Was just taking a look my story list, and noticed something odd about the number of hits some of my stories have. By hit count, "summer princess" is the most hit story i have written to date, although it does not have anywhere the number of comments of some other pieces. I am curious as to why.
More people opened the link, that's all the hit count is.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
i knew that erin
i just wondered why that particular story was getting the hits.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
What I meant was...
...there is no why, it just is. At least, there is no way to determine why it happens. Time of day it was posted, style of last story you wrote, news that day that may relate to the story, the list is endless, vague and indeterminate. You get a lot of hits because the link was opened a lot of times. Any further explanation is just speculation.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
And There Are Numerous Reasons Why.
[email protected] Tags, Title, Age; it all has bearing. Even sex. Imagine that!!!
I've written two stories where the only significant difference was which parent I was writing to. The one to Mom garnered 25% more hits than the one to Dad. This doesn't surprise me at all. It's simply the nature of the audience.
Love And Hugs,
[email protected]
ghost hits
had been getting a totally impossible number of hits for a month. Over 100 on some days.
No comments or kudos, just clicks, and way after Christmas. This creeped me out so I deleted it.
This probably has no bearing on your situation, but I've been meaning to mention this
odd and spooky phenomenon somewhere...
~~hugs, Laika
(Song has been moved to an earlier grab bag story-compilation posting of mine,
but I don't want the ghost to know where exactly...)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
It depends on the impact
I think it si what hits the readers the most. I have stories with thousands of hits and no comments, but another with many comments with a quarter of the reads. It's all about the message, Arecee
I get huge numbers of hits on some things, but they are title pages. I assume that a title like 'Unifroms' drags in a lot of search engine results just because it is a common word.
If 'Unifroms' gets a lot of hits on the search engine you use, I'm almost afraid to ask which one ;)
Interesting. Which search engine do dyslexics use?
me and my hunt and peck typing...no, the viewpoints and uniforms title pages get silly numbers daily, and I asume it's because they are common terms on Google.
I've noticed
When a large number of stories are posted, there are fewer comments made-in general, not always. I have to admit, if there are a lot of stories posted that I'm following, I really want to read them, so I leave a kudo and figure on coming back to comment. Sometimes I do forget to comment, but if the story is good, I always leave a kudo!
The other problem I have is that sometimes, I just don't have much to say! Especially when there are many comments already there. I've begun leaving shorter comments, rather than none, as I think most authors appreciate that someone has enjoyed their efforts enough to say something nice, and there are so many excellent stories out there! This site has some great talent, along with somwe of us less-than-stellar writers. I only hope one day to be as good.
If you like a story, always leave a kudo! At least then the author knows you actually read the whole story! I have stories with thousands of hits, a few kudos and one or two comments. Did they read it all? Was there something the readers didn't like? I'll never know.