So, I have been running around being far too busy for someone who is unemployed for the last two weeks. As a result still no writing. The issue is part time and part technology, as my laptop is busy messing up whatever I type, dropping the beginnings or endings of sentences at random. Thus I am still behind on things. No update for this week but I am hoping to have one for next week.
I can feel the beginnings of non-writing crazy starting up so I need to take care of that soon, before it gets bad.
Glad to help
Just write the middles of the sentences, and add the rest after you copy it here. :)
Easy-peasy! And having to write less, you should even be able to find the tIme, now!
Lol! Genius! Maybe I should
Lol! Genius!
Maybe I should try that?
Either way I'll happily wait as long as necessary for your next offering. :D