Since I started writing for my Retcon stories again, I've received several private messages addressing a problem with my earlier stories. You see, when I first started writing these, I had made the mistake of assuming that the target audience would be primarily fans of the comic book genre (who were also interested in TG).
So I would write as if everyone knew about the characters and situations I was talking about. Just one example, in 'When Lightning Strikes' Chapter 1, I make an off-hand reference to "Akira", by Katsuhiro Otomo, when talking about a minor character.
If you're familiar with anime or manga, you've probably at least heard of Akira, since it's a landmark of the genre (if one considers anime/manga to be a distinct genre, which tends to be a point of debate unto itself).
I'm guessing most of you have not, so this creates some confusion. There are other examples in my early stories, such as Books of Magik, that have been brought to my attention. As I became aware, however, that the target audience was actually people who are interested in TG who may or may not be fans of the comic book genre, I started either explaining my references, or even including a list of "who's who" at the end of a chapter, if I felt it was important.
Most times, the people and places I refer to I feel aren't actually important to the story, and are included more as "easter eggs" for those people who know what I'm talking about. One example I've used is the Free Spirit story- you don't need to know who Steve Rogers is to enjoy the story. Or in Heart Like a Lion, when I introduce Dr. Stephen Strange- it's not necessary to know he's the Sorcerer Supreme in Marvel Comics, because in the Retcon stories, he's just a (brilliant) doctor.
I still have a lot of bad habits and odd quirks as an author, and I tend to write at times when there's no one around to talk to about my stories- and I desperately need to get it out there, or I'll start picking it apart later (I'm my own worst critic, I think half the stuff I write is garbage). A lot of my work has gone straight to the Recycle Bin, never to return.
At any rate, I do apologize for any confusion I have caused my readers, as I'm really grateful that I have readers in the first place! And if something does confuse you, or you feel it needs more of an explanation, please, let me know, and I'll try to rectify the issue.
Thanks for your time,
walking a line
you have to walk a line between focusing on the people who would be familiar with all the characters and those who are more casual fans (gee, just like some movies and comic books do). For me, as long as not knowing who they are doesnt mean I cant follow the story, I'm fine. But a link or a list at the end can be helpful too. As picking apart your stories, I hear you there. If you ever want an objective opinion, I could help, and I'm sure there are lots of others here who could too.
Although I don't always know
Although I don't always know right of the bat what the ref's are, I usually go " O right that was ..." after giving my brain the time to proces it. And I like the added touch connecting the retcon universe with the MC universe or anime in the case of Akira. One of the 'good' points of the stories so far for me are those 'easter eggs'
My 2 cents
PS I do know and have watched Akira :)
Comics are wider than we think
I used to be a major comics fan but as I've gotten older I've started to focus on slightly niche comics and by chance I haven't been reading anything from the DC or Marvel megatexts in ages. Even Manga which I follow here and there is too large to track if you have a day job :-) So I'd need all the explanations and introductions I can get. Links to Wikipedia perhaps?
- Moni
Since I live well away from any major publishing houses (another hemisphere is well away right? :) ) and I have a fondness for looking through wikis as a pastime, it all works out for me just fine. :) Besides I do have a certain bit of knowledge about the universes so I'm not at a total loss.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!