Some of you know, I damaged my ankles playing football, in a vain attempt to please my father. It took years to manifest it'self, but in the past 4 years I've had 16 operations trying to salvage the ankle, so it would work.
It's been 6 monrhs since it became abundantly clear I would lose the leg to just below the knee. Doctors, insurance companies, etc. have had me hanging and waiting
Well, the wait is probably coming to an end. I went into the doctor today who took xrays. To say he was surprised is quite an understatement. He began to believe me about the 16 surgeries as the Talus and the calcanous are both substantially gone. What I found today indicates he tibia previously shortened by two inches has now been shortened by another inch. An inch of shattered bone. You see in the bruising visible on the surface.
Soooooooo. There is no more reason to piddle around. It can't be saved and everyone aggrees, It's still going to take a week to sort the insurance out.
Please pray for me. I am frustrated with the insurance and the doctors and afraid of the whole procsess.
Blessings all!
I'm so sorry for you Beth. Please get well
Do you have diabietes?
That often complcates healing and sometimes leads to amputation due to complications as one ages.
Or is is just from tramitic damage from the football?
I liked playing as a kid, though I sucked at it but always the flag/touch style. Never could see the wisdom in maiming yourself for the *Love of the game*.
I have great respect for those who do play tackle football and other difficult sports as the risks for life long injuries is signifcant.
Though not a *man of faith* if my word counts for anything you have my prayers for your swift recovery after surgury and for the insurance company to not be a bitch!
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Dearest Beth...
[email protected] ... I had no idea that your situation was so dire. It makes me feel guilty about coming to you for help with my own problems.
My Uncle recently went through something similar. In his case however, it was due to poor circulation as a result of ongoing heart problems that he didn't attend to.
My prayers are definately with you.
God Bless,
[email protected]
That you have held my hand in the midst of your own pain...
...but then that's the person you are to me. Friend....Sister...Pastor. Thank you for being so generous with your care and love. May our God richly bless you with grace and peace. My heart to yours, sis!
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Ohhhhh Beth!
I'm so sorry for this info. It has to be crushing. My father lost his leg due to an infection a few years after his stroke. It crushed him, and all of us. Hang tough, and don't let it grind you down. If prayers help, you have them.
I wish you the very best outcome
It sounds like you are making a brave decision to avoid future pain and difficulty. Healing and therapy will take time and patience, too. Be strong in that way that is not effort but endurance and will as you have proved that you can do.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I Hope You Feel Better Soon
I hope you feel better soon Beth. I know it is frustrating trying to deal with Red tape. Bureaucrats love to drag their feet on everything. I'm sorry you have had to suffer this long.
my prayers
are with you hun. hugs from me.
Hi Beth. I'm Wren. I don't know if I can help you, or if you would want it. In 2000 I stepped on a screw in a railyard in Chicago. I don't have much feeling in my feet, due to Diabetic Neuropathy. I didn't know it was there, so I didn't take care of it. I was a truck driver, used to long hours of local freight. When I got home the next day, we found the wound and went to a hospital. After much treatment, I eventually lost the toes on my right foot. I was told I would never walk again. Hah!
Let's just say that I did, and continue. My limping caused a blister on my left foot, which became a diabetic ulcer. Long story short, 17 major surgeries later, I lost my left leg below my knee in 2006. They said I would never walk again. Once again, Hah! I am VERY stubborn.
I have a loving family (wife, 5 step-kids, too many animals), but they could not understand what I was going through, and it would have been nice to have someone who understands this stuff to ask questions of. This is to let you know that if you would like, I am here, and would be glad to offer an experienced ear to you. I also have many friends, now, and if I don't know an answer, perhaps I can get it. Please feel free to write to me. I believe we have some similarities, and I think maybe I can be a friend. I'm here quite often, and check my inbox frequently. Feel free to contact me!
Yes, i am so inclined
and i will