Here's one for Sci-Fi fans: the 10th Doctor is to marry the 5th Doctor's daughter. Who once played the 10th Doctor's daughter/clone.
Well, he is on record as talking about the "wibbly wobbly timey wimey" nature of his travels, so I guess anything's possible...
For the benefit of non-Whovians: David Tennant has got engaged to Georgia Moffett. David Tennant played the 10th incarnation of Doctor Who, while Georgia's dad, Peter Davison, played the 5th incarnation of the Time Lord. As for the daughter/clone reference, read the plot summary over at Wikipedia.
Showing my age
I gave up Dr. Who after B & W tele, Daleks and cardboard sets. I think Jon Pertwee was the Dr. then. Okay, I'm a wimp; I admit it.
I at least made it through Tom Baker :P I still have his autograph somewhere :) But Jon was a great Doctor, but which was the better car, the Whomobile or Bessie?
Only one appropriate response
No, WHO, Dr Who!
The 10th Doctor
David Tennant is/was the only decent one of the bunch. I never could get into the previous shows - big yawn time. Then I caught an episode with Tennant and Billie Piper. The chemistry between the two was just fantastic and made the show worth watching. Now that Rose and the Tenth Doctor are both gone I quit watching, it's no fun anymore.
(BTW: The character of Donna Noble really sucked, IMHO)
. . . .
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
When you could get proper UK telly in the Colonies.
I just loved Dr Who and his silly cardboard props! giggle. Then there was Master Piece Theatre, and Inspector Pirot, and The Prisoner. Never did understand Mr Monte Pylon.
Then there were all those Documentarys done by the UK of the second war. I could never understand how the Sailors were stout enough to drive a Corvette all around the North Atlantic. Perhaps they were simply too daft to know the difference.
I've got a bit of Worchestershire sauce in my blood, and I hope to go there in the summer to explore.
Much peace