I noticed this large article this morning.
This person has been around a while and has naturally piqued my interest. I would guess, from looking at the pictures, a clear case of AIS, no? Just on the man side, of course.
I would give much to have killer hips like hers!
Yes ,Penny,
'she really is gorgeous and moves like a big cat,but she is not the first to do this sort of thing,
not by a long shot.Yves St,Laurent used "boys' years ago,but good luck to our Serbian/Melbourne girl,
I hope she goes on to bigger and better things.
Re: Isn't (s)he gorgeous?
I don't see anyone in the video matching the description of Andrej Pejic! Has it been changed?
When I picked up that link this morning the page was completely different (that figures). There was no Flash box but a load of static images. I don't run Flash anywhere here so I wouldn't know what's hidden under the square, sorry.
Perhaps they've had a sudden run of interest in that page and someone complained...
Fortunately, Google is your friend.
The Smile
I just googled for images of Andrej. They were impressive, but not as impressive as this motion gif showing a clip of her/him in the process of smiling.
Andrej is working as a female model, but it's not clear that he's come out as having a female gender identity. But, that clip above is a real mind-blower if he's identifying as male. It changes all the definitions! Not a bad thing, that.