then turned to Mandy, “So could I Mandy, it’s nice to be treated so nice.”

    The girls sat talking and watching other people come and go. They could tell that some of the girls were really men, but some looked really good. Becky and Mandy were having a little competition to work out the real girls from the fake ones. They were having so much fun playing their little game, they never saw the sad look on Chrissy’s face.

    “I’m going to the ladies room, I won’t be long.” Chrissy said as she stood up.

    “Do you want me to come with you babe?” Becky asked.

    “No, I’ll be okay. You stay and keep playing your little game.” Becky never really noticed the sarcasm in Chrissy’s voice as she said it.

    Chrissy was really upset with them both, how could they make fun of all those girls like that. Was she nothing, but a joke to them as well, did they poke fun at her behind her back? She was so deep in thought she never saw Vicky stood in front of her till it was too late and she walked straight into her.

    Chrissy said “Sorry, it was my fault, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” She looked up to see Vicky smiling at her. “Oh, hi Vicky.”

    “Hi Chrissy, you okay? You look a little upset all of a sudden. Has someone said something to you, let me know and I will have them removed from the club.” Vicky was all business again.

    “It’s okay Vicky. I’m just being silly I think.” Chrissy was still a little down.

    “You don’t play much poker do you Chrissy?” Chrissy just looked at her oddly. Vicky laughed. “I mean you’re not very good at lying are you?”

    Chrissy looked down in defeat. “It’s my problem Vicky, please don’t worry yourself with it.” Chrissy went to the ladies room and took care of business, then checked to make sure her makeup still looked good and then left the ladies room again. She was just about to head out into the main club when she walked right into Vicky again.

    “The VIP section is that way Chrissy.” She pointed in the opposite direction to the way Chrissy was walking.

    “I don’t feel like going back there right now, I was going to have a look around the club for a bit.”

    “Who upset you Chrissy?” Vicky asked in a stern voice that was more male than female and looked really odd coming from the female stood in front of her.

    Chrissy was going to lie, but knew that Vicky would see right through it. So she decided to just come clean. “They kind of both upset me, but I don’t think they really meant to do it.”

    “What did they do to upset you so much?”

    “They started playing a little game to see who were real girls and which were men dressed up. It made me feel like I was less of a girl than they are, does that make any sense to you?”

    “It does Chrissy, we all worry that were being looked at for the wrong reasons when we dress like this. But you could never be spotted as ever being a male when dressed. And only a doctor could tell you weren’t born a female now anyway.”

    “I still feel like it was aimed at me though.”

    “That’s because you care for people Chrissy. You should really go and tell them how you feel. I bet they wouldn’t play their little game if you told them how it makes you feel.”

    “But what if they don’t care about how I feel? And they keep playing it anyway?”

    “Do you really think they would Chrissy?”

    “I guess not, but I really just want to be alone for a bit.” Chrissy was still looking a little sad.

    “Okay then Chrissy, but don’t wonder off.” Vicky got up and left her to sit in the normal part of the club. Chrissy didn’t see Vicky tell one of the bouncers to keep a close eye on her and not let any men bother her.

    Chrissy was still upset, and a little mad with Mandy and Becky. So she was glad to be alone for a bit to cool down.

    Mandy and Becky were getting a little worried, as Chrissy still wasn’t back yet. Becky went to check the VIP toilet and found a couple of girls in their, but no Chrissy. She ran back to Mandy and said, “She’s gone Mandy. Chrissy isn’t in the toilet.

    “What do you mean, she’s not in the toilets. Where could she be?” They both got up to go look for her when Vicky walked up to them.

    “I hope you’re not thinking of leaving. Carla wouldn’t be happy if you left twice in a row.”

    “We’ve lost Chrissy, she went to the ladies room some time ago and now she’s gone.” Mandy said sounding really worried.

    “Calm down Ladies, Chrissy is safe. But she is a little upset though.”

    “Why is she upset, what happened to her, who upset her?” Becky asked.

    “Sit down and I will try and explain everything as I see it.” Vicky said in a calm voice

    “Do you remember what you were both doing just before Chrissy went to the ladies room?”

    Mandy and Becky looked at each other then back at Vicky. “I think we were just having some fun trying to work out which were men dressed up and which were real girls.” Mandy said.

    “That’s what upset her. She thought that if you could make fun of others then you could make fun of her.”

    Mandy and Becky looked at each other and then both put their hands to their mouths. “We never gave a thought to what our little game was doing to Chrissy. Please understand that Vicky. We didn’t mean any harm by it.”

    “I know you didn’t, and most the girls in here wouldn’t care, but I think Chrissy felt a little scared that you both treated her the same way behind her back.”

    “We never even think of her as a boy anymore. How could she think for one minute that we would ever do anything behind her back.” Becky was getting up again to go find her baby. “Please take me to her, I need to set her straight.”

    “Becky, shouting at her won’t help. She’s scared and not used to being around so many crossdresser’s. So when you get to her, just show her how much you love her.”

    Vicky got up and showed Becky and Mandy the way to the table she left Chrissy sitting at.

    Becky saw Chrissy, but Chrissy was so deep in thought that she never saw Becky or Mandy walk up to the table. She turned to tell the person she wanted to be alone, but stopped speaking when she saw it was them.

    “Chrissy what are you doing sat over here all on your own?” Mandy asked.

    Chrissy was looking down at the table like a naughty child. “I just wanted to be alone for a bit.”

    Mandy sat facing Chrissy, while Becky slid in next to her. “So it had nothing to do with me and Becky playing that silly little game?”

    Chrissy looked up at Vicky, who just smiled and winked at Chrissy then walked away to let them talk. “I’m sorry if I worried you both. You both seemed to be making fun of all them people and it felt wrong. I started to worry that you both made fun of me when my back was turned.” Chrissy looked down at the table again.

    “Chrissy, do you really think we would make fun of you? We weren’t thinking when we were playing, it just sort of happened, and we never meant anything bad with it.” Becky hugged Chrissy as she spoke to her.

    “No I don’t think you would do that at all, I’m not sure why I felt the way I did. Sorry Becky, sorry Mandy.”

    “Vicky said that it could be due to you not being around a lot of crossdresser’s before. You could be scared that someone would see you as a man dressed like a girl, not that I think they ever could.” Mandy smiled as she spoke.

    Chrissy thought about it and came to the conclusion that Vicky could be right. She looked around and realised that she didn’t look like any of the ones that stood out as men in a dress. She wasn’t even as big as Mandy so her size wouldn’t give her away. Chrissy realised that she was just being silly.

    Chrissy decided to break out of her mood and have some fun with her sister and lover. “I guess I am being silly aren’t I? Sorry you two.” She smiled a warm loving smile at Becky and Mandy.

    “Stop being sorry and let’s go and have some fun.” Mandy said with a smile back at her.

    The girls all went back to the VIP section to find Vicky stood talking to a black haired woman with a killer waist pulled into an hour glass shape. She was wearing a long blue dress that reminded them of the one that Jessica rabbit wears, it even sparkled the same way. They saw Vicky say something to the woman then she pointed towards the girls as they walked towards her and Vicky.

    The woman turned to look at the girls as they got to her. They all stopped dead in their tracks when they realised it was Carl, or more to the point Carla.

    Mandy looked her up and down, then up again. “Carla, you look amazing. How ever did you get your body to look like that?”

    “Hi Mandy, with a lot of time and padding. Hi Chrissy, hi Becky.”

    “Hi Carla, you do look really great, I love the dress.”

    “Thanks Chrissy. I had it made after seeing, Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I just wish I looked as good as Jessica did in it.”

    “You look just fine to me Carla.” Mandy said as she went and gave her a hug and a kiss. It felt a little odd when she kissed Carla their lips stuck together due to them both wearing lipstick, but she liked it. Mandy was getting turned on to think that the woman in front of her was all man under that dress.

    Mandy ran her hands down Carla’s sides and felt the corset holding her waist in tight and the padding on the hips to give a greater look to the hour-glass shape. Her make up was perfect as well. Mandy was really falling in love with this man, or woman. She was a little confused about it all, but she knew she loved him no matter what.

    In stead of asking the girls to take a seat, Carla and Vicky decided to give them a tour of the whole club. Carla took Mandy by the hand and then Chrissy and Becky walked behind them with Vicky bringing up the rear, but Chrissy grinned at Becky and then looked at Vicky. Becky picked up on what Chrissy wanted to do, so they both stepped to the side of Vicky and took an arm each. When Vicky looked down they both grinned and then put their heads on her shoulder, or more like her upper arm as she was a lot taller than they were, even in heels.

    Vicky felt great as all the other girls in the club watched as this blond bombshell walked past with a really good looking and sexy girl on each arm.

    Mandy looked back to make sure the other two were still there. She had to giggle when she saw what they were doing, and the grin on Vicki’s face. Carla turned when she heard Mandy laugh, even she had to giggle at the sight.

    Carla showed them around the club stopping to talk to a lot of the girls and even some women dressed as men. But all of them were really nice and pleasant to talk with. They ended up back in the VIP section and Carla waved a waitress over with a tray of drinks. They all sat down and took a glass of Champagne, then Carla asked. “So what do you think to the club?”

    “It’s a really great place Carla. It looks like you thought of everything.” Mandy said as she slid a little closer to her. Carla put her arm around Mandy and smiled at her. “Thanks Mandy, but I was hoping you could tell me how to make it even better.”

    “I’m sorry Carla, but I don’t really know that much about night clubs.” Mandy looked a little sad that she couldn’t offer any ideas.

    “Don’t worry about it Mandy, I’m glad that you really think I covered everything.” Carla was smiled at her, so Mandy didn’t feel so bad after all.

    “What did you two think of the place?” Carla looked at Chrissy and Becky.

    “I think it’s really great too Carla, but like Mandy said we don’t know much about night clubs to offer any good advice as to how you could make it better.” Becky answered for both her and Chrissy.

    Carla could see that Chrissy wasn’t having as much fun as the other two, so Carla made a mental note to have a chat with her later and find out what’s bothering her.

    Mandy and Becky decided they needed to powder their noses, they asked Chrissy if she needed to go, but she said no, so they went and left her sitting with Carla. Vicky was away sorting out a problem at the door, so Carla took the chance to find out what was bothering Chrissy.

    “What’s wrong Chrissy? You don’t look to be having as much fun as the other two.”

    Chrissy just shrugged then said, “I don’t really know Carla, I’ve just got this scary feeling deep down. I look at the way some of you act, and I worry that I look the same way.”

    “Chrissy, you’re nothing like us. We dress up to be noticed and because we like the feel of the clothes. But we still feel okay with our male side. Where as you felt like you were always a female, and now you are.”

    Chrissy thought about what Carla had just said, “I guess you’re right Carla. Mandy and Becky said pretty much the same thing to me. Thanks Carla.”

    “If I may add one more thing Chrissy. I never saw you as a male, and I can normally pick out a crossdresser or a TS, but I never even guessed you, not even before you had the op.”

    “Really? You’re not just saying that Carla.” Chrissy asked feeling better with herself.

    “Chrissy, I would never lie to you, or Becky and your sister. To me Chrissy you’re all woman and always have been.”

    Chrissy went over to Carla and gave her a hug to thank her for chatting. They broke the hug when they heard a voice say. “What are you doing with my woman!”

    Chrissy broke the hug looking worried, she saw it was Mandy that had spoken, but she was still worried she might have upset her again. But she soon felt better when she saw Mandy grin at her.

    “Sorry Mandy, but Carla was just helping me realise some things.”

    “That’s okay Chrissy. I know that Carla is a little bit too much of a woman for you.” She grinned at Chrissy. Chrissy got what Mandy was getting at and giggled as well.

    “Your right there Sis, but I tend to think you can never have too many sisters though.” Carla looked at Chrissy to see if she was just joking, but it looked like she was being truthful.

    “You would really think of me as a sister to you Chrissy? Even though I only dress part time.”

    “Yes I would, you can help me when Mandy is at a loss as to what to tell me. Why do you not want the job Carla?”

    “I’d love to think of you as my little sister Chrissy, but only as long as Mandy and Becky don’t mind?” Carla looked at the two girls to see if they had any problem with any of it.

    Both Mandy and Becky smiled. “I’ve got no problem with it Carla.” Becky said.

    “Neither do I. I think its great that she can talk to someone that understands some of what she is going through.” Mandy put her arm around Carla as she spoke. Mandy found it hard to kiss Carla due to them both having breasts now, but she loved the way it felt when their breasts touched, and she loved the way their lips would stick together when they kissed.

    Becky watched Mandy and Carla kiss and felt the need to show Chrissy how much she loved her. So she pulled Chrissy into a hug and kissed her in the same way. Mandy and Carla were watching them when they stopped.

    “Well I see she’s not shy about everything then.” Carla said as she looked at Mandy.

    “Becky and Chrissy can put on quite a show when they want to, but I do love to see Chrissy happy. She never seems happier than when she’s making out with Becky. The two girls heard every word Mandy and Carla said and both went a little red in the face when they stopped kissing each other.

    They could see most of the VIP section had stopped what they were doing to watch the free floor show.

    “Maybe I should hire you two. It looks like you draw a good crowd.” Carla giggled.

    “Carla! Don’t tease them.” Mandy slapped her on the arm as she spoke.

    “I’m sorry Chrissy, Becky. I was just teasing you both, I’m glad you have something that great between you both. Don’t worry what anyone else thinks about it, and if they do have any trouble just send them to see me.” Chrissy had to laugh at what Carla just said, as she didn’t look very tough dressed as she was.

    Carla caught on to what Chrissy was laughing at and had to join in, which set off the others as well.

    “Okay, point taken, but don’t let these sexy curves make you think I can’t take care of myself, or the ones I care for.” Carla struck a very sexy pose as she spoke, which got her another hug and kiss from Mandy.

    Carla had to go and entertain some more, so Mandy and the other two spent some time walking around the club on their own and chatting with some of the girls. Carla had told some of the girls about Mandy’s and Chrissy’s business, so they had a lot of the girls asking them questions and advice. They even had some appointments made for the following day so that some of the girls could come and get fitted for a corset or two.

    It was gone three in the morning when the club closed and all the people were gone. Only the staff were left, and though they were all looking really tired, they still had time to smile and have a laugh as they cleaned up the glasses and shut everything down for the night.

    Vicky and Carla drove the girl’s home. They didn’t stop for a nightcap as Carla was beginning to complain about the corset and how tight it was and she still had to get out of all her makeup yet.

    “I bet it can be a real drag being a girl?” Mandy said with a grin.

    Carla groaned and Vicky nearly choked from laughing so hard. Chrissy and Becky looked at each other and then burst out laughing which then set Carla off.

    They dropped the girls off at home and they all stood at the doorstep and watched the black Mercedes drive away.

    “That was a really great night, didn’t you think so?” Chrissy asked the other two.

    “”Yes it was, and I am sorry for upsetting you Chrissy.” Becky looked tired and a little sad about the silly game her and Mandy had been playing.

    “Don’t worry about it Becky, Carla made me understand why I was feeling the way I did. I guess I just wasn’t used to being around lots of crossdresser’s before tonight. I was just scared I stood out like some of them did, but Carla said she never saw me as a man in a dress, not even from the first time she ever saw me.”

    “You never were much of a man I’m pleased to say Chrissy.” Chrissy hugged and kissed Becky to let her know that she liked what she just said.

    “I don’t know about you two, but I’m ready for my bed.” Mandy was heading for the stairs as she spoke.

    “So are we Mandy.” Becky said as she put her arm around Chrissy’s waist and led her to the stairs so they could follow Mandy up to bed.

    They each helped the other to get out of the corsets and into their nightgowns and then they went to use the bathroom and brush their teeth. They all got into Mandy’s bed and cuddled up together falling asleep almost right away.

    Over the next couple of weeks they fell into a routine of working at the shop with Carl having food delivered or dropped off by him, and Becky was helping out as well. Then they would go to the club on a Saturday and Tuesday, as they didn’t have work the next day.

    Becky still had no idea what she really wanted to do. But she didn’t feel like she was putting on the other two as she was helping out at the shop. This gave Mandy and Chrissy a little more time to help out the customers. And still get the EBay orders and web site orders packaged and out on time.

    They were getting a lot more crossdresser’s coming to them now since the club opened. They knew this had a lot to do with Carl adding them to the club’s web site, as being a friendly place for a girl to do some shopping.

    They were at the club one Saturday night when Becky saw a girl sat on her own looking a little down so she dragged Chrissy over with her to make sure the girl was okay. She was sat at a table all on her own.

    “Hello there, is everything okay?” Becky asked with a friendly smile.

    The girl looked at Becky, then at Chrissy before saying, “Yes I’m fine. Am I in your spot? I’ll move if I am.” The girl went to stand up to move.

    “No please stay where you are. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you look a little sad for someone out clubbing.”

    “The girl started to look a little uneasy and Becky kind of realised that it must be the poor girls first trip out dressed. She did look good though.

    “May we join you for a bit?” Mandy asked as she motioned at the empty seats facing the girl. They both sat down and smiled at the girl.

    The girl leaned forward and said in a quiet voice. “Are you two, you know, Men?”

    Becky giggled, “Nope we’re both girls full time.” Becky looked at Chrissy who just shook her head to mean don’t say any more about me just yet.

    The girl looked shocked to find that two normal girls wanted to sit and talk to her. She looked at Becky and then Chrissy, the girl thought they both looked amazing.

    She was snapped out of her daze when she heard Chrissy ask, “Is this your first time here at the club?”

    The girl looked down at the table and then back at the two girls. “It’s my first time out dressed like this, do I stand out that much?” The girl looked like she’d failed a test.

    “You look really good, but just a little lost. Didn’t you come with anyone?” Becky asked with concern in her voice.

    “No, I’m here alone. It’s not like I can turn to a friend and ask them to come with me to a club so I can dress as a woman for the night.”

    “True, you do have a point. You should really try and meet some people here, they are nearly all very friendly and would love to have a new friend to chat with.” Becky said.

    “I’m a little on the shy side, and have trouble meeting people.” The girl said in a quiet voice.

    Becky could see a lot of Chrissy in this girl and knew that if she were going to meet some new friends, she would have to drag her along to meet them. So Becky stood up and Chrissy did the same, they pulled the girl to her feet and dragged her over to a group of girls stood near the bar.

    “Hi Becky, hi Chrissy. Who’s your friend?” Becky and Chrissy suddenly realised that they never asked her what her name was, so they both looked at the frightened girl waiting for her to say her name.

    “I, I, I don’t have one.” The girl’s shoulders dropped and she looked beaten.

    Becky lifted the girl’s head and smiled at her, which made the girl feel a little better. “Don’t look so sad, you must have a girl’s name you like.”

    “I’ve always liked the name Catherine, or Cathy for short.” The girl said with a little smile.

    “Okay then, Cathy it is.” Becky turned to the girls and then said, “This is Cathy, She’s a little on the shy side and is new at the club and to the scene. So please be nice to her.” Becky looked all business, but then broke out into a fit of laughter.

    They all shoed Becky off with a giggle as they all started talking to the newly named Cathy stood in front of them. The first one to introduce themselves was a friendly looking woman in her late thirty’s with long curly blond hair and a cute looking face. She was wearing a red leather skirt and a white silk blouse. She didn’t look too tall, but the shoes she had on did have tall heels. “Hello Cathy dear, my name is Crystal. Don’t let Becky and Chrissy scare you, we’re all just pussy cats really.” Crystal held out her hand so Cathy could shake it. Then she introduced her to the other girls.

    “This is Karen.” Crystal pointed to a tall black haired woman in a black cocktail dress. She didn’t look as good as Crystal, but she did smile and make Cathy feel welcome.

    That little fire cracker there is Pippa.” This time Crystal pointed to a little oriental woman that was wearing a really tight fitting dress that gave her a stunning looking figure. Cathy went to shake her hand, but she got jumped on and hugged to death instead. “Sorry if I scared you Cathy, but I just wanted to help make you feel like one of the group” Pippa said sounding all bubbly.

    The last girl in the group had a page boy style blond hairdo and looked just as nervous as Cathy did. “This is Sandi, she’s a new member to the group as well.” Cathy smiled and held out her hand for Sandi to shake. Sandi returned her smile and shook her hand.

    Cathy still looked a little lost, but Crystal wasn’t going to let her stay quiet for long. “How long have you been dressing Cathy?”

    “On and off for a couple of years now, but this is the first time I’ve ever left the house fully dressed.” Cathy said in a quiet voice.

    “You look good for your first time. Did you come with anyone?” Karen asked.

    “No I’m here alone. I read about this club on the net at a story site I go to and thought I would give it a go as it’s only around the corner from where I live.”

    “So you left your house dressed then Cathy?” Pippa asked.

    “Yes I did, I’ve only been living there a couple of months so no one really knows me yet. And if they had seen me leave, they would have just thought it was a girl leaving the block of flats.”

    The other girls started asking her if she had an email address and a web site and lots of other questions. Cathy soon came out of her shell and was having a laugh at some of the things the others said and did.

    Becky and Chrissy stood and chatted with them all till they saw that Cathy was now part of the group.

    “Me and Chrissy are going to leave you all to chat and go see if we can help any other girls feel more at home.” Becky and Chrissy gave all the girls a hug and then left to find Mandy who they had left in the VIP section with Carla and Vicky.

    Cathy watched them walk away then turned to the group and asked, “May I ask what the deal is with those two? I find it odd to find two real girls coming to a club like this.”

    “They’re friends with the owner, and rumour has it that their not both real girls. One of them was born a male, but had the op some time back.” Crystal said as she leaned over to Cathy. Cathy gave them all a look to say stop teasing the new girl.

    “Were not joking Cathy, one of them was a male at birth.” Pippa beamed.

    Cathy looked back at the two women walking away. She couldn’t believe that either of them was ever a male. But if she had to guess, she would have said it was Becky. She turned back to the group and said, “It must have been Becky then, no way could it have been Chrissy.”

    Cathy looked at Pippa and saw her shaking her head to say that she was wrong and it was Chrissy. Cathy’s mouth fell open and she looked at Chrissy again, but she couldn’t see any sign of a male there at all.

    Crystal put her arm around Cathy’s shoulder and said, “Don’t even try and work it out Cathy, just except the fact that she is a great person to know and if you ever need any help with your makeup, she can help.”

    Cathy looked at the group and smiled as she realised that thanks to Becky and Chrissy she now had a couple of friends to chat with, but she would like to find out Chrissy’s story at some point. She just hoped she got the chance to chat with her again sometime.

    Chrissy and Becky found Mandy sat in the VIP section with Carla still, but Vicky had gone. “Hello you two, what you been up to?” Mandy asked with a grin on her face.

    “Nothing like that Mandy.” Chrissy shot back with a hand on one hip, and a smile on her face.

    “I’ll take your word for it Chrissy, but I think you’ve been up to something as you’ve been gone for some time.”

    “We were just helping a lost soul meet some new friends.” Becky added.

    “In what way Becky?” Carla asked as she stood up to greet a couple of people she saw just walk in.

    “We saw some girl sat on her own and helped her meet a couple of other girls. It didn’t seem like she was going to make the first move on her own.” Becky was looking at the sofa and missed the look on Carla’s face.

    Becky and Chrissy took a seat for a bit, but were soon up and walking around the club again. As they left the VIP section Carla pulled Mandy to her feet and said. “Do you feel like taking a walk with me? I want to look at something.”

    “Sure, I could do with stretching my legs a bit.” Carla pulled Mandy into a hug and then they kissed and headed off in the same direction Becky and Chrissy just went.

    Mandy soon realised that Carla was watching what Becky was doing. “May I ask why you’re watching Chrissy and Becky?”

    “I’m watching Becky, she’s playing the hostess part really well. Vicky said to me the other night that she had seen Becky get a couple of quiet girls get into a group and start to have more fun. A couple of girls have started to book into the hotel and get a makeover sooner than they normally would. I think it’s due to Becky, so I wanted to see if it was.” Mandy looked at Becky as she walked over to a girl stood in a corner and started talking to her. Then they both watched as she led her over to a couple of other girls and started chatting with them all. They saw them do it a couple more times before they made their way back to the VIP section, so Carla and Mandy followed them.

    Mandy could see that Carla was in business mode now, so she left her to think and went to the lady’s room to powder her nose.

    Becky and Chrissy stood looking to see where Mandy was when they got back to the sofa. Carla could see them looking and said, “She went to powder her nose.” Both girls nodded and took a seat.

    Mandy came back and was about to take a seat when Carla stood up and asked them all to follow her to her office. The girls all looked at each other to try and work out what they might have done to upset Carla, as she looked really serious.

    The girls all followed Carla to her office and took a seat. It was a lot quieter in the office so they could talk without shouting so much.

    “What’s wrong Carla, have we done something to upset you?” Chrissy asked looking all worried.

    Carla realised that she had not said anything as to why she asked them all to come into her office. “No, sorry Chrissy. I want to put some options on the table for Becky and didn’t want to do it in the club.”

    “What option’s and what have I done to make you want to give me options?” Becky asked nervously.

    “Don’t look so worried Becky, I’m really happy with what you’ve been doing. So much so, that I want to offer you a full time job doing it for me.”

    Becky just sat staring at Carla for some time before saying, “I must have drunk too much, I thought you just offered me a job.”

    “I did Becky. I want you to become the hostess of the club for me.”

    “I thought that was your job Carla? It is your club after all.” Becky said with a puzzled look on her face.

    “It should be Becky, but I don’t seem to get out into the normal part of the club enough. And I’ve had a couple of the girls say how they had a great time after a girl here at the club got them talking to other groups of girls. I was watching you tonight as you walked around the club Becky. That girl is you.”

    Becky sat looking a little red in the face at the compliment Carla just paid her. “Let me get this straight, you want to pay me to come to the club and do what I’ve been doing for a couple of weeks now?”

    “Yep, that’s about it, but you will need to get fitted for a couple of corsets and we need to sort out a new wardrobe for you. I’ll sort out with Marie and the boutique to take your measurements and get some new outfits ordered for you.”

    “How do you know I even want the job Carla?” Becky asked trying to look a little uninterested.

    “You don’t have a very good poker face Becky.” Carla smiled at her.

    “She does have a point Babe.” Chrissy said from the side of her.

    “Don’t we need to talk about pay and working hours?” Becky asked.

    “We can sort that out tomorrow once we have you fitted out for your uniforms so to speak.”

    “Will I have to dress like the waitresses?”

    “No, I want you to look glamorous, not like just another member of the staff. You must have noticed how Vicky and me don’t dress like the other girls for the same reason I don’t want you to. We will talk about it more tomorrow. Let’s get back to the club.” They all got up and left the office and went back to see if everyone was having a good time. Becky went around grabbing the odd lonely girl and getting them talking to other groups of girls.

    While Becky was talking to a couple of girls she had introduced earlier in the night, Chrissy went to the toilet. She found Cathy in there trying to fix her makeup.

    “Hi Cathy, how is Crystal and the other’s treating you?”

    “Hi Chrissy. They are really great, thanks for helping me meet them.”

    “You need to thank Becky more than me, I just tend to follow her around.”

    Cathy found herself staring at Chrissy a little too much, she only realised she was when she saw Chrissy look in the mirror to make sure she hadn’t messed up her makeup. “I’m sorry Chrissy, I didn’t mean to stare at you. It’s just that.” Cathy stopped speaking as she realised that it wasn’t right for her to ask what she was about to ask.

    “It’s just that what?” Chrissy asked.

    “It doesn’t matter Chrissy, It would be rude of me to ask.” Cathy said as she tried to get her lipstick on right.

    “You can’t believe I wasn’t born a female?” Chrissy said with a smile. She was now so used to the girls asking her, that she found it fun now when they found out the rumours were true.

    “So they were telling me the truth then, I thought they were just pulling my leg.” Cathy looked shocked as she looked Chrissy up and down.

    Chrissy stepped back and did a twirl for her. “What do you think?”

    “I would never have guessed Chrissy. You look really hot.”

    “Thanks Hon, you don’t look to bad yourself. You just need a little more practice with your makeup, but that will come with time.” Chrissy stepped back up to Cathy and took her lipstick from her and then wiped off what she had on her lips and redid it for her. She looked at her other makeup and did a quick fix and touch up for her. When Cathy looked in the mirror she was amazed at the difference.

    “Wow Chrissy, Crystal was right when she said you were a whiz with the makeup.” Chrissy just smiled and then gave her a hug before they went back to the others.

    Becky was stood with Crystal when Cathy and Chrissy got back, all the girls could tell that Chrissy had done some repairs to Cathy’s makeup.

    “I see the makeup fairy has struck again?” Karen said as she looked at Chrissy, Who went a little red and looked down at the floor.

    “Nice job Chrissy, your talents are wasted working in the shop you know.” Crystal added.

    “I’m not that good really, I just had a good subject to work with.” Chrissy tried to play down all the attention she was getting. “You should all be congratulating Becky here. She’s been given the job of playing hostess here at the club.”

    Becky shot Chrissy a dirty look for shifting the attention to her, but all Chrissy did was smile at her and Becky melted in her smile as she always did.

    The girls all started firing questions at her, but all she could say was that she still had to sort out the details with Carla. The girls all hugged her and then brought her a drink to congratulate her on the new job.

    Word soon got around the club and everyone they walked past had to say how great it was. By the end of the night Becky was glad to be leaving for home. Carla and Vicky dropped the girls off at home and let them enter the house, after Carla had arranged for Vicky to pick Becky up the next afternoon to sort out the paperwork and her new outfits for work.

    Becky was a little lost in thought as they got ready for bed. But she soon put it all aside as she felt the warm embrace of Chrissy’s arms around her, and they were soon fast asleep.

    Chrissy was the first to wake the next day needing the bathroom, so she slid down the bed trying not to wake the others. She saw the time was nearly eleven am and she knew she had to wake Becky so she could get ready for Vicky picking her up at noon.

    Becky was already moving when she got back from the bathroom, so Chrissy jumped on the bed and pinned her down while she kissed her. “Good morning Miss Hostess.”

    “Morning Babe. Is there any chance of you letting me get up so I can get ready?” Becky asked in the creaky voice one has when you just woke up.

    “In a minute babe, I just want to make the most of you while I can.” Chrissy started to kiss her again with even more passion.

    “Get a room you two.” Mandy said as she saw the two of them kissing.

    “We do have a room.” Chrissy grinned at her sister as she broke the kiss with Becky.

    “Well your own room then, some of us are still trying to get our beauty sleep.” Mandy rolled onto her back and looked at the clock on her side of the bed. “God I didn’t realise what the time was. I never sleep in this later normally.”

    Mandy was about to throw the covers back and get up when she was pinned down by Chrissy. “You should have been up hours ago Sis if you only sleep to get more beautiful.”

    “Why thank you Sis, but I really need to visit the bathroom before I make a mess here in bed.” Chrissy giggled and then rolled off her.

    Chrissy followed Becky to their bedroom and helped her wash her back in the shower then did her hair and makeup ready for when Vicky arrived.

    It was Vic that turned up, but they kind of knew it would be anyway. Chrissy waved them off and then went back to find Mandy and see what she wanted to eat, She’d tried to feed Becky, but she was a little too nervous to eat anything really, so Chrissy just made her a slice of toast.

    “Morning Mandy, what do you want to eat?”

    “I think I will just have some jam on some toast. Feel a little hung over this morning.” Chrissy put some toast in front of her and then poured her a cup of tea. “Thanks Sis, your the best.” Becky said with a smile.

    “I had a good teacher Sis.” Chrissy smiled back at her.

    They ate and then sat and relaxed waiting for Becky to get home. It was nearly six when she did get back, but she looked a lot better than when she left. Vic had to help her bring in all the bags of stuff she had.

    “Thanks Vic, I’ll see you later.” Becky said.

    “What do you mean, see him later?” Chrissy said with an strange look on her face.

    “Oh your right. Sorry Vic, I will see Vicky later.” Vic smiled at the little joke she was playing on Chrissy.

    “Okay, see you later Becky. Bye for now.” Vic left and Becky closed the door behind him.

    Becky turned to see Chrissy stood with her hands on her hips. “You know full well what I mean by seeing Vic, or Vicky later.”

    “I know Babe, but I can have some fun if I want. Carla wants me to start right away, so I am going there tonight.”

    “Tonight! But I have to work tomorrow and can’t come with you.” Chrissy was pouting at Becky.

    “Chrissy I am working there now, so I can’t have you there all the time to hold my hand. I will miss you though.”

    “Good, I would hate to think of you having any fun without me there with you.” Chrissy pulled Becky into a hug and a kiss before she dragged Becky to the kitchen so she could feed her before she helped her get ready for her first night working at the club.

    Chrissy had more than enough room in her walk in closet to hang all of the new outfits that Becky now had and still not even half fill the room. Chrissy found a nice black dress that needed Becky to wear a corset with, but it looked like all the outfits needed her in a corset.

    Becky was ready just in time for the doorbell going. Mandy opened the door and saw Vicky stood there in a beautiful red cocktail dress and red hair to match.

    “Hi Vicky, your looking as stunning as always.”

    “Thanks Mandy, I’m not sure about the hair though.” Vicky said with a lift of her lip on one side.

    “I think it really does suit you.” Mandy said with a smile and a nod of the head.

    “Really? I wasn’t too sure, but if you say it looks good then I am happy with it.”

    They both turned when they heard the clicking of heels on the marble floor of the hallway.

    “Wow Becky, you look stunning. You’ll be fighting all the girls off tonight.” Vicky said with a smile.

    “And she better do a good job as well, or she will have me to answer to.” Came the voice of Chrissy from behind her.

    Becky got to the door and turned to look at Chrissy and Mandy, she took a deep breath then said, “Okay, wish me luck.”

    “You’ll do fine Becky, you’re going to be doing the same thing you have been doing, but getting paid for it now.” Mandy was grinning as she spoke.

    “Hey, I never looked at it that way before.” She smiled and then went to kiss Chrissy but got stopped. “You will mess up your lipstick. So no kissing till you get home.”

    Becky pouted, but could see her point. Vicky led the way to the car and Chrissy and Mandy stood and watched them drive off. For Chrissy it was the second time today and she was missing her already.

    “You okay Chrissy?” Mandy asked looking a little worried.

    “I’m just missing her already, does that make me a sad person?”

    “Not really Sis, you’re just a little worried about how she will cope without you I bet.”

    “I guess it’s that too. I’m also worried that she may find a new girl. And it makes me feel bad for even thinking it.”

    “Trust me Chrissy, there isn’t another woman on this planet that could pull Becky away from you.”

    “Do you really think so?”

    “Trust me Chrissy, I know so.” Mandy put her arm around her sister and they went to watch a little telly before calling it a night.

    When they got up to Mandy’s room Chrissy said, “I think I should sleep in my own bed tonight. I’m not sure how Becky would feel about just the two of us sharing a bed when she wasn’t here as well.”

    “Okay Chrissy, but please come and get in with me if you feel scared later.” Mandy gave her Sister a hug and then they went to their own rooms.

    Chrissy had a wash and brushed her teeth and then crawled into bed. It took her some time to fall asleep, she was woken when she heard the door open and then shut again. She looked at the clock and saw it was nearly four in the morning. She heard the figure shuffle off to the bathroom and saw the light go on and then the door shut. Chrissy lay there till she saw the light go out and then she felt someone get in the bed.

    “How did it go Becky?” Chrissy asked in a quiet voice.

    “Sorry if I woke you Chrissy, but I thought you would be in Mandy’s bed with her.”

    “I wasn’t sure you would like it if I did, so I slept in here. So how did it go?”

    “It was fine, not as much fun without you and Mandy there, but it was okay once I got into it.” Becky sounded tired and was yawning as she spoke. Chrissy shuffled over to her and hugged her and she could tell that Becky was asleep in no time. Chrissy finally fell asleep again and got another couple of hours.

    Chrissy slid out of bed and took a shower without waking Becky. She stood and watched her lover sleeping for a couple of minutes before she went to sort out some breakfast for herself and Mandy.

    “Morning Chrissy. What time did Becky get in?”

    “Just before four am, she was really tired. I hope she can keep up the pace.”

    “She’ll be fine, just remember that she was dragged out shopping and signing paperwork yesterday. She will be better after she’s been doing it for a couple of days.”

    “True, I never thought of it that way. I’m going to miss her at the shop though, she was a little angel with the packing.”

    “We’ll cope Sis, we did before she started to help us.” Mandy said with a sigh.

    “I know we did Sis, but we didn’t have all the customers from the club and the hotel orders to sort out. We may need to look at taking on a part time member of staff to help us keep on track with everything.”

    “Maybe Sis, but lets wait and see if we can cope first.”

    “Yes Scrooge.” Chrissy said as she stuck out her tongue at Mandy.

    “Hey! Watch who your calling Scrooge.” Mandy threatened, as she playfully slapped Chrissy on the arm from across the table.

    They finished breakfast and then washed and dried the dishes and put them away again and left for work. Chrissy thought Becky might have come down before they left, but she was still sound asleep when she poked her head in.

    The shop was really busy and they had a lot of EBay and website orders to sort out, and even a couple from the hotel that Marie had emailed over to them. They gave the orders to the person that brought the food at lunchtime so Marie had them in plenty of time for her guests tonight.

    It was home time before they knew it and they were both dead on their feet. They dropped the parcels off at the post office and then called in for Chinese, as they really didn’t feel like cooking when they got in.

    They found Becky still in her dressing gown looking like she hadn’t long been up. “Hi Becky, you just got up or something?” Chrissy asked.

    “I’ve been up for about an hour now. Sorry for not getting any dinner sorted out, but it was a really long day yesterday. I was hoping this big mug of coffee would wake me up a little, but it’s not working so far.”

    “Hi Becky.” Mandy said as she came in with a bag of Chinese food and put it on the table. “So you’re too tired to eat some food then?”

    Becky could smell the food and it made her mouth water. She hadn’t eaten much since dinnertime last night. “I am so hungry now I smell that food. I’ve not eaten since last night.”

    “Why didn’t you eat at the club last night?” Chrissy asked in a scolding way that made Becky feel like a small child.

    “Carla was introducing me to so many people that it was closing time before I realised what time it was. I’m hoping tonight will be a little easier.”

    “So do I, or I will be having words with Carla.” Mandy wasn’t happy that Becky hadn’t eaten anything either.

    “Please don’t get me the sack before I really get the job. I promise to take a break tonight.”

    Mandy dished up the food and they all got stuck in. Chrissy told Becky that they missed her today and Becky said she would try and get in and help them out in the afternoons. This was stopped by both Chrissy and Mandy when they said she would be full on dealing with the club of a night-time.

    “Well at least let me sort out dinner for you. We can’t keep living on take out.” Becky was pleading with them.

    “Okay you can sort out dinner, but keep it simple. You need to get some rest ready for the night-time.” Chrissy was really laying down the law to Becky, but Becky knew it was out of love for her and she really liked that she had someone to care for her the way she cared for Chrissy.

    Time was getting on when they finished dinner and then Chrissy did some fruit and ice cream for dessert, which filled that last spot.

    “Chrissy do you think you’re up to helping me get ready again? I know you must be tired, but you always do such a stunning job with my makeup.” Chrissy smiled and then led her lover up to take a shower and washed her hair so she could style it for her.

    It was just before eight when the doorbell went and Mandy opened it to find Vicky stood there all dolled up again. She even had the red hair again. “I see you liked the red hair after all then Vicky?”

    “Hi Mandy. Yep it was a big hit at the club last night so I decided to go red again.”

    “You look really good again by the way.”

    “Thanks Mandy. Carla told me to say Hi and make sure you and Chrissy would be at the club tomorrow night?”

    “We will be there, I don’t think I will be able to take another night with Chrissy mopping around. She is lost when Becky isn’t around.” Mandy said with a laugh.

    “They do seem to go well together, I could tell that Becky was a little love sick for her. She wasn’t her normal cheery self, but she still did a really good job. It was only me and Carla that could see it.”

    They heard Chrissy and Becky talking so turned just in time to see them reach the bottom of the stairs. Chrissy had done another stunning job with Becky’s makeup and the dress was a long sparkling blue gown that had a really tiny waist thanks to the corset that Chrissy had forced her to wear. The skirt on the dress was long but had a split up the side that showed off her long slender leg on one side.

    The only thing that Vicky could do was wolf whistle at her. “Wow girl you look hot tonight, maybe I should go home and change so I don’t look like the ugly step sister.”

    “Don’t be silly Vicky, you look great. And we can’t all have a superstar make over girl like Chrissy to get us ready.” Becky said with a grin as she looked at Chrissy, then gave her a hug, She didn’t even try to kiss her as she knew that Chrissy would tell her off.

    Just as Vicky was opening the car door for Becky, Chrissy shouted. “Vicky? Can you make sure she stops long enough to get a bite to eat tonight please.”

    “I will do Chrissy, you can trust me on that.” Vicky smiled back at her.

    Mandy and Chrissy watched the car drive away and then went in to relax and watch a movie. They both fell asleep through it and then went to bed before the end. Mandy knew that Chrissy wouldn’t sleep in her bed tonight as she wanted to be there for Becky when she got home later, so she never asked. They just hugged on the landing and went to their own rooms.

    Becky got home around the same time and she was taken into a hug the minute she got in bed by a half asleep Chrissy. She never spoke, she just cuddled her, which made Becky feel a lot better, and they both drifted off to sleep.

    Life fell into a new routine after that. Chrissy and Mandy would be at the club on a Tuesday and Saturday night, and they were Becky’s best nights of the week as she got to show off her prize, which was Chrissy.

    There were times when Chrissy felt like she was just getting in the way, or she felt left out as Becky was talking to some of the girls and Mandy was sat chatting and hugging Carla. So Chrissy would go for a walk around the club or go to the ladies room and sit in a stall and feel sorry for herself.

    She was just leaving the toilet on Tuesday night when she bumped into Cathy. “Hi Cathy, not seen you here in a couple of weeks. Is everything okay?”

    “Not really. I lost my job and haven’t really had the money to come out, but I just felt like letting my hair down tonight. So I thought stuff it, and decided to blow some money and have a good time.”

    “I don’t blame you, a girl just needs to do that some times.” Cathy could tell that Chrissy wasn’t in the best of moods and looked a little sad.

    “What about you Chrissy, you look a little down.”

    “I’m fine, but now Becky is playing hostess I spend a lot of time on my own, and I get a little bored.”

    “I’d be happy to spend some time chatting with you, I don’t really have any one special to hang with and I may pick up some makeup tips from you as the night goes on.”

    “Would you really want to spend some time with me?” Chrissy said with a smile.

    “Sure, you’re really cute and I have always thought you were fun to chat with. You kind of understand what we girls are going through.”

    “I’m not to sure about that Cathy, but I do like chatting with you.” Chrissy lead the way to the VIP section and Cathy stopped before entering as she saw the bouncer eye her up and down.

    “What you stopped for Cathy?” Chrissy asked.

    “I don’t think I’m allowed in that section of the club.” Cathy looked a little scared at the tall muscle bound Bouncer stood at the door way to the VIP section.

    Chrissy walked up to the bouncer and said, “Hi Brad, this is Cathy. Can you pass the word around that she has full access to the VIP section on my order.”

    “I’ll do it right away Chrissy. You look amazing as always Chrissy by the way.”

    “Thanks Brad.” Chrissy took Cathy by the hand and then led her into the VIP section and sat at the table with Mandy and Carla.

    “Hi Carla, I hope you don’t mind, but I have brought a guest here, she is a friend of mine. I’ve told Brad to pass the word around that she is a full VIP guest, hope you don’t mind?”

    “Not at all Chrissy. Hi Cathy, I’m pleased to meet you.” Carla said with a warm smile. Carla was happy to see Chrissy making some new friends. Mandy smiled at the new girl and looked her up and down. Cathy saw this and thought that Mandy didn’t like her much. But Mandy was just being protective of her little sister, she thought that Cathy was really nice.

    Mandy sat chatting with Carla, and Chrissy was chatting with Cathy about how she came to be here in the big city and how she met and became Mandy’s sister and falling head over heels in love with Becky.

    Mandy could see that Chrissy was having fun again, and when Becky came back to see how Chrissy was, she too liked Cathy and they all sat talking for a little bit before Becky had to go and sort out a couple of little problems.

    Chrissy and Cathy swapped mobile numbers and email addresses at the end of the night and they were soon meeting up at the club every Tuesday and Saturday. Cathy still couldn’t find a job but with being allowed into the VIP section and getting into the club for free meant she didn’t spend much money anyway, and both Becky and Mandy liked her and she was good for Chrissy’s ego.

    Things were fine for the next couple of months, but then Becky started acting a little oddly towards Chrissy. She was going out in the day and not getting back till after she and Mandy got home and when Chrissy asked why she was late. Becky would make up some reason, but Chrissy could tell she was lying.

    Chrissy was worried that she was seeing another girl behind her back, but didn’t know what to do, so she waited till the time was right and she had a chat with Mandy about it.

    Mandy was sat in the living room on a Thursday night looking through some catalogues from a supplier when Chrissy said, “Mandy, can we have a chat about some stuff?”

    “Sure Chrissy, what’s on your mind?”

    “How do you know that I have something on my mind?” Chrissy asked in a defensive way.

    “Trust me Sis, I’ve known you long enough to tell when you have a problem and its eating away at you.” Mandy slid over to sit next to Chrissy. Now tell your big sister what’s the problem?”

    “I think Becky is seeing another woman behind my back.” Chrissy was looking down at her own lap as she said it.

    “You think what? Don’t be so silly Chrissy, she loves you so much. Everyone can see it.” Mandy said in a shocked voice.

    “The other day when she said she had to go to the club in the afternoon, I called the club to see if she would be home for dinner, but Matt said she wasn’t there and hadn’t been there all day. I’ve checked up on her a couple of other times when she’s said she had stuff to do and she was lying then as well.” Chrissy was crying now she had let it all out.

    Mandy had no idea what to say, but she needed to have a word with Carl. She hugged Chrissy and then led her up to bed, as she looked worn out. Once Mandy had her in bed she went back down to call Carla and talk about what Chrissy had just said.

    Mandy went to the kitchen and sat at the table and called the club and asked for Carla. “Hello Mandy, what has you calling me at this time of night?”

    “Hi Carla, sorry to bother you, but you need to have a word with Becky and Vicky, Chrissy is on to them.”

    What Mandy didn’t know was that Chrissy had come back down to get a Glass of water. She heard every word that Mandy just said to Carla on the other end of the phone.

    Chrissy felt sick to her stomach, Mandy was in on it, and the other woman was Vicky! She went back up stairs not wanting to believe what she just heard. She crawled into bed and cried herself to sleep.

    Chrissy was woken up when the covers on the bed were pulled away from her. When she looked up she saw it was Mandy and Becky.

    “What are you doing? Leave me alone.” Chrissy screamed at them both.

    Before Chrissy could do any more, Mandy had a set of handcuffs on her and they were dragging her out of bed. And out the room, they took her to a small room to the side of the kitchen downstairs. It was just a plain looking room with a small metal frame bed and a small table next to it.

    “What are you doing to me? Why am I in here?” Chrissy cried at them.

    “This is your new bedroom Slave. Did you really think we were going to leave you in a room upstairs now Becky has Vicky in her life.”

    “Mandy, Becky, please just let me go.” Chrissy was crying even more now.

    Mandy closed the door so Chrissy could see the maids outfit she would be wearing from now on and the shoes with the tall heels that locked on her feet. “I want you dressed and ready to start work by six every morning. And make sure there is a fresh pot of tea ready by seven every morning. Do you understand Slave?”

    Chrissy must have taken to long to answer the question, because Mandy sat on the bed and pulled Chrissy across her knee and started to slap her behind with a hairbrush she took on the table at the side of the bed.

    The next thing Chrissy knew, she was sat up in bed with sweet running off her. Thank god, it was just a dream. She looked over to see that Becky wasn’t home yet. She looked at the clock and saw it was only three o’clock so Becky wouldn’t be back for an hour yet.

    She heard Becky come home and get into bed, but she didn’t make any move to hug her or even let her know she was awake. Chrissy fell back into a fitful sleep again.

    Chrissy woke again when she saw light through the curtains. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do. If Mandy knew that Becky was seeing Vicky and she didn’t mind, then that must mean Mandy was really falling in love with Carl.

    Chrissy knew she would have to think about what to do next. All she had come to know was at an end.

    Chrissy got ready for work and went down to find Mandy sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of tea. “Morning Chrissy, you feeling any better this morning?”

    “As well as I can be, but I know where I stand now.” Chrissy said as she made a start on some breakfast. Mandy knew that everything was far from well.

    Chrissy did breakfast and then they left for work. Mandy was really feeling the cold shoulder from Chrissy. Every time Mandy tried to have a laugh with Chrissy, she would turn it to business and the moment would pass.

    They got home that night and Becky had made dinner. Chrissy saw Mandy and Becky look at each other when they thought Chrissy wasn’t looking.

    “I’m going up to take a shower before I eat.” Chrissy said as she headed for the door.

    Mandy and Becky never spoke till they thought Chrissy was upstairs.

    “How has she been today Mandy?” Becky asked.

    “Pretty much the same as you just saw Becky.” Mandy said looking worn out from the cold feelings she’d had all day. You really should sit and have a talk with her. Come clean with her.”

    “I’ll sit and tell her at the club tomorrow night, that way it will give me time to warn Vicky.”

    Chrissy hadn’t gone upstairs like they both thought, she was listening at the kitchen door. Now she knew that it was true, Becky was in love with Vicky.

    Chrissy had taken her shoes off so she ran upstairs when she heard Mandy say she was going to get changed.

    Chrissy got in the shower, she was hoping it would wash away all her troubles, but it didn’t. Chrissy got back down to find Becky and Mandy talking again, which stopped when she entered the room.

    “Feel better now Chrissy?” Becky asked with a smile.

    “Yes much better thanks.” Chrissy spoke in a flat tone that really didn’t try to sound up beat.

    They ate dinner pretty much in silence as every time Becky or Mandy tried to get a conversation going with Chrissy, she gave one word answers and that was it.

    Becky said she was going to get ready for work and got up to leave, but Chrissy stayed sat where she was, so Becky took that to mean she was on her own tonight.

    Mandy watched Becky leave, then asked, “You not going to help Becky get ready?”

    “No.” Was all Chrissy said as she got up and went into the living room to watch some TV.

    Mandy sighed as she watched Chrissy leave. She wished she’d never agreed to keep Becky’s secret now.

    Mandy went to the door when she heard the bell, she opened the door to find Vicky stood there. “Hi Vicky.”

    “Hi Mandy. Everything okay? You look a little down.” Vicky asked looking concerned.

    “Yes there is, but I will let Becky fill you in later.” Vicky just said, “Oh, okay then.”

    Becky came downstairs and walked over to the door. She looked nice, but not as good as when Chrissy does her hair and makeup. “Hi Vicky, you’re looking nice tonight.”

    “Thanks Becky, you look as good as always.” Vicky looked to see where Chrissy was. “Where’s Chrissy? Is she feeling okay?”

    “I’ll fill you in on the way to the club Vicky.”

    Mandy watched them drive away and then went back in to see how Chrissy was.

    Chrissy was flicking around the channels when Mandy entered the living room. “You found anything worth watching?” Mandy asked.

    “No I haven’t. Here, you can have the TV remote. I’m going to bed. Night.” Chrissy handed Mandy the remote and left the room before Mandy could say any more.

    Chrissy wasn’t really tired, but she couldn’t stand to be in the same room as Mandy at the minute. She finally did fall asleep but she was having bad dreams again, but this time she had no one to turn to. Chrissy had never felt so alone before.

    Chrissy never heard Becky come to bed, but she was asleep next to her when she did wake in the morning. It seemed to hurt even more when Chrissy looked at the face of the girl she loved. She looked so beautiful while she slept. How could she do that to me, Chrissy thought.

    Chrissy got up and got ready for work and then went down to make some breakfast. She only made some toast, as she didn’t really have much of an appetite.

    Mandy had tried to chat with Chrissy, but soon got the message that she didn’t want to, so she gave up and just read the paper and ate her breakfast. The day at the shop went the same as the day before. Mandy was really happy to call it a day.

    They got home and Becky had dinner ready for them to eat. Once dinner was out the way, they all went up to get ready. Chrissy wasn’t really in the mood to go out, but she knew that she had to get it over with.

    Chrissy wasn’t sure if Mandy would still want her living there at the house, or if she would want to stop once she was told about Becky and Vicky.

    Chrissy helped Becky to get ready as she was heading into the club early for some reason.

    Chrissy never went down with Becky when she left for the club. She spent a little more time getting ready tonight, she wanted Becky to see what she was giving up.

    Chrissy had brought herself a little red dress that was so sexy looking she wanted to save it for a special occasion with Becky, but that was never going to happen now, so she thought may as well wear it now.

    By the time she was ready to leave, she had perfect hair and make up and would have all eyes on her. Even Mandy was stunned at just how perfect Chrissy looked.

    “You look perfect Chrissy. Becky won’t be able to keep her hands off you.”

    “If I was that perfect Mandy, Becky wouldn’t be seeing another girl would she.” Mandy didn’t know how to respond to that, so she just kept quiet.

    Carl had sent a car to pick up the girls at nine so they were ready when the driver got there.

    Mandy and Chrissy didn’t say much on the way to the club. Mandy checked her coat into the cloak room while Chrissy kept hers with her. If things didn’t go well with Becky, she wanted to be able to get away as fast as she could.

    Chrissy made her way to the VIP section to find Becky and get it over with. When she got to the VIP section she saw Becky and Vicky stood looking at each other, but the real shock was the ring case that Vicky was handing her. Chrissy watched as Becky opened the box and then screamed and through her arms around Vicky and kissed her.

    Chrissy until this point hadn’t really believed Becky and Vicky were really seeing each other. She didn’t need to hear Becky tell her now, or even talk to her.

    Mandy had just caught up with Chrissy as she saw Becky open the box and then hug and kiss Vicky.

    Chrissy looked at Mandy with tears in her eyes. Mandy went to speak, but Chrissy put her finger to Mandy lips and stopped her. “Don’t say a word Mandy, I know you’ve known about this thing between Becky and Vicky. I overheard you talking to Carl the other night.”

    “Chrissy, please wait. You don’t understand, you have it all wrong.” Mandy went to get Becky and tell her that Chrissy saw the whole show with the ring and the hug and kiss.

    Becky saw Mandy walking over to them both, but she couldn’t see Chrissy any place. “Where’s Chrissy, Mandy?”

    “She just saw you and Vicky with the ring box and then the hug and the kiss.” Mandy sounded really upset as she told Becky. “She left really upset Becky.”

To Be Continued...



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