Declining numbers of female births in India

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It appears for socio-culural reasons, many Indians find the idea of having girl babies unpalatable and these foetuses are being destroyed before birth by abortion.

Now I know abortion is a hot topic, especially in the US, and I admit being a well meaning Guardian reader, I'm pro-choice - but I find this practice abhorrent - and extremely short sighted as eventually, there will be a shortage of women for men to marry.

I've never been to India, so I'm speaking from my limited experiences with Indian people here, but it seems they have strong family groups and pregnant women seem under pressure from the families to terminate girl foetuses even though it's supposed to be illegal to do so.

The whole idea of such practice makes me want to vomit and to become even more strongly feminist. Men and women are equal in a balanced society, anything else is a social timebomb.


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