I would covet your prayers. After four years of fighting to save it, I will be losing my left foot sometime in the next month. I've done all I can do. I've lost about 100 pounds and have had over 16 surgeries. My doctors have all been excellent, and I bear none of them ill will.
I am transgendered. I am in transition.
I am a pastor and chaplain
I am scared and brokenhearted at what's going to be happening.
Yes, I KNOW this is for the best. I've known it would be necessary for at least 6 months. I trust in my Lord and Savior, but I'm still scared. This last weekend the end of the Tibia shattered into many pieces. My pain and discomfort have risen. I know God is in control, but I'm still frightened.
Thank you in advance,
Most of us understand your fear.
I know that the loss of your foot is going to be a real challenge for you. Sometimes we weep all night long; wondering why God is allowing this in our lives, but in the end we come to the place that we realize that we are a creation of God and what ever he does, perhaps some time in the future we will be able to look back and realize that we learned something. It was that way for me and while I do not know that I will not experience loss in the future, sometimes I am able to timidly look back and than him for his patient teaching. I did not ask for the pain, I did not like the pain and I most certainly would never ask for it again. What can I do but be obedient before him.
I know those who continually experience bitterness and anger as I sometimes do, but in the end we have no choice in the matter.
Much peace
All Are Thoughts Prayers
Beth; I'm sure you'll find all are thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope everything get OK. There alot good thing prothious(I'm sure this is spelled wrong) these days thanks to VietNam and the current Wars in the Far East you can get very realisic replacement legs that even have feeling in them thanks micro-electronics. A Friend! Richard
I will pray for you Beth
It is entirely normal for you to feel scared. That's just human. Sometimes it is hard to understand why God allows what He allows and at those moments it is so hard to trust in Him. But, I believe that He feels our pain along with us and is always with us. He will be there with you, too, holding your hand and never leaving your side. That is one thing you will never have to worry about losing.
God bless you, my sister.
I wish you well
with your forthcoming challenge. I'm sure your doctors will do their utmost best for you and that you will come through this. Focus now on your recovery and be ready for when you're back to normal living and what you're going to be doing - keep moving forward.
Good luck,
'my love,my thoughts and my prayers are for you.May the good Lord keep and protect you.Much love,ALISON.
That's okay
But you say you have faith. But you also say you are scared. If indeed you have your faith with you, then you shouldn't be scared.
The thing about being human is all about having frailties. It is how one handles one's frailties that defines the quality of a person. No one is perfect, and no one has perfect faith. It is but normal to doubt one's faith from time to time. For Christians, we believe that everyone is heir to the original sin, and it is from this that such imperfect faith and doubt comes. It is but human to be scared.
And in these moments, a person turns to prayer, that a higher power will make right what one has no power to make right on his/her own. That is the power and the hope that prayer gives us mortals.
In that myth (if I may call it myth), when Adam and Eve fell into original sin, they took comfort in each other, since they were ashamed to go to their Lord.
In that way, God has made others to be a comfort to each other in this imperfect world of imperfect faith. Please do take comfort from us, your friends, that, though we are but electronic ghosts on your computer's screen, there are indeed people on the other side of that screen, and we are there to provide hope and a hug. Yes, because, though you know a higher power is out there looking out for you, our imperfect faith makes us doubt it. We are here to assure you that there is indeed someone out there looking out for you.
I will be going to church today before going on to work, to light a candle and offer a prayer.
It's okay to be scared. At least not too much. He's there.
To see Bobbie's stories in BCTS, click this link: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/14775/roberta-j-cabot
To see Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click this link: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/19261/working-girl-blogs
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I'll light a candle
for you tonight Beth. I'll add my prayers to all the rest of those who both love and care for you. Try to keep this in mind though okay. You believe in and speak to others about god. Maybe this is a way for you to strengthen your own faith through trial so you can speak to those who are likewise injured or worse who are turning themselves from those who are hale and whole saying what would you know about what I'm going through.
You can look these hurting souls in the eyes and say I know. I know and still believe.
May the lord lift you up in times of darkness.
May he let us see the light in ourselves so we may lead others out of the darkness.
Bailey Summers
Oh, dear, Beth, I can't even imagine
Oh, dear, Beth, I can't even imagine how scared I would feel in your situation!
But I'm sure your strong faith and fine doctors will see you through this, and you will come out the other end stronger.
My thoughts are with you.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
You are in my heart and prayers.
Bright Blessings to you.