
I got the bloody job - Start Monday.

I can't believe it.

It's going to put a severe dent in the amount of time I can spend writing - like possibly leaving nil for the first few months and I'm sorry, but I don't care. It's the first job I've had in nearly three years.

In light of the fact that I was pretty much offered the job on Friday, Pen and I have been looking at houses and are possibly going to be buying ourselves a house in France over the Easter break as well. Of course, that was all banking on the job coming off and now it has, it's all systems go.

We've seen a place in Mayenne that is just begging for us to buy it, but not to put all our eggs in one basket, we've got another six or so lined up to go see, just in case.

It's all very exciting indeed.

I think I need a coffee - we don't have anything stronger right now!

Thanks to all of you who prayed or whatever you did as I'm sure it helped, although it hasn't changed my opinion of religion :)

Big happy hugs

Nick B

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