I happened across this article on the Huffington Post, which has reference to transgender as well as biological women being labelled as sex offenders, possibly for life , because they had unnatural sex - ie they had oral or anal sex for money.
The article claims that black women and transgender people were being targeted by the police. It's worth reading even if it does show the authorities have a mediaeval approach to life - this is what the police do when they're not out hunting witches one supposes.
See for yourselves.
I have been to Louisianna,
I have been to Louisianna, several times. I have been to New Oreleans, once for a conference, and once to help friends get the H-ll out of there. I love cajun food, but think the state sucks dead goats. It is too humid, too many skeeters, the people tend to be judgemental bible thumpers, and the best thing a person can say about Louisianna is that they are FROM Louisianna, IMHO.
I am sure there are others who think otherwise, and living in Oklahoma, I have little room to talk. We certainly have our share of bible thumpers, ignorant legislators, and stupid laws that are often enforced during election time only. But I like to stay away from Louisianna, and from Texas for that matter. I think Alaska is the best place to live. It is far away from the central part of the country. When I am not needed here by family any longer, that's were I want to live.
What about Sarah?
There's a lot of that (lack of) mentality up there, too. We have the same problems in Arkansas; however, the Little Rock area has become much more gender divergent. We still have a long way to go.
New Orleans Police Dept.
Why aren't they out arresting VAMPIRES?!!
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
It's Louisiana for Chris' sakes!
They fuck their sisters down there.
Growing old disgracefully.
Once had a sitcom moment with my cousin...
We were sitting in the movie theater together, I think to watch The Lion King when it first released, so we had to be like, 13 at the time. We grew up together, practically twins, so we did just about everything together. Anyway, one of her friends from school comes over to sit with us, and after about five minutes she looooooks at both of us and says,
"I see you guys together like, all the time. Are you dating or something?"
We turned and stared at each other, started laughing, and answered in unison, "We're cousins."
I half-expected her friend, even back then, to respond with "And?" :-P
Poorly-written laws
Way too many sex offender registry laws were written quickly with no regard for unintended consequences. In Oklahoma, for instance, a slightly drunk college student taking a whiz behind some bushes will have to register, as a conviction for "outraging public decency" is one of the numerous triggers. I expect some states will rewrite the laws, in many cases after court rulings.
In any case, don't blame the police for enforcing the laws as written, blame the politicians for writing them. Ultimately, blame the voters (like you and me) for electing them.
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Also consider
Also consider that of the fifty states Louisiana is the only one that does not have English Common Law as its basis. They use Napoleonic Law as their base and things there are a lot different in a lot of ways. One of the more important is that the don't necessarily begin from a presumption of innocence.
I may be out of date, but I think that is still true.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.