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I may have started something.
BC and Stardust (and perhaps now Tor der Traume, in German) are the only open TG sites, I think, where this story could be told in this way. Since I did Urban Renewal, Adonna has begun Blue Moon at Stardust and now Angharad with Easy as Falling off a Bike here: serials told in daily, or almost daily, short episodes. Edeyn's two recent serials may qualify for this category, too. :)
What shall we call this new artform? :)
- Erin
The Funny Papers?
I know that you are just kidding would be ironic though if the same "continuation" approach that the poor old printed word used to entertain the readership got some real traction in this new age of unreason. This is neither a comment upon content or artistic value of the approach. It is just me wondering why you of all people are poking a stick into the hot coals? Oh yeah, I forgot you are as naughty as moi! :)
Gwen Lavyril
Gwen Lavyril
Hey! I'm Perfectly Serious
It's just a subject that lends itself to silliness. :)
But you're right, the printed word, comics, radio, television and movies have all used a version of this format; why can't Internet Fiction use it too? :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Oh it can and does.
But, the real challange is to the author. I take Edeyn at her word that she is exhausted and I wish Angahard (Welsh for?) well in her efforts. Erin, how you cope I have no idea..but to my mind the worst possible fate as a "writer" on the interenet is to become a popular serial writer for nothing.
It is not as if gratitude flows from the readers and you can't even eat that if it does, so, I have no high ground other than self preservation. I stay away from serial reading as I have no currency for the author or the writing; I may have a girly submissive streak but I am not a slave to a crowd. Now, the right mistress? Hmm.
My point is that I get to recreate with each story, a serial confines that option in my mind. I whole heartedly wish the best to anyone who can carry that off.
Stop poking me Erin! :)
Gwen Lavyril
Gwen Lavyril
Well I can tell you that the authors who has used this form so far have been above average and the tales they told were great ones. If not great addictive!!!!
What I like about serials
Serials, such as the ones by Randalynn, Edeyn, Erin and now Angharad; give me a daily dose of enjoyable reading. If I had to wait for every author like Julie O. to finish her latest opus, I'd go crazy (or crazier).
I try not to limit my reading to any one genre or format. Newspapers, magazines, short stories, novels, on-line of off-line; I read them all. From sci-fi to Reader's Digest, the local daily rag to The New Yorker, BC to Yahoo News; it's all grist for the mill in my mind (which grinds it all up into fine powder to fed my spirit/soul).
Erin, I'm pleased you offer this fine site for authors of every stripe, (as well as hack writers like me), to exhibit their talents in whatever format they choose. Keep up the good work all of you.
Karen J.
"Never ascribe to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity." Anonymous
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin
Soapbox Derby
Can't talk, must write latest episoape. ::grin::
-- Donna Lamb, Flack
-- Donna Lamb, ex-Flack
Some of my books and stories are sold through DopplerPress to help support BigCloset. -- Donna
That is, a serialized Short-Story... a Serial, that when finished is only Short-Story length
I'll freely admit that Urban Renewal served as part of the inspiration for FTS
Stacatto novel
Blue Moon will be about 50,000 words when I finish, it's already over 30k. Urban Renewal was 16,000 words, about, I think Erin said once. Novelette length. So they're not all short serials. ::grin:: Back to work.
-- Donna Lamb, Flack
-- Donna Lamb, ex-Flack
Some of my books and stories are sold through DopplerPress to help support BigCloset. -- Donna
Soft soap or ultimate detergent?
Thanks for all the comments here or with my serial. To be honest part of the reason for the format is because I only have a vague idea of where it's going, so I literally make it up as it goes along. I'm a lazy scribbler with a vivid imagination, so don't like research. I therefore have to use what is familiar or invented, you can make your own minds up which is which. As for soaps, I wash my hands of them ;)
Not a TG site, can I still post it here?
Perhaps not a TG site, but I recommend Tales of MU anyway. Having recently found the story, I'm very impressed with Alex's detail, clarity of concept and characterization both of people and world.
It's a serial as well.