Hi Everyone,
I'm just really concerned about Zoe. I know She was having doubts about who She was and where She was headed. There are so many of us that have similar concerns.
I've thought of Her as a dear friend for quite some time. I know that many of You have too. If anybody has heard from Her, or has any contact info; I'd appreciate it greatly if You could pass it along in a PM. (I'm talking to you Tychonaut!)
If You feel the need to pass it by Her first; feel free. I'm pretty sure She'll be amenable.
Love And Hugs,
Jonelle-Elise(Always Bailey's Cuter Half!) ;)
Still having doubts, but...
... I sort of had one of those life-changing lightning bolt moments about a week ago, and I'm still kind of reeling from it.
I realized that a LOT of my problems don't actually stem from my being transgendered. It's too much for me to really talk about in a public forum like this, but I'll pass it along in a PM soon.
As an aside I had been hoping to have the final chapter of Robin ready by now. I wanted to post it as a Christmas surprise, but my muse has been fighting me every step of the way. Ever since my dog was attacked, I just haven't been able to focus on writing, which is in itself, bloody frustrating.
Anyway, I'm sorry for making you guys worry. I'm mostly just in a very raw, difficult place right now, and I'm trying to sort out the truth. I've stuck with Top Shelf for two years this week, through thick and thin.
I've had people attack me, my writing, even the people I associate with, I've laughed and I've cried with you guys. BCTS is more than just a website of anonymous people.
Hanging out with Melanie and Edeyn for a week this past summer not only saved my sanity, it put a face to it, and while I am, quite literally, incapable of forgetting the things that torment me now, I also haven't forgotten the good things either.
I know I always have friends to come back to, even when I get lost along the way sometimes. I just hope that you guys will continue to forgive me :-)
I think that the majority of humanity
has significant problems, and they don't all stem from any one thing. Being L, G, B, T or do ray mi, it really doesn't matter. We ALL have problems. I've hung a lot of problems on Causes before, only to have to reevaluate later on. So hang in there, honey, and don't fret too much. Most of the time we just have to be glad we managed to drag ourselves out of the mud. Figuring just how we came to fall in the muck in the first place isn't always the best use of our time.
That's true
I think I spend entirely too much time trying to evaluate the cause, rather than what I can do to heal. I got my acceptance letter from college, so that's at least one step forward, and I'm trying to be more open with the people I do trust instead of just pushing everyone away whenever I feel vulnerable.
Someone once told me that if I'm ever going to love others, I need to love myself first. Whether or not transition is a part of that remains to be seen, but I can at least identify some areas where I can work toward healing. :-)
My New Year's resolution two years ago, when I first started posting and blogging, was to try and 'find' myself. My resolution this year is simply to move forward. ^_^
Final Robin story? Say it ain't so!
I know, all good things come to an end (sniff!), and sometimes the muse just says "Okay, that's enough!", but I shall truly miss that story!
Ack! Final chapter of Book Two :-)
I meant to say the final chapter/epilogue for Book Two. Sorry about that. :-) I might be taking a small break from writing Robin after I finish the second book, but I want to see her go on to college :-D
Big sigh of relief Zoe
At the same time yes please take care of yourself, a happy Zoe is a better Zoe and it will be reflected in everything you do including your writing or maybe you might have to put it all on hold while you focus on school. Regardless where it goes it has been a pleasure following your tales and some of your own self discovery.
Take care.