After losing everything from the computer in the move, I started to rebuild my address and contact file then the nine year old tower gave up the ghost taking everything with it. If anyone wants a laugh they should have been at the store when I told the guy that a few years ago I had my RAM increased to 800 and wanted at least that much on the new one. When he stopped choking with laughter he told me that two gigs was considered a minimum today. So now I'm learning this Windows 7 and a machine that seems to anticipate what I want to do before I do it. Anyway - it's a bit 'dark' but (please don't read into it something that's not there) I'll share this one with you:
When one is close to death
And cannot see a light
It matters not what
People think or
What is wrong or right.
It only matters that they bravely led
The life they now will leave
With no reason to dry any tears
As, quietly, darkness puts an end to all their hidden fears.
I hope you got more than 2 gigs memory, a real world minimum is 4 gigs, more would be a good idea if it's possible. And a 1 TB HD at the minimum. I have 1.5TB total storage in the case, and a 2 TB external drive. I guess I got a little obsessive when I filled the 1/2 TB drive and lost some stuff, so I added a 1 TB internal drive then tacked on the 2 TB external just for grins and giggles. That should handle my needs for the next year anyway. :)
As for the poem, I assume it is your original work; it is very well-done! (heart)
* * *
"Girls are like pianos, when they're not upright they're grand!" Benny Hill
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Mostly agree
My machine is currently mainstream once it is upgraded to a nice hex core processor and it already has a 8 gig memory. I figure it is sufficient for most modern tasks including basic video processing given a better video card. It should still be sufficient for web surfing and productivity and video viewing tasks for the next 5 years.
My next machine will no doubt have 16 gigs of memory with the the next gen of cpu out there but if you don't need top end performance, my setup is more than sufficient for most home users.
Well it's a Compaq Presario
Well it's a Compaq Presario that claims a 583 GB hard drive (weird number) and 3.00GB memory. It's more than enough for me and, yes, the poem was my original work. Thanks for the kind comments and welcome.
Thank you for your poetry...
...i haven't seen you around much, and I've been wondering how you've been. Good to see you again.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
I'm trying to find out how to upgrade this new laptop ...
... from Windows 7 to XP, like I did my Vista machine.
I haven't found a thing I like better on Win 7, and lost a lot of good thing like a real windows explorer that does not try to outguess me, and lets me look only in the folders I want to, instead of finding every file that includes my search word in both the body folder name, and text.
I did manage to find a way to blow up the trial Office 1010, that would not let me delete it, so I could put Office 2003. The later versions lost a lot of the functionality I depend on, and 2007 with its ribbons makes me switch back and forth instead of putting only what I want above the text.
I don't think I'm being an old fogy, but the newer systems make me use a lot more therbligs* to do what >I< want to do
and don;t let me do things the older versions did easily.
I took courses to become certified on Office 2007, so it isn't just that I do not know how to use it.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
I have IE 7 or 8 ?????
I don't know. I am not a geek am I? So, they started nagging me to use IE 9 and it was a real plonker. I use the screen magnification a lot (in the lower right hand corner), and I really like the way it does favorites and those were both buggered up in IE 9.
Office 2010 seems ok, though I still like the 90s version of Word Perfect better.
Bah humbug!
2 GB memory should be OK for running office software and general web browsing. 4 GB+ is recommended if you have a 64-bit install, but some applications (e.g. Adobe Flash Player) don't currently play nice with 64-bit. Likewise, I'm doing OK with a 250 GB hard drive, and that includes 34 GB of music, 11 GB of podcasts, 48 GB of videos and 24 GB of pictures. So unless you've downloaded lots of videos, play lots of games, take oodles of 24 MP photos, prefer your entire music collection in raw WAV or FLAC format, or are intending to use your computer as a PVR, it'll probably take several years to get anywhere near filling a 1 TB hard drive.
As for Office 2010, if it refuses to be uninstalled via Add/Remove Programs (which IIRC has been renamed "Programs and Features"), just grab an Explorer window, navigate to Program Files, and manually get rid of it.
If you don't have a spare copy of Office 2003 handy, try Libre Office. It has its quirks, but it can do pretty much anything MS Office 2003 can and has an unbeatable price tag :)
As for browsers, just keep IE as a standby. Get hold of Firefox or Chrome, then install Ad Block Plus. It's an extension that does exactly what it says on the tin, so making the web usable again (it even blocks YouTube ads - including the ones in videos!)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Well, I have almost 240gb of video files, not counting work done for the stations that I edited and filed via the internet. My documents folder is about 84gb, then there is I don't know how many gb of specialized software for radio programming, microwave uplink data and frequency charts, 6+ years of email (I'm a bit of a packrat), and you can see why a 500gb drive didn't last very long. And 4gb of memory has turned out to be way too little for all the various things I might be running at the same time.
My computer rule is to at least double all the minimums. 500gb drive adequate - get at least 1TB. 4gb of memory gets the job done? Better get at least 8. Had I got the recommended setup on this machine, I'd have 2gb memory and a 250gb drive.
* * *
"Girls are like pianos, when they're not upright they're grand!" Benny Hill
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Trying again
Go for the max possible with plenty of protection.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine