Quick question on cogiati

A stranger is happy at meeting you. He wants to give you a hug. How do you honestly feel about this?

It's kind of nice.

I would feel a little put off by it, frankly.

I like to hug. It's a warm feeling.

It might be OK.

That would be a little weird for me.

What exactly is this question supposed to prove anyway? For me it's utterly biased against me because I LIKE to hug people, but I have serious personal boundary issues because of a couple of incidents in my past, especially with men. Probably the best one was the computer repair guy...

I was about 20 at the time, and had been letting my hair grow for about 2 1/2 years now. I hadn't slipped into the deep depression/denial of my feelings of wanting to be female yet, but I hadn't really thought about them, still trying to make college work and stuff. Oh, and this was before the incident with the Sheriff's Deputy telling my dad "Your daughter said I could find you here" too, for those that have heard that story :-)

ANYway! The sound card on my gaming desktop went out, and I needed to get it repaired. I could only find one local repairman at the time. The day I went to pick it up was the first time I actually met the guy. He was about 6'3", 300lb with a beer belly and gin on his breath at 8am.

As he was telling me what he had to do to my computer, and how much it would cost me, he kept trying to get close to me, and at one point he hugged me. All I wanted at that point was to get my computer and get the hell out of there.

I never went back to him for anything again either. That's not to say I don't like all men, or that I'm against a friendly hug even with a stranger, but the circumstances have to be "right" for me to be comfortable with the situation.

This is also why I don't recommend anyone use these tests to "self-diagnose", even if like me, you can't get a good therapist, but that's a topic for another day. :-)