Sweat and Tears

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From Chapter 14 onward this will be getting extremely dark and very nasty. I will, as is my normal style, not be going into unnecessarily graphic detail as I feel that what happens to young Stevie should be seen as shadows on a wall and not a slow motion porn film. I put some detail into his teenaged fumbling with Emily because I felt that certain aspects of that were essential to the plot, but I will not do that for other bits. Such detail is unnecessary.
I have mailed a couple of people here I consider as long-distance friends to warn them off the episode. I am not trying to be melodramatic, just to spare some wounded people further distress.

My sincerest apologies to anyone hurt by this tale. There are redeeming features to it; please trust me. As before, a precis is avalable for anyone who wants to avoid the actual chapters I indicate.

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