Feels a little like being adrift at the moment. Finishing YMIFE brought a release of a tension inside me that isn't unlike finishing reading a good book or series, and I've been basking in the relief for a while.
Been keeping busy. Managed to earn enough to pay for the replacement washing machine and the repairs to the car and a dozen other things. Doesn't leave much for the mortgage or the groceries, but the wolf isn't at the door yet.
It's been good to get Fortune Favours written as that's been sitting with me for a while. I was a little disappointed by the relatively few hits My Broken Dreams got, but then I guess rewriting songs isn't everybody's thing. It took a lot of writing for the few words that went into it and I find myself with a newfound respect for anyone who can tell a story in just three hundred or so words.
I did just do a face-lift on Dress Fitting; mainly to make the transition from third person to first a little less jarring, but I also picked up on a few mistakes as well. I'd be interested in comments as to whether the change is enough of an improvement.
Soon I plan to start Trick of the Mind, but it may take a week or two yet. I have to deal with a few other unmet responsibilities first.
My Broken Dreams?
Hey, that was a wonderful piece of work! = D
I can't even remember why I didn't say so at the time... =P
One thing's certain though, all this "you/we weren't designed for them" crap hasn't stopped ME! :)
Waiting for more from you,
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine