Just found this on another website. Maria Carrillo High School senior Kayla Kearney comes out to her high school, in an assembly honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Jan 13 and 14, 2011.
A very gutsy girl, and very well-spoken.
Not only gutsy,
'but incredibly brave and honest.I salute her!
You Tube Generation
I dunno, maybe it's just me. I'm a grumpy old bitch, yeah so I'm 40 that's old, talk to any High School kid. Ancient probably but what do those little twits know.
Part of me wants to applaud this kid, admire her chutspa, curtsey to her guts to bare her soul in front of her peers. I mean hell... that's a good thing right? It all aids the general diaspora, the wider acceptance, the great public knowledge? She's a fuckin' hero for the oppressed. Sigh...
Yet part of me feels that it's all self publicity. Yeah okay, I'm past news and the internet wasn't about and 15 minutes as stated by good ol' Andy wasn't reduced to 5 because every Tom Dick and Jane had a phone camera that posted up and went viral as some poor schlub showed what idiots people often are. Shows like Idol or X factor didn't exist, the worst you could expect was some dick with a camera showing a setup on some mindless TV show. Funny how watching someone self destruct is funny. I never thought so, I despise practical jokes. The TV news wasn't made up of shaky phone cam crap of vague interest mostly. Of course sometimes... see Egypt and the like.
The whole... now is the moment and I wanna' be famous and let the chips fall thing is so self centred and short sighted... I want to throw things and yell a lot. But of course many will cheer and say it's self expression and that's good and of course no one is less or not as good as another or simply lacking talent or not quite there... I mean hell, everyone is perfect and all Gods chillin' are beautiful. Never mind reality and history and human bloody nature.
Is it a Western thing? I mean most of the human race are not obsessed with happiness or rights or personal worth. They simply struggle to exist as best they can. Yet I am part of that so what does that make me?
I look at a lot of things I read and try to understand and reach a feeling of where the planet, the universe, my world.. IS. Mostly I don't get there of course but I try. I know quite a lot, yet my knowledge is pathetic and mostly worthless. I'm nobody in the widest sense. Yet I am. For better or worse maybe.
Does this kid know what she's doing? Does she understand even half of what she's saying? Does she realise that you toss something out there... it's out there FOREVER. Is she ready for that? But of course she is mature beyond the years I might have been at the same age.... maybe. Knowledge is power and there's so bloody much now.
Sometimes I look and mutter..Get a bloody life, for Gods sake... walk out the door, look at the world see the people that pass, smell the god damned roses, feel the breeze or whatever.... It is what it is, you have to live and be and do and thus show by existing. Maybe she does that, perhaps I'm selling her short, maybe she's smarter than I ever was or will be... more than possible... Maybe she sees what I cannot?
But mostly I just sigh and wonder..is this a good thing? I really don't know.
Yours in troubled puzzlement
Wearing Your Heart On Your Sleeve
Kristina - you nailed it. In our younger days it was fashionable to say "I'm in love with the idea of being in love."
Much the same seems to be happening here.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
This young lady is mature way beyond her years of age GOOD FOR HER ,YOU GO GIRL I hope she finds her sole mate and lives happilly ever after
It brought tears to my eyes
I was really moved by the video. She showed a lot of courage and strength. And I believe that she knew exactly what she was doing and the risks she was taking.
Maria Carillo High School is in Santa Rosa, CA. I know because I pass it regularly on my way to the Rincon Valley public library branch next door. Sonoma county is a strange and wonderful place. Picturesque, historic, filled to the gills with wineries. Sonoma has a large GLBT community that is strangely, largely silent. There is an area where they are pretty out, the Russian River area, but elsewhere we are present, but unseen.
While this area is a melting pot, there is a strong Hispanic community here. While I am not as close to that community as I would like, I do know that it tends to be rather more conservative than most.
It's also important to note that this was a MLK day assembly. The struggle for GLBT rights has been equated to the civil rights movement to racial equality. Ironic that by and large the black community is also very conservative and tends not to support GLBT rights.
For this young woman to come out like this and take a stand is a wonderfully brave thing to do and I applaud her.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.