Story Length

Cindy started a thread on story length at FM. Here's my contribution from there:

Writing a novel is hard work, writing a short story is difficult.

A novel is a big project, like building a house by hand.

A short story demands a level of clarity and precision that's different in kind not just in scale, like crafting jewelry.

A 30,000 word Novella might take a month to write, a 3000 word short story might take an afternoon. I'll have sweated a lot on the novella, maybe making notes half as long as the story. It's like riding a mule up a mountain. The short story may have been painful or ecstatic but it's likely to have been more intense an experience to write; like riding a rocket instead of a mule.

I usually know how long a story is going to be before I get halfway down the first page, sometimes I get surprised. Sledgehammer and Sam I Am both turned out to be much shorter than I expected, novellettes instead of novels. Either could easily have a sequel.

I'm just rambling here. :)

A short story has only what the story demands in it, maybe less. If a short story grows to longer than 5000 words, it might be time to consider whether you're telling too much. It's okay not to meet all the story's demands, some of those should be supplied by the reader.

A long short story is a novelette but a lot of times a novelette is just a short story without an editor. A good novelette is the absolutely most satisfying thing to read there is, and one of the most heartbreaking to write. You've got an idea that deserves a novel but demands a short story.

A novel has everything the story deserves. If you run out of dessert at 25000 words, well, you've got a novella. :)

- Erin