A somewhat mild one, to be sure, but panic nonetheless. Reality has just come crashing down around my ears, what with the name change now being in the hands of the court and everything else. I've spent the last few days, surrounded by workmen who are doing stuff around the house thats needed done forever, and either none of them have twigged to the fact that I'm not a GG, or they just don't give a damn about it. Additionally, I'm about to begin my third year post RLT and, with the exception of a couple of incidents, one minor, the other I've blogged about, much more serious, the intervening time has been a non event, actually.
Nevertheless, my mind is stuck in an ever decreasing loop and I'm edgy and worried for some reason. Am I doing the right thing? Is this REALLY what I want? Can I stop all this if I HAVE to? SHOULD I stop this? What if I do? Has this transition passed it's "sell by" date and if so, will I be hurting myself if I DO put on the brakes? Do I really WANT to be a post menopausal woman without ever having experienced all the things that lead to being in that category?
In point of fact, I AM scared... and for the life of me, I don't know why! Financially, SRS is completely out of the question for me. I will never, even with continued HRT, develop any more secondary sexual characteristics than I already have... mostly nothing substantial at all, yet I seem to "pass" with little trouble. Padding and stuffing suffice, but I always feel "fake" and uncomfortable under all the stuff required to make me even passable as having a female shape. MPB (male pattern baldness) has rendered me incapable of wearing my own hair in any sort of female style, so my head is shaved and I use wigs ALL the time, save when sleeping. Having to "make do" is frustrating, especially knowing that with the proper funding, I could have facial hair removal and replacement on my head, bust enhancement, and other non surgical help in my femme presentation.
All my health care is covered by the Veteran's Administration, but they only do, surgically, those things that THEY deem medically necessary. Implants and the like are not covered by them, nor is an orchiectomy or SRS. If I'm sick, they'll try to heal me. If I'm injured, they'll try to heal me, but none of what I truly NEED is covered by them.
I keep picturing myself in some old age home somewhere, still wearing my fake boobs and hair, trying to remember if the lipstick goes on my lips or my chin or forehead, and THAT picture frightens me more than I can tell you! Although, if I reach THAT point, I probably won't CARE what goes where.
Yes, I know that I'm not so different from so many others in the same financial quagmire of having to "make do" and I should be grateful for the level of acceptance I have received from so many. It's just... oh well. Blogging about this stuff DOES help a bit, and I know i'll probably receive words of support and encouragement from all of you, and that'll help some too, but in the end, it's just me out here, desperately trying to fully understand why I needed to do this to myself and how to live with the results which have been nothing like what I pictured or hoped for, body-wise.
I mean, I should be pleased at the amount of help and acceptance I HAVE experienced, right?... and my financial situation is my own stupid fault for not ever having developed a penchant of saving for my "golden years, right?
Someday I WILL learn that life DOES, in fact, suck... and the best one can do is try to avoid the suckiest parts of it and suffer along with the millions of others who have it as bad, if not worse, than I do.
Well, thanks for reading if in fact, you have. I feel the need to attend a pity party that I seem to be throwing for myself. Tears anyone? Join me if you want. Chastise me if you must. Don't hold back. I probably deserve it anyway.
Waiting for the court to declare me legal, I am,
Catherine Linda Michel
Hang in there
One of the cool things about being feminine is that you don't have to "man up" all the time. You can have a good cry or admit your fears and no one will think any less of you. And sometimes you can have a panic attack without needing to be ashamed of it.
You will always be the same strong woman inside, and it was brave of you to let your true self shine through to the outside. But you're a girl, so you don't have be strong and brave all the time. Don't beat yourself up too much over your moments of doubt.
I was gonna stay silent on this ...
Not that I don't care, but my record on solving this issue is pretty dismal. In short, in the past, I have been the um Drama Queen of the ether.
Be nice to yourself, find your own center point.
It is not easy for those around us when we pop back and forth between genders, so don't expect a lot of support from Muggles. Still, we seem destined to struggle.
Even had I transitioned at 5 years old, I would never have a butt like one of my roomates. :( I realise that when I transitioned that I wanted a butt, nice big breasts, and a front bottom that was natural enough to recite the Gettysburg Address. What the bloody hell was I thinking?
I'd sort of go with what Nancy Cole said in another blog, and at some point would follow it myself but at this time there are so many side effects of reverting that I just can't do it. Still, I can write my heart and soul out on Science Fiction; writing feminine protagonists that are just sexy as hell, but lethal too. In those stories it is safe to batter down social mores with great abandon.
Perhaps you could be an androgyne, and I think it posible that I will end that way?
I've got to trot off to the store but perhaps we can skype later. The Hens have flown the coop.
Much peace
I just received my legal name change yesterday
I think that the last two weeks of waiting for it to go through brought some of the same thoughts to me.The first two weeks I was really exited about it then the fear and doubt crept in.But I didn't let it overcome me totally and I held my ground that this is who I am and that I'm moving forward. So yesterday morning I got up earlier than I like to and made the journey to the court house. I gave my paperwork to the clerk then sat on the bench nervous and reviewing my self doubts waiting for the clerk to call me before the Judge. For all the fear and doubt I had worked myself into I was denied in an instant.Out walked the clerk and stated I have three name changes and they have all been signed off by the judge.Follow me we have to go downstairs and have the paperwork finished in the recorders office.There were the clerk two women and a little boy along with myself heading for the elevator.I was now legally Lisa in a state that only allows you one name change with the exception of if you get divorced.We got on the elevator and the little boy started figiting. The mother then says that he gets nervous when he is the only boy surrounded by women.It put a smile on my face yes I have arrived.
Like you I am a Veteran I could complain about what they don't do for me or I can appreciate what they do for me. Years before the VA started helping me I paid for my own therapy and hormones it was a financial burden that brought about an end to a much earlier attempt at transition. Up until my recent transition my suicidal thoughts were increasing since I've transitioned even with all my doubts and fears I haven't thought about suicide. Yes I may be taking a different path to full womanhood then many of my sisters but that doesn't me make a fraud. I have some male pattern baldness yet I don't wear a wig because I want to support my other sisters with thin hair or going through chemo.If you that uncormfortable with your hair loss I support your choice to where a wig.As for the surgery I might never be able to afford it also but I'm not willing to allow that fear to stop me from trying to get there.Should the Va cover it I wish they could but congress specifically bars them from doing so. It's not totally the VA they treat medical conditions and they treat us as far as the government is willing to let them depending on region. Should all the regions treat us equally and provide us the maximum service they can yes.Let's work as Veterans together to show congress that transsexuality is a very real medical condition that needs treatment but at the sametime it should not bar one from military service.We are proof that one can be transsexual and still serve in the military.
FABOO! Lisa440. Hang in there Cathy
So happy you got your name change, Lisa. Maybe that will encorage your writing muse?
-- grin --
Cathy, it WILL happen, just remeber large organizations can be slooooooow.
Once my sister got a medical bill from her insurance company a full year after the procedure being billed for.
Govt can be as bad or worse.
Here's hoping your wait will be far shorter.
As for the rest here, you can't always achieve your dreams but you can still dream.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Lisa. I don't know if YOU know,
but there is a forum for TS Vets at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TSVets/
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Weblink for TS Vets
Cathy, can I ask you to add this link to our link farm? Thanks.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I don't mind my cats
being treated by muggle vets.
I have had experience with TAVA
I won't join the group for several reasons the first being how Monica recomended I deal with a bad situation I had happen to me at the VA. The other reasons I won't post here because this isn't the place to debate them. My bad I thought you posted a link to TAVA this looks like a group I'd be willing to join.
no chastisement from me
I understand really well what you mean. I may never even be allowed to take hormones, thanks to my weight and high BP, so, like you, I might have to make do. Hugs.
"I'm not like other people - Pain hurts me!" - Daffy Duck.
Wigs = fake feeling
I'd like to tell you about my grandmother. She had reubella when she was 12, by 14 she only had a tiny bit of very sparse hair. She wore wigs from that age on. For hot days she had a scarf with hair coming out front and back and for working around the house she had one that was all curlers. She suffered from cancer for most of her life so what little hair she did have fell out.
Wearing a wig is like wearing jewelry! Pick one that suits your outfit and matches your mood. Have as many as Emelda Marcos had shoes. Make it plain to everyone that you know they know you are wearing a wig! Wear the best you can afford... have some long and some medium and some short.
What I'm trying to say is 50 years ago dying your hair was something only 'bad' women do... now its all over the tv vying to be called the best hair colouring. Wigs are only a stigma if _YOU_ make them so.
One thing... in addition to wigs you should buy turbans and other cloth covers... a girl has to have some secrets.
ps. The clothing store where I buy most of my wardrobe from has a woman there with no hair on top. She had her head tatooed with pink roses. She is over 50, overweight, and wears the most femme outfits I've ever seen anyone wear. The hair she does have is tastefully coifed and curled. Female is a state of mind...not of hair.
I'm in the midst of a panic attack.
Catherine Linda Michel, Remember that here you are the woman that you are.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine