guys. check out this anime

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you guys have to see this anime. About this boy who gets a magic bracelet and turns into a girl ....

I've watched it

And boy, the situations the guy finds himself/herself in! :)


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Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

guys. check out this anime

Sailor Moon, You have competition.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Very violent

Angharad's picture

and less plot than a Barbara Cartland novel.



In a phrase

No ta. I have a real problem with the Japanese obsession with schoolgirls.

Maybe I dont understand the intricacies of anime

laika's picture

but this almost seems like a parody, hitting you with every anime cliche in the first minute-
the wacky animal sidekick, the cheesy theme song, right down to the regulation sailor blouses.
Still, it has the TG element, might be fun. And I can't imagine an American Saturday morning
cartoon series featuring a sex-changing hero(ine). FOCUS ON THE FAMILY would be railing
against it as the most insidious bit of transgenderist propaganda since Pink Toenail Boy...
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Pink Toenail Boy

Now there's a name for a superhero(ine). Only, what could his/her superpower(s) be...

Maeryn Lamonte, the girl inside

Maeryn Lamonte, the girl inside

Pink Toenail Boy

Now there's a name for a superhero(ine). Only, what could his/her superpower(s) be...

Maeryn Lamonte, the girl inside

Maeryn Lamonte, the girl inside

Not quite right.

This is a link to a TV special... At least one of them anyway.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

I Didn't Know That :)

Enemyoffun's picture

Thanks :) I was a little surprised that the first series ended so abruptly, its nice to know that there are at least two more episodes or whatever you want to call these. I'll have to try and watch them when I get some free time :)


You know, the thing that

Always had me interested in that anime is the identity of the greater entity that is the Moderator. Basically, we know the reasons there are two kinds of Kampfer and why they are supposed to fight each other. What we don't know is who enforces the rules - it had to be a separate entity from the two sides - and their agenda, what they stood to gain from the situation.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


Amusing. It's so full of cliches that it had me laughing through the whole thing.
