Maeryn Lamonte's blog

Turning to the dark side

I've resisted as long as I could, but the dark side has taken me -- I've started publishing my material on Amazon. It's a new thing so far with only Lifeswap available as a Kindle download (with a slight facelift -- the story is the same, but I've tweaked some of the bits I felt needed tweaking). The plan for the next few weeks (months?) is to do the same with some of the other stories I've posted here, making anthologies of the shorter works so each work will be 100k words or above, and making them available in digital or dead tree format.

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Feels a little like being adrift at the moment. Finishing YMIFE brought a release of a tension inside me that isn't unlike finishing reading a good book or series, and I've been basking in the relief for a while.

Been keeping busy. Managed to earn enough to pay for the replacement washing machine and the repairs to the car and a dozen other things. Doesn't leave much for the mortgage or the groceries, but the wolf isn't at the door yet.

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Coming soon(ish)

Thanks to the love and care of family, the lurgi seems to be subsiding somewhat. I managed to write a bit last night after I woke myself up in a coughing fit, and whatever that may sound like it, it is an improvement on the last week and a bit. I'm hopeful that I may have a post within the next week or so, but please don't hold me to it.

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