Anyone have trouble with your computer, and then figure out you were the problem? I had serious frustrations posting my Phoenix story, and i think the problem was simple, in retrospect. my clipboard couldnt take it all at once. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Anyone have trouble with your computer, and then figure out you were the problem? I had serious frustrations posting my Phoenix story, and i think the problem was simple, in retrospect. my clipboard couldnt take it all at once. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
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It's called a short circuit
It's called a short circuit between the keyboard and chair :)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
All the time ;-)
I posted up chapter two of Robin Book 3 earlier tonight, and only realized after the fact that I copied out the version I had in my text reader, and not the final draft with all the punctuation/grammar errors corrected. It wasn't pretty.
For those not familiar with the term, it's a euphemism for "user error": Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair. Obviously something you'd never mention in a real-life support call! Neither would you tell them it's an I D 10 T error, as when they write it down...
But recalling Dorothy's error, it does seem slightly unusual that the clipboard cannot handle just over 14,000 words of text - it's a comparatively small amount of information to store in memory, and if you're using a fairly modern computer (almost anything built in the last decade) it should be able to handle it.
In which case, it's probably Windoze being Windoze. Of course, it is rumoured that computers belong to the same union as photocopiers, which are reputed to have a chip in them that determines how urgently you want your copies done, then they create an appropriate sized malfunction...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
that is entirely possible. I honestly dont know why it was having such difficulty. I wrote the story online on Google docs so my girlfriend Kylie could give editing advice as I wrote, and when I went to copy/paste well, huge bits in the middle simply vanished. My error was in the preview side - I should have seen the bit missing before I hit the submit button. Now, very likely the frustration of having to re-read the story means most people wont bother reading the completed version, and it will vanish without receiving any recognition. Which saddens me, but ah, well.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
FWIW Dorothy
While I've never used Google Docs itself, on several occasions I've used the Gmail View at the bottom of an email with an attached file I needed to proofread so I could copy and paste it to MSWord to work on. To make a long story short not all the file would paste to the new blank document. After awhile I quit trying and would download the original .doc file and open it in Word. So this may be something on the Google end of things.
BTW, it is a long story and could have been split into several chapters for easier reading. But I read the whole thing from start to finish, just not in one sitting. I'm sure others who enjoy your writing will do so as well. (:
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Reading the submission
Whenever I add a chapter to a story I always read the preview entirely from end to end to make sure that everything is as I would expect it to be.
The "add a story" preview is the very last step before the story becomes public and I think it is essential to ensure that the public get what I expect them to see. (Doesn't always work, actually, I had an OMG! moment when I put up chapter 12 of Somewhere Else Entirely. That one was easily fixed, fortunately.)
I gave up using MS Word when I stopped doing IT contracting where, of course, my employer usually used it. I found out about OpenOffice and switched as soon as I could. MS Office used to be so absolutely #!@%£!* bloody stupid sometimes I wonder I haven't had a heart attack as the result of some of the things it would - or would not - do. Good riddance, that's what I say. OpenOffice (or whatever it's called today) has it's faults but it's definitely not so stress making as MS Office was.
When people like us are posting so frequently it is easy to miss out a step in the process, particularly if there are distractions. Fortunately, as you have discovered, it is usually possible to fix things up reasonably quickly when these things happen. If not, there's always Erin ;)