It's many chapters long, and somewhat drawn out, but it IS from a "mainstream" author, and it seems to be getting some attention from the so-called "straights".
Chapter nine, in particular, should be read by every therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist to familiarize themselves with the particular needs of the trans community.
It's free to read, but the author DOES ask for donations. If you like the story, think about encouraging him to write more like this by tossing a few shekels into his "hat".
Transitioning and leaving it all behind.
I started reading the story, and it is well written. I have not finished it because my feelings got too intense, especially when Eve was thinking about offing some of the perps in her life. I have had those feelings and I think about a clip full would do it. Sanity finally took over and I haven't thought about it for a long long time.
Things are changing, and perhaps getting better for us now but if I had to write a manual for Transitioning one of the chapters would be about just disappearing, and doing an identity death to rival that of the FBI witness protection program. In retrospect, I think it is just better to walk away and not look back; let them think you are dead.
It had to be incredibly painful for Eve to go back to her old stomping grounds. I have contacted about a dozen of my old classmates and every single one of them rejected me. Even the ones that don't reject you right away, will often do it after they think about it a little. I have to wonder about her sanity in sparing a single one of them a single breath. She'd never be my counselor.
I feel really discouraged in dealing with people who use magical thinking and believe that it will somehow work out, because mostly it does not. And no, I don't want any PMs about this, nor do I want to talk to anyone on skype or anywhere else about it. I wish I could spare just one person the pain of all this but I have tried and no one wants to listen. The rest of you, I wish the best, but don't come to me to complain.
Much peace
Khadijah Gwen Ellen Boucher
I send him $7.99 everytime I read one of his stories.
I recommend it.
ps. the prices quoted for his books is the 'i don't want to wait for the chapters to be posted' price. That's what he said when I suggested his prices were pretty high.
I send him $7.99 everytime I read one of his stories.
I recommend it.
ps. the prices quoted for his books is the 'i don't want to wait for the chapters to be posted' price. That's what he said when I suggested his prices were pretty high. site owner stroke
It seems that the site owner where this story is kept has had a stroke. Actually, there are just lots of great stories there. I think I had read some of them a long time ago but lost track of it in one of my life events.
As far as I know, Wes Boyd's
As far as I know, Wes Boyd's site isn't hosted by Gina Wylie. Gina had a stroke about two weeks ago. She's back up and running, and is supposed to go home in the next couple of days.
anyway - is Wes' site. Gina's site is
Wes' site is about one story ahead of his posting on Gina's site, but the stories do live on both. Gina's site also has a lot of other very good stories - Bruce Brettenhauer's are very good.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.