News story... Now with added linkies
Sorry 'bout that guys gals and others. I did't pay attention to the preview before. Link isn't to the same article as the one posted below, but obviously same story. (Also it seems the hindustantimes article is more informative anyway.)
Maybe it's just me,
but that link doesn't appear to work.
fixed in original post, but the Hindustan Times link posted below before me is more informative anyway.
A link to the India story
Here it is.
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
Just read the panel
"Gender bender" which is so wrong in so many ways I could weep. "Male internal organs"? "Hormonal treatment to change female behaviour to male"? "...will be infertile but not impotent"?
Utter and complete rubbish. John Money's legacy lives on in even greater scale and stupidity.
Maybe the skills of these surgeons should simply be turned toward something good? = ) There are plenty of FtMs who WANT such surgery, after all.
Forced sex change operations in India
So sickening!
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Turning Little girls into boys?
Hi Rachel,
I completely agree than this procedure is wrong. It was shown several years ago by a case here in Manitoba that self-perception of gender is inate. A boy, one of a set of identical twins, was accidentilly castrated during a circumcision. (Yeah - I know, how the hell a doctor can "Accidentally" castrate someone while trying to cut off the foreskin? It is beyond my comprehension.) Some medico talked the parents into raising the child as a girl. At age of majority the "girl" found out about "her" past and reversed the whole thing because "she" had never felt right. I believe he eventually committed suicide.
I also totally disagree with at least one of the article's justifications for being against this procedure. "The ratio of males to females will be upset." India has the second highest population in the world, several hundred or even several thousand sex-changes wouldn't do diddly-squat to the ratio.
"If the child has internal organs that are male..." So if there is a brain present the child is OBVIOUSLY male?
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
This follows on
from the blog I did a few weeks ago about aborting female foetuses and is equally sick.
People the whole world over need to realise that women and children are not possessions or chattels, they are individual human beings, as we all are, who deserve to be allowed to reach their potentials as such. All of us are equal as humans not objects.
This whole article points to the arrogance of the medical profession in adopting totaaly immoral cavalier attitudes to newborn children and parent's wishes.
By and large, doctors get it wrong most of the time when it comes to gender and sexuality.
Tell me about it.
Beverly Taff!
Growing old disgracefully.