I shall be heading up to see my mother, an invalid, in two days and spending about five days in total with her, for her 77th birthday. I am hoping my brother may come out for the meal, but as he hasn't spoken to me in years those hopes are a bit feeble. As a result I will have no time or link to put up any more of Annie's story for a few days after this weekend.
Good luck with your brother!
Have a safe trip!
hugs, steph
Im sorry about you mom, and your brother is an ass. Take care of yourself, and get back to writing when you can.
I wish you the best of luck
I wish you the best of luck on the trip. I'll miss seeing the regular updates to Annie's story, but I hope your own story has better news.
Well, the laptop I had beeen using and that had given me problems finally expired this morning. Half a chapter of Annie` is gone, as well as the 'bible. Never mind.
Screen message 'operating system not found' and when I tried to reload, \'no driver found'.
So shagged, then. I'll be back
Do you have any disks in
Do you have any disks in your floppy or cd drive? Can you go into CMOS (press delete when the computer first boots) and make sure 'HDD' or 'Hard Drive' is the first boot option?
Failing that, you can probably pull the hard drive out, put it in another computer, and at least salvage your files.
Almost 100% certain that nothing is lost of course.
pulling the hdd from the laptop and hooking it up to another computer via a usb cable is almost 100% certain to find all your files including the story bible undamaged.
These things happen, but almost NEVER lead to total data loss.
That said, any of the free on-line encrypted backup services are more than worth it for creative materials.
Off out in three hours for my mother's birthday dinner at a local hotel. Cake and balloons sneaked in, her brother in law and his wife n way.
I will return to work Saturday, so no writing till at least Sunday. And I spoke to my brother for the first time in years, by phone, and it went well.
I am now back and working on
I am now back and working on Ride On. My mother is not well, needing a number of joint replacemts, so I am likely to need to go back there to support her post-op. The good news is that I took her out for her 77th birthday, and my late father's brother's wife (keep up there)as well as his brother came out, and we had an evening of laughter and sillliness, and I spoke to my brother, and he made jokes, and if things go well I shall be able to talk to him properly.
I want mam well, but if more can come from it.....
Just had a silly thought. Me. Supporting a post-op mother.
Sorry for your mom, happy to hear you're writing
the Ride On withdrawl was difficult. :-)