BigCloset Volume 1 Draft Story List

This is the first draft story list for Volume One. Stories on this list may be excluded, or more stories may be added to the final book/list depending on Author Availability/Cooperation and other variables. If one of your stories is on this list, please fill out the permission contract form or send me a PM. -- Erin


The theme and subtitle of the first volume is "Room Enough"
in reference to the breadth and depth of themes, styles and genres at BigCloset.

Title Author Length Perm
Noel Christopher Leeson 22510  
D.O.A. Scott Ramsey 18824 -
"Hey, Girl!" Michelle Wilder 16905 -
Dead Heroes Maggie Finson 13421 -
The Little Match Girl Susan Brown 8217 -
The Improbable Tale of Colonel
Reginald Leyton-Smythe (ret) (Mrs)
Aardvark 7870 -
The Walking Wounded Randalynn 6337  
Gift Of Time Grover 6187 -
Veronica on the Cross Laika 5544 -
Changing for Gym Xoop 5025  
Aunt Greta's Homework Gabi 3610  
Shoes Heather Rose Brown 1592 -
Resurrection Mary Kim EM 1104 -
Noircoleptic Edeyn Hannah Blackeney 1094 -
Correctable Developmental Anomaly Rachel Greenham 810 -