I was just on Sapphire's Place reading some stories and suddenly got a domain expired page. Does anyone know if Sapphire is going to renew the domain or if she needs any financial assistance to renew the domain?
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I was just on Sapphire's Place reading some stories and suddenly got a domain expired page. Does anyone know if Sapphire is going to renew the domain or if she needs any financial assistance to renew the domain?
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Odd ... Works for me
I'd try refreshing your page as I just tried her site and it worked fine for me.
P.S. this was through I.E.8 on Win7
Never mind this entry.
Never mind this entry. I just saw an earlier entry asking the same question. It was just off the short list of recent blog entries.
P.S. The issue was that before I had problems I'd accessed the site from the link at the top of the home page here. The link on the top of the page is http://sapphireplace.com/ not http://www.sapphireplace.com/. When the domain registration stuff started the links there wouldn't work without the appropriate 'www' in front of the domain name.
It could be your DNS
When a domain 'expires', the registrar changes the DNS pointer from the actual server (where the site really is) to their 'temporary' page location.
When the domain name is renewed, the DNS pointers are changed back. Since there are a whole lot of DNS servers, they may not all update at the same time or frequency. Thus, there may be a delay based on where you are and which DNS you connect to when trying to access the site.
BTW, DNS stands for Domain Name Server. I posted a message the other day to the TG Fiction group explaining all of that. Rather than go into it, again, just look there. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TG_Fiction/message/30303. Remember, you need to be a member. If you aren't, please accept this invitation as the shameless plug it is. =)
I know, TMI. Sorry.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders (Also moderator for the TGFiction Yahoo group.)

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.