I've resisted as long as I could, but the dark side has taken me -- I've started publishing my material on Amazon. It's a new thing so far with only Lifeswap available as a Kindle download (with a slight facelift -- the story is the same, but I've tweaked some of the bits I felt needed tweaking). The plan for the next few weeks (months?) is to do the same with some of the other stories I've posted here, making anthologies of the shorter works so each work will be 100k words or above, and making them available in digital or dead tree format.
I'll still be posting here (just started a new Harry Potter based series today), though I'm hoping that if enough people like my work enough to buy it, I'll be freed up to write more.
Love to all,
Welcome to the Dark Side
Wishing you the best of luck with it. I’ve found Amazon to be a reasonably good platform, though they’re definitely trying to erode the royalties that they pay. (Each new initiative or format is a less good deal than what went before... but see how you fare. Avoid Vella.)
Remember, each dollar you earn for Jeff Bezos has the potential to get him higher into space: with any luck we’ll get him out beyond Neptune. That’s got to be worth striving for. If he takes weirdo Musk and dodgy Branson with him, so much the better.
Best wishes –
Sugar and Spiiice – TG Fiction by Bryony Marsh
I thought
That writing fanfic of a transphobe's story was the turn to the darkside you were talking about. I guess whatever floats your boat.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Haha, yep--J.K. Rowling, hack
Haha, yep--J.K. Rowling, hack that she is (she's an alright storyteller who just happened to catch lightning in a bottle with the Harry Potter series, but she's not and never was a very talented writer--there's a difference), can go fly a kite in a lake in her finest silk as far as I'm concerned. One might hope to "separate the art from the artist" and all that, but TERFism overall and the noxious ideas she espouses are where I draw a hard line, so everything HP-related is totally tainted and a complete, permanent no-go franchise for me now.
I've considered doing this
I've considered doing this myself, though less for any financial reason (as I have no expectations of making any money off of the kind of fiction I write/post here--even if I had a lot more material, a full novel or serial complete, it's just too niche and would, I imagine, lack any kind of mass appeal even to whatever limited extent "trans fiction" has of that) and more just to make my writing available to a potentially wider audience in a different format, and as a kind of preemptive preservation measure to ensure my stories remain online somewhere were this site (horror of horrors! let's hope not!) eventually ever to go vanish or go down for an extended period someday.
As soon as I finish the story I'm currently working on, off and on, and upload it to BCTS, I may very well compile that with my three extant stories on here into a little collection, publish that on Amazon and also make it freely available elsewhere as an e-book in other formats (MOBI and EPUB). Nothing wrong with broadening one's exposure/audience as an author, and if a little money comes in from that via Amazon and the like, that's just a nice little bonus (at least as I see it, with regard to my own work).