A Plea, A Request, Abject Groveling and Begging !!

A Hope that got your attention. LOL

I like every other writer out there does this for free, nada, zilch, zip, nothing! Well, except for one thing, your comments and Kudos!!

I was looking at the numbers on the stories currently being offered and I noticed something. Well, it's not REALLY hard to guess, but there is no correlation between the number of comments or kudos AND the number of readers. Sooo...

What I'm requesting is simple. If you LIKE a story, leave a comment. If you HATE the story, leave a comment, Heck, if you're so lukewarm that you neither like nor hate, well in that case...

It would just be nice to know that out of almost 700 readers more than 6 people commented, loved (Yeah!! 16 Kudos so far) or hated a story. Or, out of over 30 thousand reads my stories have a whopping total of just over 125 comments. That translates to less than one half of one percent of my story reads have generated comments.

That's depressing.

I am certain that I'm not alone.


Would you think of the poor dumb and deluded author(s) (Me) out there writing their fingers to the bone; typing, re-typing (okay RE-re-typing again when I lose my only backup!), editing, proofing and all the research, and all the blood, sweat, and tears (wait, that's Churchill isn't it? or was it a rock band?) that go into writing a story and PLEASE let us (OR AT LEAST ME) know that you're reading and enjoying what we (I) offer you ???

Thank you,


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