Well as Jezzi once said "I'm back"....

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Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Been a busy six months - sold one home and moved about 100 miles to a new home. Still surrounded by boxes but this contraption seems to be working. When I turned it on though I had lost all my contact names and addresses so starting from scratch.
I have a new ISP and e-mail address that actually spelt my name correctly, with the 'e'. Could 'the powers that be' make the necessary changes or tell me how to do it to update my information. I would also like to have my e-mail address printed so it cannot be harvested - the spam was getting out of hand. Something like annegray(at)cogeco(dot)ca - is that possible?
I'll try to catch up between unpacking:-)))


Obscuring your email address

There is a bit of CSS (stylesheet) code doing the rounds that can be used - essentially your put lots of junk letters in between the real bits of your email address, then use a <span> tag to hide the text. So the email address looks fine on screen, but anything harvesting it will drop the span tags and include all the junk. But that's the complicated method.

The easier method is just to write it in an image editor, save it as an image, but call it something non-obvious like "home.gif", then use the image instead of writing the email address. The vast majority of spam bots will ignore images - and the few that can look at images will probably home in on ones called "email" or have the email address as alt text.

Here's a couple of sample ones I've just created - the coloured backgrounds further help:


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There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

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