My Kudos is at 666 - The Number Of The Beast
Perhaps I'd better Run To The Hills or Hallowed Be Thy Name, I'll end up The Prisoner of The Children Of The Damned at 22 Acacia Avenue...
Sorry, just couldn't resist paying homage to Iron Maiden.
in gematria
a form of numerology, it's also the number of Adam.
This is your lucky day...
...because it's also the arithmetic sum of all the numbers on a standard roulette wheel.
The number also represents the creation and perfection of the world, because the world was created in six days, there are six cardinal directions, N E S W Up and Down, an arrangement also favoured by the Red Indian peoples of North America, thus "proving" that they are descended from the "lost tribes" of Israel, and the numeric value of the letter vav — ו — one of the central letters of the Tetragrammaton.
It's also the numeric value of the Hebrew verse, "Ata yigdal na koach Adonai -- Now, let the power of my Lord grow." (Numbers 14:17), by which Moses pled for mercy for the Jewish people.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Zebulen or Menashe
Dear Puddin:
The tribes that made it to North America have to be either or both the Tribe of Menashe or the Tribe of Zebulen.
This is proven by the symbols of the tribes as appears on their tribal banner.
Zebulen symbol was a ship. For a people just leaving Egypt who had been Shepards before that using a ship as a symbol means that they would travel throughout the world by ship.
Menashe's symbol is a bow and arrow. We all know that Native Americans were very proficient with such weapons.
Bible quotes?
This wasn't meant to be a theological discussion at all.
I hope it hasn't upset the atheists, agnostics, Satanists, wiccans and those like me, who don't care one way or the other.
I don't just look it, I'm totally one who more closely follows the old religion
And the...
countng shall be three,One shall it not be, neither two. Four shall be right out. And eating Porkwill make you burn in hell forever. Honest. Just like wearing a bra when you have a willy.