Old Electronics stuff

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With all of the members and readers we have here, I thought I might inquire about something. A while back, my job revoked our permission to use a laptop or dvd player while working. We still have permission to read during down periods and on break. Being hard headed, and very cheap, I decided to do it the hard way. I located and purchased a like new IPAQ 1910, from back in 2002. I figured for 40.00 it would make things easier for me, and my buddy could buy a tank of gas. He gave me a 64 Mb card with it. I figured I could electronically store a gazillion stories and books and basically carry my library around in my pocket. Now for the hard part. Back in those dinosaur days SD Cards were still very small and expensive. Today they are huge. I have seen them at 32 gigs for less than I paid for my 8 gig flash drive. My real problem is this. My old toy chokes and gags if I try to use even a one gig card. Have you tried to buy a small capacity SD card recently? The only ones I can find at all are on Ebay, and located in China, and I could buy a new 8 gig High Cap card for what they want for postage on a 3.00 or less purchase. So, on bent knee I inquire here. Does anyone out there have a 512Mb or even smaller standard SD card they might care to be rid of for a reasonable cost? Thanks in advance. Erin, if this is out of line, feel free to delete it.

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