We had a great time at the BC picnic yesterday! We stayed so late, we had to take down the tents in the dark. LOL.
I'll let someone else who's better with names list who all made it, I'm afraid my memory would fail me and I would leave someone out.
It was great to see some old friends and meet a few more new ones in person. I think we talked about everything from document hassles to where to put the period at the end of a quotation. :)
I don't know when we can have another of these but we can probably talk about it in chat.
Hugs to all,
I think I'm missing someone, but here's my list
We had
Erin, Rich / Arecee, Heather Rose Brown, Rachel Anne, Shelly /shalimar, and myself from last time, plus
Janet/Sparrowchild, Loriana/ Saless, Beth Williams, Eric, and Rachel's daughter, Terri
for a total of 11 this time.
Janet said a couple of times she'd organize something in the future. She didn't say, but she may want to move a few miles north into the Wine Country.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
You talked about formating and punctuation at a picnic?
You are all so geeky.
In a good way.
--GRIN --
Sounds like fun.
BTW we had a hail storm today, covered the ground with a good quarter inch or more in say, a ten minute timespan. Fortunately pea sized but the crocusses and other early spring flowers prob took a beating.
John in Wawatosa
John in Wauwatosa
You forgot Skipper!
Well, maybe Skipper doesn't count since he doesn't read. :) He was cute little guy, though.
Beth checked her list and we discovered she had Loriana on it twice so that is what made 12. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Sorry I missed it :-)
But one of these years! Sounds like it was fun though. :-D
Glad I made it :)
For a while it had looked like I wouldn't be able to make it to the gathering, but things turned around at the las minute. I'm so glad I got to see and chat with everyone. :)
Thanks, All...
...for your hospitality Saturday.
For All Who Missed It
I can't tell you how much this little gathering meant to me. I simply lack the words; yes, I know, anyone who knows me at all will find that hard to believe!
Nevertheless, here's a few things. First, I rode with our esteemed hostess Erin. I want you to know, all the rumors are true!
She's kind, erudite, funny, generous, and cares about BC and the denizens thereof with a depth of emotion I found both heartwarming, and reassuring. This site is in good hands. She also has a wonderful family, and an incredibly cute canine companion. AND she told at least one story that I'm still laughing at whenever I think of it.
Second, I have not spent a lot of time around other transgendered people. I found those in the small group that was there to be uniformly interesting and caring. To see others like me, and to actually TALK to them. Well... it was a priceless gift, and experience.
Third, I found that our sample group (and all the rest of you by extension) included some wonderful bakers and cooks. The coconut bread was an incredible treat, and Rachel proved to be excellent at the grill!!
Finally, I learned that my story, while different, was reflected in the lives of others. I found a reality in meeting these wonderful people face to face that I have never experienced simply by reading stories. To know that I am NOT ALONE gave me tremendous hope. I also found the experience of others can serve as a road map for me as I travel this road many of us are on.
I too hope (and pray) this will the first of many such gatherings I attend!
Tired but Happy,