My current story has achieved its own life, as I had hoped!
The current plot twist at the end of chapter 17 being surrounded by the 4 enemies would completely unplanned and unforeseen.
I love when this happens. Literally, I'm reading the story as it evolves. I have no way to explain how this works, I am simply glad it happens.
I hope that everyone who has read it is having as much fun as I!
By the way, I met with the real life "Robbie" today (all the names in the story have been changed to protect the guilty [wicked giggle]) and caught her up on what is happening. She thoroughly approved of how I was using her character. "Carrie" and I introduce ourselves and adopted sisters, which takes on new connotations when you realize we are in the same coven LoL.
"Carrie" is also happy with her part and feels very comfortable with it all, too.
Thanks to all who have read my work and please leave comments. I get inspiration from the oddest things, so you never know!
Y'all have fun,
Very Creative
is the phrase i would use for your story D.D. Its going everywhere :) Keep your muse churning! and let the words flow :)
Sephrena Lynn Miller
find a mirror...
and give yourself a world-class curtsey for me!
Thanks so much and I greatly appreciate it!