No this isn't something about Craig David, but that's how long we have to wait before the house finally becomes ours, lock, stock and two smokin' barrels.
Actually, it's only six now.
We didn't get to sign for the house when we visited over Easter, but what did happen was that we got some stuff sorted out about when we were likely to be able to move over full time - permanent like; what we were going to be doing when we got there (apart from sipping coffee, eating Brie, Caprices des Dieux and saucisson with our baguettes) and how much was it going to cost to put right the things we knew to be wrong.
The first shock was that central heating was apparently shot. The engineer described it as "la grande mare de chauffage", adding that it was about 35 years old and wasn't supported any longer. How much it would be to put right, update and all that, turned out to be about £7,000. Once you add the rewiring, plumbing (we want a toilet upstairs too), some re-rendering on the outside where neglect and a huge Wisteria has damaged the wall and of course the conversion from a ex-butcher's shop to a kitchen, we were looking at well over £10,000, probably double that.
At that point we just wished that the ground would open and swallow us whole.
You see, whilst buying somewhere in France may give the impression that we have oodles of disposable capital that is just burning a hole in our pockets, that's not the case. We can't afford to live in England, it has nothing for us. Unless you have money, there are few alternatives to the one hundred mile an hour pace of English life and that doesn't bode well for our future. France on the other hand, does have opportunities that whilst not glamorous, would allow a couple of old farts like Pen and I to go live a slower-paced life and pursue a few dreams before we're too old to appreciate them.
So there we were feeling that the world had just dropped out of our bottoms or whatever the expression is and were fretting and stressing over what we were going to do.
Within a week however, we'd rethought our plans, decided to knock the idea of the central heating on the head and replace it with a wood-burning stove which would come in at about 15% of the price of the former. The other work would just have to be done when we had the money.
Indeed, it appears that the fates don't want us to miss out on the opportunities that are apparent in the little town in Orne either and last week, we were told that we'd specified far too much work to be done to the flat, most of which was totally unnecessary, so we wound up making savings there too.
Yes there is much work to be done, but we both think it will be well worthwhile and although love at first sight isn't applicable here as we've been to France loads of times, we have fallen in love with Passais and Orne in general. Here's a link to the first of the two pics I've posted on facebook to show what it will look like when we're done and here's the other
Once fixed up, this house will have cost us about 25% of what a house in England would cost and the cost of living over there is substantially less than over here in dear old Blighty The pace is, as I said, slower and it's entirely likely that we'll be able to get our business up and running with what we already have. Okay, so that won't make us rich, but we're not following the American dream but the French one and that's a whole nother kettle of bananas.
Right now, we reckon that March of next year is when we'll be upping sticks and buggering off, but that's only a thought, it may be sooner. It all depends on what happens.
le grande adventeure
Hey sounds cool and I really hope it works out for you guys Nick. Shame about the links as I absolutely refuse to join/sign in/member up to facebook. But as long as you're happy and the money works, good luck hon
Pictures for le grande adventure
I'm so sorry, I didn't realise.
This one's the side, its been photoshopped to represent approximately what we want when it's finished.
Here's the front minus all the boucherie signage and some general tarting...
I don't just look it, I'm totally going to be living in France. Ooh-la-la
Is the building tilting, or
Is the building tilting, or the road?
Access all areas
I hope that, unlike your photoshopped pictures, you actually leave a door somewhere, otherwise you'll be forever climbing in and out through windows...
I like France. Big problem is the French.
Oh arrr. We've definitely got other doors. In fact, we've only reduced access by one, so I think we can manage.
As for the French, they're not bad at all. They're certainly no worse than the English.
I don't just look it, I'm totally alright with garlic eaters
So it's in town, NOT country living
Was worried you were going all Green Acers on us. Or one of those Brits moving to Provance novels/TV series.
-- grin --
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Town, not country
Well that all depends upon what your definition of a town is, doesn't it?
This is the town square on market day. Not exactly what you would term a bustling metropolis.
That's what we like about it. It has various amenities yet is convivial and compact. I don't suppose the town carries on for more than a couple of hundred yards in any direction from here.
I don't just look it, I'm totally into small town life
Good luck
to all who sail in her! I hope both Pen and you will be very happy there.
Seven days...
Hope that you can move sooner.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Was it something I said?
I don't just look it, I'm totally confused
Your New House
There was a movie back in the 80's called the money pit or the money trap a very funny comedy about a house that just cost more and more money to fix.Sorry I don't know more details HUGS RICHIE2
Money Pit
Tom Hanks and Shelley Long and yes, it cost them a fortune.
My favourite element is the fact that the Shirk Brothers always seemed to quote them two weeks to finish. It didn't get done in that time and I can't see ours getting done that quickly either, but then with no time limit, there's no rush...
I don't just look it, I'm totally into fixing the house
Basil Fawlty Would Be Proud
No door? Nothing O'Reilly and his men couldn't fix in a trice.
So you're finally going where the garden gnomes parlez Francais, mais vous n'avez pas un jardin. They're a bloody nuisance anyway. Bon en vous, mate.
Pen will have to be careful not to be confused with Le Pen et le chat will have to learn to manger poisson.
Peut-etre vous will have more time to ecriver,
No Garden??!
Au contraire, mon brave.
We will or rather, do have a small courtyard garden at the back of the house. It's not much, but it's pretty much south facing and will give us the ability to grow fresh herds and maybe even tomatoes, oh, and don't forget the barbecue...
The cat's breath is already fishy - curious, since have never fed him fish and no longer have a pond for him to drink from.
As for more time to write? I fear you may have the wrong end of the stick there. Here I have no job, but there, we will be alternating between working on the house and running a micro-business, gardening for ex-pats and wealthy Parisiennes.
I don't just look it, I'm totally going to ruin my nails with that lawn mower
Going native
Once you get settled in, I hope we'll be hearing from you regarding attitudes to TG matters in France. I don't think we have too many French users here (I could be wrong; quite often am). The French have, to British eyes, a surprising mix of absolutely traditional and uncompromisingly modern attitudes, and I'd be interested to see where the likes of us fit in.
Of what? Guineapigs, peut-etre? Or maybe escargots? Good business opportunity right there. If it works I want royalties,
That should be 'herbs'.
I wanted to correct it, but it wouldn't let me.
I don't just look it, I'm totally not into having dyslexic fingers
Don't fight it. Just become an escargot wrangler,
P.S. I knew you meant HERBS , just couldn't resist, Borg.
Git along, lil' gastropods
You do NOT want to get caught in an escargot stampede. Very slimy...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
It's those pesky snail rustlers I can't abide. Sneakin' in in the dead of night and stealin' my snails.
I don't just look it, I'm totally not gonna get slimed
Keep them slowpokes slidin'.
Just call him Rowdy (he's about the right height),