Retcon Lexicon. Where is it?

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A few days or weeks ago, someone posted what was called A Retcon Lexicon. I had to do a re-stert of my computer this morning and when it rebooted, my link to the Lexicon was gone. Can anyone help me find it again?



That's not it.

What I had was posted by one of the Retcon Authors, If I remember correctly, and it contained the actual stories, or her actual stories, in order.


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

I think that was Lilith

I'm posting from my phone right now, so I'm barely functional and can't search for it. Hope that helps a little :)

Here's that blog entry:

From Lilith's blog: CRU: What's the Darn Story Order Already!!!

Which references the story list on the CRU Homepage, which in turn is derived from the CRU Wiki.

P.S. There's nothing relevant on Lilith's other blog, although there's a link to a hilarious Star Sapphire related comic strip...


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

That ain't it either.

What i am referring to was TITLED Retcon Lexicon Sort Of. and the search continues, but thanks for trying.


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Wasn't posted here...

...unless it's been withdrawn or had a different title. A Google search only turns up your blog, plus one from a few months ago requesting a lexicon of computer-speak terms.

Question: when did you last actually physically visit the Lexicon? If you've actually been there within the past few weeks, it should still be in your browser history (unless you clear that out regularly).

Exactly what information were you after? Almost any retcon story will contain the full list of stories, the Wiki contains a full list of characters (both the heroes, villains, neutrals, other alignments and significant others) as well as a reasonably up-to-date timeline of events.


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Um, why the time out?

Did do somethin' I shouldn'ta did?


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

It took a few minutes,

but it opened just fine again for me. If it helps, YOU posted the entry, Lilith.

By Lilith_Langtree
Created 2010/07/05 - 9:03am


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

That's not the same page, Maid.

The one I have not only lists the stories, but has the full texts of many of them without habing to click an extra link.


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

Scroll down, it's at the

Scroll down, it's at the bottom of the main entry. Promise. I was just looking at it, and it's the SAME thing as the link you posted (finally got it to load for me).

Oh, I see. Wow, that's why

Oh, I see. Wow, that's why it took so long to load up. It has ALL the stories in one page.

Hmmmm... maybe that's the "PDF" link, or the "Printer Friendly Version" that sometimes you can pull up?

Just checked, if you click on the "Printer Friendly Link" at the top of the page, you get the entry, the rules, the list of stories, and ALL the stories that are linked to that page, including all the ones that lead to a title page, then are broken down into episodes.

It takes about 8 minutes to load up though, that's a lot of data.

Ah that makes much more

Ah that makes much more sense.

Yeah, I posted that a long time ago when the CRU first started so that there would be a one-stop-shop for all the stories, and then updated it this last week or so for the proper reading order, right above the links.

The order list is still incomplete since there are a lot of stories that aren't listed on the Wiki timeline where I got the chronological order from. But it's better than nothing.




Write the story that you most desperately want to read.


Enemyoffun's picture

I try to add all my stuff to it whenever I can but even I have been lax on the Wiki. I'm still way behind on characters.