Equality assessment

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To state 'the bleeding obvious', I am not going to discuss my employment in detail here, so please think before you reply to this. I have an issue at work regarding what is called an equality assessment. Under UK law, changes in working practices or conditions require an equality impact assessment. This is ostensibly a way of seeing whether a change adversely affects a particular group, such as the disabled, married folk, or TLGB (MY turn to choose the order of the initials)
I have been looking at the data supplied, and there is an interesting slant to it. All staff are required to make a declaration on all sorts of aspects, such as ethnicity, religion, disability and sexual orientation. Trans is, of course, included in sexual orientation.
The problem is that while there is no box for 'none of the above', there is one for 'prefer not to say'. Fine so far, but on looking at the new model, it seems that the TLGN element is less that 1% of staff. Sorry, but that is bollocks. So I looked closer, to find that all declarations of 'prefer not to say' have been disregarded. I would guess that a lot of the folk who have ticked PNTS have done so out of an attitude of 'mind your own business', but there will be many who have done so for reasons of safety. I would also guess, knowing my colleagues, that the number who ticked PNTS for MYOB reasons is rather significant.
Now, how do I bring up this imbalance without threatening, exposing or alienating those who still feel the need to hide?

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