A Very Eventful Summer Chapter 10

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A Very Eventful Summer
Chapter 10

by Freya

They are out at last but surviving mother nature can be the hardest test of all.

Rick has been searching the horizon, "Hey, is that a mirage or is that some sort of hotel or something peeking up over that ridgeline?"

The others all looked, "I think it is!" Rhonda squealed happily.

"Yeah, but we still need water before we go because it looks several hours and a hard climb away and they say you should hydrate every 20 minutes in the desert." Maria replied with a frown, "As Exemplars we might get away with every hour or even longer but a hike through this desert with a climb at the end could still kill us if we don't have water. Anyone see any springs?"

"In the desert? I thought deserts had no water?"

"Not really. All deserts have some and Furnace Creek is known as an Oasis of sorts. There are hot springs and even occasional rains here. I'm worried that the building has drained the local water table to supply it's guests. If we are where we think we are it's the Furnace Creek Ranch and Inn. Depending on which location that is it might even be open but first we need to get there and that means water and shelter and traveling by night if at all possible."

They spread out a little and were looking to see if the ridge they were on had any caves or anything that might even suggest water. "Travel by night because it's cooler?" Rick asked.

"That and because otherwise we'd fry. Rhonda will get it worst but all of us will sunburn if we stay in the sun for long enough," Maria replied.

"Yeah, I think I'm a lot more likely to fry." She looked down at her milk pale skin, "I used to try to tan every summer with Maria up on the roof or out at Orchard Beach but I burned even with SPF 30 on." She frowned, "I hate to think what I'll look like out here without any unless we find shade soon." She wiped sweat out of her eyes, "and water too."

"I'll think of something to do Rhonda. Don't worry, I'm on it," Rick called to her.

Rhonda replied from off to the right, "Actually I think we should go this way." She was pointing off to the right and down, "I'm not sure why but I do."

Rick looked at her, she seemed oddly confident, her arm was pointing with not even a little wobble. He said, "Is this like the bad feeling you got just before our plane got hijacked? I mean I'm for taking the chance anyway but if these feeling keep being right then we have found another power that might help us."

Rhonda looked startled, "Man that feels like so long ago now." She paused then nodded, "Yeah I think it is the same feeling. How weird is that?" She started walking again and the others shared a look then followed behind her.

About 10 minutes later she led them to a cave hidden from above by a shadowed overhang. It would have impossible to see from above and was even hard to see from as little as ten feet away. Getting out of the sun was a blessing but they were dog tired after everything they'd been through. They all picked a relatively smooth rock and sat panting. The brutal heat making everything an exertion, even walking.

After a few minutes though Rick stood up, "I'm going to explore the cave. If we're really lucky there might be water back there instead of hungry bears or killer bees."

He started walking and Maria called, "Wait up, I'll come with you. It'll get dark in there soon. I want to see if I can manage the flashlight trick. If nothing else I can ..." She paused, about to say 'protect you' she changed it to, "keep you company." She didn't want to call attention to the fact that she was stronger and had powers better suited to combat. She was worried he'd hurt himself but doubted he enjoy hearing that or having his girlfriend protect him. She wasn't even sure he'd want to hear her calling him her boyfriend.

Rick smiled, "You are always welcome to accompany me anywhere Maria."

As they walked back farther in to the cave they made small talk. He learned about what it was like going to public Grammar and Middle Schools that go from grades 1-6 then 7-9. She learned about going to a Catholic school that had eight grades. They were both faintly surprised that there were two ways of doing it.

"So you're a year older?" he said.

"Yeah but we'll both be Freshman at Whateley. Whenever we get there," she frowned.

"Hey, we will get there. Never doubt it," Rick put a hand on her shoulder, "We got this far didn't we?"

"I wasn't frowning at our chances, I was thinking it's gotten dark enough to try making light again," she sighed. "You'd better move back a little and close your eyes. I'm not sure how well this will go."

Rick put his hand back at his side and stepped two paces away to the other side of the tunnel. He kept his eyes open though, "I bet you get it right this time."

Maria smiled, "Thanks. Here goes nothing." She lifted her arms to shoulder level palms forward, closed her eyes, and concentrated. She started glowing all over at first like she had in the tunnel and Rick was wondering if he should say something when things changed. The light started to reced upwards from her feet and grew brighter as it did so. As Rick watched fascinated on several levels the light slowly continued receding upward and after it passed her knees it started receding from her head down. The light stopped moving down shortly after it passed her shoulders but continued moving up past her hips until it all pooled on her chest. It was as bright as a strong flashlight, more than good enough to allow them to see their footing and notice any tunnel branches or dangers. She breathed out and opened her eyes, "That's as concentrated as I can get it."

"It's good light," Rick said, "But have you noticed ..." his voice trailed off as he searched for the right words.

"Yeah, I know," she said smiling. "I think I might be losing my ability to be embarrassed though because I mainly just think this is funny." She chuckled, "At least now boys have a good reason to call these 'headlights'."

Rick blushed, "Boys used to say that to you?" He couldn't imagine walking up to a girl and saying something like that. A couple of guys in his old school might have but they knew they teacher would send them home if they tried it.

"Well not to my face but I've heard it said about me." Maria looked at him, "You can't be too surprised. I know boys have all sorts of names for breasts and even if you and Bobby are nicer than most you must know them."

"Well yeah, but we'd never say them in school or to any girl," he shrugged. "I guess you think we're lame huh?"

"No, I think you're awesome and he's pretty nice too," she kissed his cheek. "Now let's keep looking for water."

"Okay," he started walking again and told her about being on the track team and getting Bobby to start running with him as a way to stay in shape and get away from bullies easier. She told him about being taller than all the girls in her class and most of the boys. The cave was longer than they expected and had been sloping down so when they reached the back of it they were well below the sand and it was cool enough that they were hopeful of finding water.

"Some caves like this have pools below because moisture in the air condenses out as it gets cooler and rolls downhill to the bottom." Is the way Maria put it so they kept walking further hoping to find enough to drink and maybe even bathe.

When they finally reached the far end of the tunnel however the water they found was just a trickle running down the back wall. She looked at him, "Not very useful is it? I think I have an idea that will help though."

"Go for it. Need any help?" Rick asked.

"Nope," she placed her palms on the wettest part of the rock and absorbed as much heat as possible. When she stepped back ice was filling all the cracks and glittering in the light she cast. Then she released all the heat she'd absorbed from the wall and elsewhere in a single blast. The ice turns to steam and the sudden temperature differential cracks off bits of stone. She does that several times and each time the water flows a bit faster and with a bit more volume until it reaches a point where it looks like a water fountain and stops there. She drinks thirstily and steps back, "It takes less energy to do that if you can absorb some first but I hope we can find food soon."

"Now that we have water we can head for the resort by daylight. There must be food there." He smiles, "I've even come up with a way to keep the fair skinned Scot from sunburning." He stuck out his tongue, "She might not enjoy it but it's her own fault for being born so pale." He bent to drink himself, it was warm and had a lot of minerals but it was very welcome.

Maria giggled, "Yes, I have a Timbisha grandma and my dad is from Spain, your dad might have been German/American but your mom was Japanese, and both of Bobby's parents are from Peru so she was clearly delinquent in her choices. Let's go back, I want to see the look on her face when you tell her whatever you have in mind."

After everyone had their fill of water he explained his idea to Rhonda. "I don't see how sand will keep me from burning," she said.

"Well while you and Bobby got your drinks I practiced and I can manifest it where I like now as long it isn't too far away and in line of sight. It should stick to the sweat of which we're all producing copious amounts and you can't get a sunburn through it. It blocks the sun completely like zinc oxide. I wouldn't even try it if we had food but we don't so we need to go where we can get it. If you really hate the idea then I guess we could try to wait until night but I think it will work."

Rhonda sighed and nodded, "Well I've had sand in my suit often enough to know how it'll feel and it's better than sunburn everywhere so I agree." She turned to Maria, "But you know how I suck at climbing. How many times over the last nine years of gym class have I made it to the top of the rope or the wall?"

"None. I'll help you all I can. I know that Rick's mostly worried about me and my fast metabolism," Maria replied.

"That's not your fault and I happen to agree with him that potential starvation is worse than a sandy buttcrack," she grinned at them, "but you still owe me a piggyback ride. You got out of it last time but this time I'm holding you to it." She gestured, "If we are going up that ridge across the sand out there I'll be riding up on your back. Otherwise I'll fall and it won't just be a few feet to the gym floor this time either." She frowned briefly, "You can manage that right? I mean I know you're strong enough but will you have the energy?"

"Sure!" Maria said brightly, "I can absorb some from the sun and the heat of the rock face. Don't worry about me I'll be fine."

Rick saw she had her fingers crossed behind her and almost said something then decided against it. He'd just keep an eye out and carry them both up if necessary.

Rick coated Rhonda thickly with sand everywhere but her face at a distance. He manifested a big handful more and gave it to her, "I'm hoping that if you keep your head down you'll not burn much there. Fortunately your hair is long enough to block the sun from your head and neck. But you can put this anywhere you worry about. If it slides off anywhere else just tell me and I'll add more." He smiled, "You'll be better protected than us! We might get red despite any protection we get from from our ancestry and then you can laugh at us."

Bobby added, "Yeah and we'll probably end up just as sandy by the time we make it in."

With that they took off into the brutal heat and fierce sunlight and started walking to the next ridgeline. They reached it panting and sweating and arranged themselves for the climb.

"Your grandma lives here year 'round?" Rick asked Maria incredulously. He found it hard to imagine an old woman moving around in this desert.

She smiled and nodded, "Yup! She doesn't even bother with air conditioning either. It wasn't available when she was growing up and she never bothered to add it in after. The tribe has been here since time immemorial and are fully adapted. The younger generation usually does get A/C but I doubt they use it as much as I would. I just wish we'd had something to carry water in when we left the cave. With proper water and food I'd bet we could walk right through the National Park the long way."

"Well I'm glad we don't have to," He looked up at the sloping ridge, "It doesn't look too steep but if any of you get in to trouble just call out. The others will come help." He looked over to where Rhonda was hanging from Maria's shoulders. "That goes extra for you as you'll be off balance with Rhonda on your back. Let me know if you need any help at all."

"I will," Maria promised. Rhonda nodded tiredly, she seemed to need the ride for more reasons than one. "Let's get started," Maria said, "Sooner we get going the sooner we finish."

"True. Alright, let's move out," Rick said.

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Well I hope you like it.

I tried to make it longer without going too far and I think it stopped at a good spot.
Next chapter you see if they hit the open location or the closed one. There might even be a problem or two ... *Grin*

Headlights girl! :)

You were waiting for someone to say that, and don't you dare deny it! ^_^

So, what happens next? Some spooky vagabonds?


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Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

A Very Eventful Summer Chapter 10

Do we now call her Sandy, now?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine