I got the bloody job - Start Monday.
I can't believe it.
It's going to put a severe dent in the amount of time I can spend writing - like possibly leaving nil for the first few months and I'm sorry, but I don't care. It's the first job I've had in nearly three years.
In light of the fact that I was pretty much offered the job on Friday, Pen and I have been looking at houses and are possibly going to be buying ourselves a house in France over the Easter break as well. Of course, that was all banking on the job coming off and now it has, it's all systems go.
We've seen a place in Mayenne that is just begging for us to buy it, but not to put all our eggs in one basket, we've got another six or so lined up to go see, just in case.
It's all very exciting indeed.
I think I need a coffee - we don't have anything stronger right now!
Thanks to all of you who prayed or whatever you did as I'm sure it helped, although it hasn't changed my opinion of religion :)
Big happy hugs
Nick B
The Best Possible News
I couldn't wish you well before. First, I didn't want to put the mockers on you, and, second, I had so many extremities crossed on your behalf that I looked like a mad pretzel and would have had great difficulty finding a finger free for the keyboard.
Happy dancing is in order,
Best News Ever
I'm nervous as hell - as I suspect is expected, but thrilled at the same time. I knew there were people out there helping and your pretzel impersonation was definitely worthwhile :)
I don't just look it, I'm totally looking forward to it
So very pleased ....
.... for you Nick. And for Pen too. It sounds absolutely wonderful! It real turning point in your fortunes. All my best wishes.
It's going to be a culture shock
Patience is definitely a virtue and our patience seems finally to be paying off.
When we went to France last year, we felt there may have been expectations to buy something and we resisted the urge - not that it was difficult to do as really everything we saw was pretty heavily flawed.
This time, the plan is to buy over there so that we have somewhere to holiday and relax that's not a seven hour drive, but to continue renting and working over here. We have something in mind, but we don't know whether it's still available.
We're not positive, but it's altogether possible that we will be able to buy the above outright - though it does depend on whether it's still available...
I don't just look it, I'm totally hyped
That's awesome. Do what you have to do as it's all good!
Totally wicked
It's about bloody time!
It's going to be a bit of a haul until their new premises are ready, but that's only a month nor so away and then the travelling will be cut by half or so. I'm off to get one of those sat navs tomorrow so that I can find them. I may even have to go to customer's sites to train/install this stuff, so it will be well handy.
I don't just look it, I'm totally becoming part of the 21st century - even though I'm an old git
I'm glad you got the job-but I will still hope you find time in a now busy day to continue your story!
Thank you, Wren
But please don't hold your breath.
I've been trying to finish chapter four over the last few days, but I have to confess that my mind's been on other things. I'm not ruling out the possibility that it's going to be possible to write at lunchtimes - That's how Who's that girl came about, but that was written during work too. Don't tell anyone I told you though :)
I don't just look it, I'm totally full of butterflies
Congrats Nickie
That's great news. The house looks pretty good too, so here's hoping. It sure beats the hell out of that one you showed me a while back with the 'feature' tree.
The French and a pile of stones
Thanks Kris,
I'm like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs (thanks Michael J Fox for that from The Secret of My Success), but at the same time, I'm really looking forward to this job - something I never thought I'd hear myself saying.
The house though, is at the top end of our prospective budget and honestly, we don't know whether we're going to go up that high. Yes it's pretty and there's nothing to do - aside from move stuff in and enjoy the ambience - but at the end of the day, does it have everything we want? There's another house further south that we're also having a look at, which needs some work doing, but has more of what we have been dreaming of; that typical French charm and appeal - the 'Je ne c'est quoi'.
One thing is for sure - we won't be going for a 'bargain' renovation project. We have become a little more circumspect about what appear to be bargains; those tumbledown piles of stones the French won't go near - with good reason. Well, neither will we now. Our last trip illustrated that. You pay over the odds for a pile of fallen masonry and spend three of four times that putting it all back together with no hope of recouping your investment. So anything more than decorating and perhaps a little modernising is out.
What's best is that it really doesn't matter if we buy this time or on one of any number of subsequent trips, we can take our time and while we're both working, we can continue to save.
But the plan's back on :)
I don't just look it, I'm totally into French real estate
On finally clinching 'that job' and good luck with clinching 'that house'
It seems that the wind's set fair for France! (Or perhaps more correctly 'stood fair,.)
Enjoy the next few years.
Growing old disgracefully.
Thanks, Bev
It may be that the job has come fairly quickly compared to the house, but it's a work in progress. However, we're now able to put our foot down and speed the process up a bit.
Watch this space...
I don't just look it, I'm totally ready to be a worker and French home owner