An Ordinary Girl-RePost After Adjustments, Thanks To Readers

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An Ordinary Girl-RePost After Adjustments, Thanks To Readers

By Stanman63

Here is the story as a blog.


My name is Brett Lynn Micheals, I have transitioned from a boy into a girl, thanks to my parents footing the bill for my surgery and protecting me from harm. If not for them, I'd be another of those weird statistics in the morgue either from murder or suicide.

You see, early on, I had to camouflage myself in order to avoid all of those narrow minded bigots who think that they either know what God would do, and use their learning to justify their ideas, as well as the gangs out looking to bash those that they see as different.


I found out that I was a girl born in a boy's body when Momma let me dress as Robin Hood on my fifth Halloween. I wore a green tunic and matching tights with matching sneakers. Many people thought that I was Maid Marion, instead.

Being treated as a girl made me wonder what being a girl was like, so, I asked Mother who told me. After that, I knew that I was truly a girl in a boys body.


When I told my parents about my decision, they told me that there was more to learn about. The girls like me ranged from those who were boys who like to dress as girls all the way to those whose body did not agree with their minds as well as those who want to marry other girls

WOW! I never thought that there would be such a variety! It was like a smorgasbord of genders were out there. That only convinced me that God loved variety.

They also told me about how some had varying degrees of trouble in their lives that broke or killed some while others dealt with the hurt in their lives.

I felt angry for what those girls went through because of those who could not or would not understand and vowed to become a therapist and help them like my parents do.

What really made me wonder was that my parents told me about some who are to some degree a bit of both genders. There are many differences in these who are a bit of both who are grouped under the term 'intersexed' by many, but in truth, does not truly do anything but blind people to certain conditions in others.


From Wood Lake Elementary School all the way to Wood Lake High School, I wore the girl's uniform and passed as a girl, thanks to an orchiectomy done thanks my parents calling in a favor from Unca Joe. Now, all that I have is a penis kept under a gaffe so that I could pass as a girl.

Unca Joe is Dad's brother. He is a surgeon who does the surgery that lets a boy become a girl, too bad he can't make them into Momma, though. The 'official' reason for my orchiectomy was that I got hit with an arrow to avoid any complications. At the same time, I was injected with something that caused me to generate estrogen, naturally.

But even so, I knew that I could NEVER experience menses, vaginal sex, or childbirth. Oh how I want to be like them! But because of an accident in Mother's womb, I was born in with a plumbing problem.

There are many names and labels foisted upon us by the ignorant and narrow minded bigots, but we know who we are and only ask to be accepted. Why can they not accept us? Well, anyway, we are a family made up of many sisters who accept each other.


I had to listen to Mother to know what menses was like and about when I'd go through it IF I was a girl in body. My biggest worry was that when I said that I went through my menses, the girls would want to explore.

Luckily, my parents took me to a surgeon who had me to sit in that strange chair made for the examination of women and TUCKED what I had up inside of me to give me a realistic vagina. BUT for a of its authenticity, I still could not participate in vaginal sex as I had no depth.

No, it was not until my surgery that I could truly be like most women, except that I could not give birth to my very own children. Oh, I could actually carry a child IF the fetus was implanted, but it would be by C-section, NOT by vaginal delivery. And I MIGHT be able to breastfeed.

Having no testosterone in my system, I went through a girl's puberty. And thanks to being on blockers, my body produced it's very own estrogen, so that I have a girl's body.

I can also detect OTHER girls like me as well as crossdressers by seeing the subtle telltale signs that most are blind to. As a therapist, I do what I can to help them, often working with others who are dedicated to helping out.

Alvin Leonard Micheals and I grew up together, and he saw through my disguise. But instead of outing me, he helped me to keep my secret and is my only lover. We were surprised to learn that I actually have a vaginal canal, meaning no need to dilate, but unfortunately, I can't give birth. Oh well, the just means more cuddling.




May Your Light Forever Shine


I commented on the first draft

laika's picture

so I probably should on this one. I'd suggested to explore the narrator's feelings more and the gaffs + menses stuff less
(as much as I'd love to have a pussy it's not the aspect of being a girl I think about most;
and the whole family seems weirdly fixated on their daughter's crotch...).

The one difference I can see was that you added this bit about how a halloween costume triggered her realization that she was a girl. I recognize this theme from other stories of yours, and I suppose it's possible, and it technically is about an emotion that the narrator had, although to me it doesn't really convey much feeling. And this particular story challenge seemed to be asking for that, what it feels like for a girl who wasn't raised as one. There's a way to reach down inside yourself and really taste your character's emotions---even if they're not much like your own, to borrow from your own similar but not identical hopes and hurts and and joys and fears and such, and then to translate them to the character's situation, and to imagine how she would describe them, and then have her do it; but I'm damned if I can explain how this is done. All I can say is try it, keep trying it, you might come up with something that surprises you, that really breathes life into your stories. I hope this doesnt come off as condescending---I mean who the hell am I?---but this seems to me to be the main thing your stories need more of; more than just better wording and punctuation and such, because there's some writers here who are poor stylists but their stuff has passion and impact. It breathes, it feels real.

And again my feelings about what your stories need more or less of are just opinions, the main thing is to write to please yourself.
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

I didn't comment on the first verasion

Mostly because I didn't know what to say. When you first mentioned that you were working on this story, knowing that you've said somewhere that you are not TG, I wanted to see how you saw those of us who are. It's greazt that you are very sympathetic to us. That should always be encouraged. I'm not sure you know how a Gender reassignment is done (I may be wrong, but you're description of it doesn't sound right. but hey, I have no realistic chance of going through that, so...).
I'm very glad to see that you support us, and I definitely encourage your writing. Personally, I think you need to add more detail. I always think your stories end too fast, but who am I to judge?


We need no excuse...

WebDeb's picture order to consider ourselves female. It is who we are inside.

Nuff said!

It's been a while...

...since I've commented on the site. Been writing and lurking and way too involved in RT these days. are close but you need to do a bit more research and keep trying!!! I think the manner you're doing this, via your blog, is excellent. People will comment and try to help you if you keep to this forum.
