I was constantly beating the odds of bad things happening, in my first 20 years. So much so, that I had the reputation of being the clumsiest person in town. When I was in high school, there was a contest in the town newspaper that described some of my injuries and the circumstances that led to them. The first 50 correct responders to the newspaper office would receive a coupon good for a free sandwich from a local fast food place. All 50 coupons were claimed before an hour had passed from the time the papers hit the shelves/streets
Even so, the sheer amount of things that happened to me were astounding. They couldn't all be from lack of coordination. So my reputation as a 'Jinx' started to circulate, as well
When asked by the newspaper whether she thought I was Unlucky or Clumsy, a good friend's response was, "Hm. Both? Neither? I think a little out of sync with reality is getting closer. And she could definitely tell you if a steel pole to the forehead or a concrete floor to the back of the head hurts more"
By the time Junior year rolled around, I had been designated the keeper of local "against all odds" reputation. When we faced a difficult sports opponent, the coach (of whatever sport) would nearly beg me to at least be at the game... if not keeping stats for them (hey, I was a geek, sue me). A Senior did his science fair project on me, with the topic of Skewed Probability -- his data showed that I didn't meet the average odds of ANYTHING. Sometimes I was on the positive side of this, sometimes the negative. We decided to call this the Bink-Murphy effect. Coincidence seems to happen a lot around me, but there's no telling if it'll be positive coincidence (Bink's Law) or negative coincidence (Murphy's Law). He won a prize for it. Third place in whatever category he put it in, I think
My Senior year, the "Political Correctness" fad was at its height. So, in addition to the Senior Personalities (Most Likely to...) for sixteen seniors, every senior was assigned PC Label. Mine was "Statistically Challenged"
... 'round here, if you got hit by lightning or whatever; assuming you were somewhat coherent, it might be suggested that you'd have to go out and buy a lottery ticket. Seems the odds have to swing some time... at least that's the theory. Hey.. ya never know.
Not being a fan of PC I suppose if you have to have a title of that sort, 'statistically challenged' seems reasonably cool. Nuthin' quite like poking out the tongue at the universe is there. Just gotta keep that half step ahead. Keep grinnin'
New Story, Hmm?
This makes me feel glad I had a comparatively boring life 'statistically' speaking, but at the same time I can't help but thinking such a 'statistically challenged' character would make an excellent protagonist in a story.
Just remember, things both good and bad, as long as the odds are against it. It's like I have a built in Infinite Improbability Drive ala The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's spaceship The Heart of Gold
Meh, I'd much rather have an SEP Generator- imagine the fun you could have with one of those!
(SEP-Somebody Else's Problem)
Strange Luck
This reminds me of that old TV series named Strange Luck. I also have my share of bizarre luck. Once when I was 5 years old fishing with my mom, I dropped in the line with no bait. My mom exercising corrective action had me yank the line back out of the water to put a worm on it. Surprise, I had managed to 'hook' a fish. Just a little bitty one but still figure the odds. (note: after seeing the poor thing impale on that hook, I have never been able to enjoy the activity since.) On my wedding day, I stopped to top off the car before the ceremony. Not wanting to have 'wallet budge' I simply had my license and a twenty in my pocket. After filling up I had a few dollar left so I goy a scratch off lotto ticket. I won $400 bucks. Oh that's good luck you say? I've been fired on my birthday, marooned 20 miles out in the middle of nowhere. (That was a WALK). Had a fifth wheel malfunction that disconnected the trailer I was towing. (fortunately it was still in the "Yard" and not on the highway, but a seeing your life passing in front of your eyes moment I can tell You!) Even so I am so thankful that I don't have your brand of misfortune. I don't like pain and you sound like you've had more than your share! Be careful and don't sass mother luck. She has a particular sense of humor!
Chance Harper!
The main character's name on Strange Luck...
Chance - obvious joke
Harper - not quite as obvious, unless you know that one of the famous "old west" families were the Harpers... who made their money by being a family of gamblers
What a wonderful show. Too bad it bit it after just one season
I'd forgotten his name but I loved that show. It had a great mixture of action,a running mystery and the adventure of the week thing going. I agree that's too bad it got canceled Edeyn. I didn't know about the Harpers! Shame on me! I love history and old west tales. Should've known that one. Even still you sound like you've had more than your share of 'Strange Luck'!!!!